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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Get to know your neighbo(u)rs from across the pond

oh yeah. dominic west was a total surprise to me too. he is not really known much in the UK, except as "that guy from the Wire. who is american".

perhaps the moral of the story here is that american talent agencies can't get good american actors any more? ;)

another "Wire surprise" is that the character Snoop was actually female. true.
... which also contains rat droppings and earth (for extra flavour), and can only be properly enjoyed if you have a beard and a knitted jumper. ;)

another question for the septics:

what is your favourite cover of an american song by a british artist or band? or can you think of any atrocious ones?

i am currently listening to what is probably my favourite cover of a british song by an american band:

War Pigs - Faith No More (originally by Black Sabbath)

just in case i wasn't clear, here was the question again for the yanks:

what is your favourite cover of an american song by a british artist or band? or can you think of any atrocious ones?

why can't i think of ANY right now? damn. please try and name one we might have heard of.
You know, I honestly can't think of any off the top of my head right now either... I know there's been quite a few the other way around
The Flaming Lips did a cover of the Pink Floyd album, Dark Side of the Moon.

Here is a link for one of the songs for those who may be interested.
bahhh... name a song, which did well commercially, that we're likely to have heard of!

in the mean time, look at this:

The World of Tomorrow (If The Internet Disappeared Today)


do americans in general harbour any ill-will towards England for creating Rick Astley? was the average american really pissed off that time an american football club had an online vote to decide which song to play at half time, and it was "Never Gonna Give You Up"?

epic irl trolling. :D
^ Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head. I can't decide which is worse; the music video or the song?

UB40 turned Neil Diamonds 'Red Red Wine' into an even gayer song.
^ I wake up every morning and check the news, Bluelight, and Cracked.
bit off topic but being americans are any of you lot watching the ufc and how popular is it in your country obviously it is in its infancy over here i been watching years now
^ I moved the question from the heroin thread into here.

UFC is pretty popular here. Bars have specials and get really crowded on fight nights. I'm not a particular fan of it though.
Yah I would say the UFC and Mixed Martial Arts style fighting has become extremely popular atleast in California. Like tommy boy said bars throw parties for the fight, cuz the big ones are ppv(pay per view). On Bart and other public transit when im chatting with someone next to me.. it gets mentioned. I would say it is becoming mainstream for sure. It is violent and so that does turn a good amount of people off and my prevent it from become as popular as say the NBA, NFL ,NHL and the MLB.

I have some questions for the Brits:

How much American TV do you get over there?

Do most people have their own vehicles, or do you say share one with family/housemates w/e.? How many like % of people would you say take public transit atleast like 4 days a week? say for work..

what sports do yall like besides like football(english) and like cricket? is cricket even popular over there?

Man I need to the get the fuck outta California more often! I mean wanna experience other cultures!
the only cover of an american song that i can think of that a Brit did and that i .iked and was comercially successful was joss stone "fell in love with a boy"..you can find lots of other covers but that was the only one that was successful that i remember...

and female singers is something you Brits have on us americans..your female singers would kill us..id take adele and joss stone over most american female singers, i literally get goosebumps when i hear both of them sing...i mean dont get me wrong we have great singers(mariah, beyonce, alicia keys just to name a few) but the soulfulness and power behind adele and joss is amazing
Bowie did a good cover of Pixies' 'CACTUS'. I love the original and quite like the cover so he must have done well.

BTW can someone change the title of the sticky which links to this topic over on EADD as it has read 'ask AND American' for months (?) now and I wasn't aware of you lot having changed THAT part of our language yet.

Thanks, chaps.
War Pigs - Faith No More (originally by Black Sabbath)

if you dig that song, you might also dig this version of that song (also performed by an American band, so very apt)

"war pigs" - Cake

and I heard that most everyone from Across the Pond is just as obsessed with the band the Arctic Monkeys as me. seen them many times, my band covers a song of theirs, and more-or-less is the Americanized version of them ;)
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