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Genetically modified tobacco plant produces cocaine in its leaves

Wow. cool. im blocked on the article.. How much does it produce? Well looking at your investment portfolio id recommend selling them bothersome logistics in Mexico and dumping your expensive columbian and Peruvian portfolio.. I always like buying American.. something patriotic and you can feel good and feel just that your American produced tobacco blow is conflict free and produced with safe processes and ingredients we would give to our own adult children.

Guaranteed mass grave free... stamped certified true by the Free Market Substance of a Just Society.

Hey Martha lets dump that war zone condo in Mexico and start looking for a little land in Tennessee darling.
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Soon as illicit manufacturers can figure out the science behind this, it’s game over.

It won't be long. Tobacco is a member of the Solanacae, which coca is also a member. LSD can already be made via submerged batch culture (erroniously called brewing LSD), as well as altering the biochemistry of loads of plants, for other drug production.
It won't be long. Tobacco is a member of the Solanacae, which coca is also a member. LSD can already be made via submerged batch culture (erroniously called brewing LSD), as well as altering the biochemistry of loads of plants, for other drug production.

Isn't ergot made vis submerged culture (although 40% is still grown on purposefully infected rye)? Never heard of LSD itself being produced that way. Not saying it's not true - but I looked long and hard at the whole precursor thing. i CAN REF THE WHOLE AREA.
The bit I read, was that the submerged culture had to be primed with precursors, to achieve synthesis of LSD (basically skewing the precurors massively in favour of the peptide linkage being with diethylamide).
Think I read it in New Scientist/Scientific American. They usually get things right, just simplified a bit compared to the original peer reviewed paper, but either myself or said publications could be wrong (If I had to put money on it, I'd bet I'd got it wrong)

An article like that generally means I put magazine in special storage place. Will look after I've had something to eat.
Yeah - because other amides are possible (R) sec butyl amine for example.

Wonder what the cost is? Ergot production is an industry & peptide-coupling reagents now allow for 96% yield... so it would HAVE to be cheap.

I mean BOL-148 + NaBH4 followed by preparative chromatography is the most DIRECT route. if you can get BOL-148.
Let nature do the hard work, like if you want 4-hydroxy MiPT, you just feed MiPT to Psilocybe fungi, sit back and wait...
Is that the trypramine or the N-substituted amino-acid?