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Getting around a O'Neill Long Acting Naltrexone Implant (revia)

I'm a recovering addict with around the same amount of clean time and I love my life and you can to. I've been to rehabs, detoxes, and had countless medications and voodoo services done..the only thing that works is being completely and totally willing to change your life and replacing the countless minutes per day you spent using with something productive. Laying in your bed counting the seconds until you can use isn't going to do anything. I didn't go to a single NA meeting, and I haven't been to rehab since the last time I used. I see a psychiatrist once a month to get suboxone and i smoke weed. Prior to smoking weed they had me on about five different psychotropic medications that just didn't work for me. Honestly, I take about a quarter of the dose of suboxone I'm prescribed and if i had a day where the cravings were just intolerable (which I haven't had in a long time) I would just double or quadruple the suboxone dose and get a buzz off of it and it kind of gave me a reward for being on the medication. I have taken a zero-tolerance policy with drama in my life, I had to write out some people I really loved, but I have never been happier. Even if you ripped out the implant tomorrow and went and copped a brick it wouldn't make you happy. This isn't the way life has to be. Resolve it in your head that you have this implant and for the next however many months you HAVE to figure out something else to do. Even if you're planning on using the first possible second you can, you can't use now. So either way you're going to have to learn some coping mechanisms to pass the time. I suggest small rewards for small accomplishments (i used to buy myself something small I wanted every month I was clean) and keeping yourself as busy as possible. NA doesn't work because there's some magic involved, it helps because it gets people out of the house and gives them something to do and someone to answer to. I'm not saying i'm a perfect angel. I go out, I party, I do Molly or Acid sometimes, I smoke weed like it's my job. But I'm no longer, and never again have to be, a slave to the needle, and neither do you. I didn't intend to get preachy but I have been where you are, maybe even worse off, and I'm telling you it can be different. I would've sent this in a private message but I'm not allowed to yet.
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A quote that has gotten me through so much is roughly "Pain is unavoidable, suffering is optional" and it's true. You are responsible for everything you do. No one can MAKE you feel anything. You make you feel. This is coming from someone with diagnosed bipolar disorder. I understand that sometimes irrational thoughts are difficult to distinguish from what is rational, but understand that happiness comes from within and YOU are the only one that can make you happy. Make the extremely difficult steps, little by little, each day to make yourself slightly happier. You can no longer get away with using. I'm assuming the implant is a last ditch effort to ensure you still have a home, because my parents tried to scare me clean with similar ultimatums (Ultimata? : P). This is how it has to be, you HAVE to get clean. Do whatever you need to do to make it as painless as possible because the only person you're ever hurting is yourself. I want everyone who struggles with addiction to feel the way that I feel because I feel like i am such a better person for having gone through the unthinkably difficult struggle of digging myself out of the grave I dove head-first into. I hope I don't come off as arrogant and cocky, I'm not. I just want so badly to help because I know how badly it hurts. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Please, like i said, contact me anytime.
Thanks so much red pill and no you dont come off as cocky. Sorry to Emu too, I cant reply to messages yet being a greenlighter.
That saying 'pain is unavoidable, suffering is optional' has gotten to me. This implant is my second and yes its my last ditch.
I really am at a point where I cant make excuses, avoid or get away with anything and the childish drug addict in me is really pissed at that.
I don't feel so trapped and hopeless these days, I have been moved back onto Efexor from another anti-depressant my doctor recently prescribed.
You're very right about being a slave to a needle. I see needles differently after these 5 months, now I consider the process to be a stupid activity, but I am still "in love" with it if you understand me.
For example if I was at the chemist and someone came in to buy a fitpak (syringes) while I was there, my first feeling would be jealousy.
My depression is making everything more serious and dramatic than it is. It is seriously a mind f**k. I have made a choice to everyday keep myself occupied and basically help myself grow out of this behaviour. By taking baby steps and setting myself up to win. Im not lying in bed everyday anymore and resigning myself to opiate addiction - everyone is right : ) I have a choice. Thank you all for your support and understanding!
Would Tramadol help me in any way? Im told its like an opiate, but not really....
help you how? with pain or your depression? for myself it works fantastic for both even when i have a large tolerance to other opiates.

the non-opioid activity of tramadol shows the analgesic effects of tramadol not being fully antagonised by naloxone. so i'd imagine you may have some success with it's use but i would avoid going over the 400mg threshold if you do decide to dose.
I was going to suggest Tramadol, but you are already on venlafaxine. Never mix these two drugs!! (Serotonin Syndrome is likely)

The problem with Tramadol is that it is considered an opioid as it has activity at the mu receptor. Therefore I would suggest that you should steer clear of this drug purely due to the fact that you are treating an opiate addiction.

The plus is however that venlafaxine has been shown to have similar pain relieving and antidepressant properties as Tramadol, however it does not possess the mu action that Tramadol does. This makes it a good selection by your doctor.

As to whether it would help... in the event that you decided to remove your implant, Tramadol has been shown to be effective in stabilising the mood of recovering addicts, but the low seizure threshold is a big negative for those who want to chase the hi.

You really got to talk to your doctor about this one as it may compromise your treatment to use Tramadol.
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Thanks for the advice on Tramadol. I have decided to take your advice and not use it. I think I just miss that old feeling.......
im having the same problem, i got the naltrexone shot(instead of the implant) which lasts for a month and im so damn depressed. It feels like i cant go back to a normal life. I was using on and off for three years n i jus find it hard to deal with life on lifes terms w/o a nice shot of dope. My p's gave me the ultimatum if i dont get it i gotta go so i went w it but dont know where to go from here
Okay Im at day 174 of a 200 day implant........reckon Id feel oxycodone yet?
noone can give you an accurate guess as to whether you could or not and at what dose would be safe. stay strong man, it's only another 26 days to go! that's nothing!

go out and buy yourself a new video game or something to play and keep you occupied in the mean time.
Yeah I was gonna say... 26 days lol... the worst is definitely over %)
I went and got a maintenance implant top-up. It was getting out of control again - "it" being my opiate lust
ah bugger eh!

Pity you could not have waited out the last few days and got on a proper maintenance program...

Hope it is working out for you.
Well at the very least, the implant seems to provide some measure of self-preservation...

best of luck :\
have you heard of Opiate Replacement Therapy with either methadone or buprenorphine? look into the pro's and con's of each one and weigh up what you think may be the better option and give ond or the other a go if the implant isn't really helping you (as your thread kind of indicates to me)
what do you call a proper maintenance program?

What lefty said...

I am sure your doctors looked at these options before putting you on the implant, but it would have been a good time to reassess your position after your implant ran out...

Especially seeing that the implant is giving you terrible side effects. That does not sound like a good solution to me at all.

There are options out there, do some research and talk to your doctor.
^^^^ Would strongly reccommend the Buprenorphine program in terms of suitability, particularly for someone with a high tendency towards injecting drug use....
