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Geometry as a method for accessing intermediary beings


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
seek the hypoteneuse, or study the circle.

the devil is a hoax
you are the author of your own integrity.
that is the only math you need for your spirits.

geometry however is an endless delight in relationships like the hyponeneuse and pi ("π")

I am not thinking of an author, but having someone else to blame for one's mistaken mysticism is not very interesting to me.
Hundreds of smarter than average goofs have written volumes of bunko theories, like Mckenna. yikes, lots of twisted shit out there.
you are the author of your own integrity.
that is the only math you need for your spirits.

geometry however is an endless delight in relationships like the hyponeneuse and pi ("π")

I am not thinking of an author, but having someone else to blame for one's mistaken mysticism is not very interesting to me.
Hundreds of smarter than average goofs have written volumes of bunko theories, like Mckenna. yikes, lots of twisted shit out there.
Take some haldol
Geometry is useful in many ways and there is no denying it.

That being said, the O P lost me at the "accessing intermediary beings". Good luck with that and report back.
Geometry is useful in many ways and there is no denying it.

That being said, the O P lost me at the "accessing intermediary beings". Good luck with that and report back.
The closest thing I've read about it is in "The Art and Practice of Astral Projection by Ophiel"
As a technique to get into the astral world.
I've already communicated to some beings, sober by using some phasing/meditation techniques and special sleep work.
I'm pretty sure imagination of some geometric shapes can help you go into other worlds too. Tho this seems less practical to me. At least in a sober state. Maybe it can be facilitated with drugs. That sounds actually really interesting

I see where you are going here and agree. However Geometry is math and in many cases not trivial. Still fringe science... as were the experiments with Radium by Curie et al.

Totally explorible, probably not obtainable randomly.

I notice that repeating complicated words one after another (like mathematical terms or liturgical mumbo jumbo) creates a lofty feeling of in-between-ness.
this is a kind of high in itself.
also the mere idea of any straight edges in space are extremely trippy and likely to attract the mindless creatures of the night.
I notice that repeating complicated words one after another (like mathematical terms or liturgical mumbo jumbo) creates a lofty feeling of in-between-ness.
this is a kind of high in itself.
Yes but that is only when the biological aspecs of the perpendicular bisector are clavicated dimensionally. :)

I read that article a few times trying to find a home in my head. It's been a no go.
I don't believe in the occult but still thoroughly enjoyed the read. When Burroughs accidentally killed his wife in Mexico I'm compelled to believe he actually was possessed by an ugly spirit, the blue agave spirit.
You all familiar with Lovecraft? He has a beautiful story about this. A witch uses the geometry of a very specifically shaped corner in a room to travel between dimensions and time. She haunts a boy who moves in many years later. I love it. Man was 100 years ahead of his time. He also was 100 years ahead of the "ancient aliens in the arctic" conspiracies, true or not.

As far as in reality, my curiosity loves the topic, but my more logical side wants for tangible evidence. I had a roommate in college become obsessed with "sacred geometry" and went off the deep end for a bit

Geometry may be the language of physics, but I dont see how that applies to it being manipulated by humans.
I actually studied and enjoyed learning all kinds of things related to Tarot and numerology including astrology - some aspects of it have made a lasting impression on me and my intuitive sense of what goes with (or went with) what.

what goes with what is the basis of classifications.

many bases of classifications have not stood the test of time, but it is still interesting to examine them and how they became seductive and in many ways still are. (eg.Tarot)
I have always found the mathematical perfection in the fractals I get when I close my eyes on certain psychedelics to be very interesting.
My brain literally shows me a representation of sacred geometry that exists inside of it.
I actually studied and enjoyed learning all kinds of things related to Tarot and numerology including astrology - some aspects of it have made a lasting impression on me and my intuitive sense of what goes with (or went with) what.

what goes with what is the basis of classifications.

many bases of classifications have not stood the test of time, but it is still interesting to examine them and how they became seductive and in many ways still are. (eg.Tarot)

In addition early work and conclusions may end up false, but this does not invalidate the situation they identified and were looking into. Science is a process that begins and moves forward with creativity.