General Heroin #19 v. Posting Between the Nods

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I think I was a lot less depressed when I just snorted it and didn't shoot up.

I would sometimes think I would get less depression if I started shooting because snorting was so damn expensive. And that's where my depression came from was when I was spending $1100-$1300 a week on the shit. I was always just too scared of needles and the couple times I came close to shooting (because I was with someone who would do it for me) I was still to scared of OD'ing. Now looking back I am grateful that I some how never ended up using that needle. Just outta curiosity for those who did start off snorting and then to banging, I know when you start injecting you ultimately don't need to use as much or as often, but do you eventually make it back to the amount you were snorting? Or are you always able to use less than that. I'm curious because when I was at my worst, I was doing 4 bags just to get the morning sick off, then 2 bags every couple hours to keep the sick off, and then at night after work when I wanted to actually get high and nod, I would have to do 6-8 bags at once to really get a good nod. At that time, you wouldn't believe how fat and long of lines I could do in one breath. And I can't imagine ever being able to shoot that much dope with out OD'ing.
Yes you make it back to your intranasal tolerance pretty fucking fast after you start iv'ing
Took me maybe two weeks
I would sometimes think I would get less depression if I started shooting because snorting was so damn expensive. .

alot of people make this mistake; I did the same. you think it will be less but it turns out costing more in the long run because the addiction and addict ways just sky rocket once the needle hits the arm. always stay away from the needle, man. I know this is coming from a junkie who uses it, but I wish I never did. you hear this always and everyone says the same thing, but we all say it for a reason, and its because its the truth and the needle truly hurts us the most.
Hey . How's everyone doing? I have to say, I am completely stoned off my ass right now. It has taken me 37 minutes to write this post. Now 44 minutes, lol. I'm done for tonight. I'll have to tell yall my story of what happened tomorrow. Good night.
Team Nod Assemble
I would sometimes think I would get less depression if I started shooting because snorting was so damn expensive. And that's where my depression came from was when I was spending $1100-$1300 a week on the shit. I was always just too scared of needles and the couple times I came close to shooting (because I was with someone who would do it for me) I was still to scared of OD'ing. Now looking back I am grateful that I some how never ended up using that needle. Just outta curiosity for those who did start off snorting and then to banging, I know when you start injecting you ultimately don't need to use as much or as often, but do you eventually make it back to the amount you were snorting? Or are you always able to use less than that. I'm curious because when I was at my worst, I was doing 4 bags just to get the morning sick off, then 2 bags every couple hours to keep the sick off, and then at night after work when I wanted to actually get high and nod, I would have to do 6-8 bags at once to really get a good nod. At that time, you wouldn't believe how fat and long of lines I could do in one breath. And I can't imagine ever being able to shoot that much dope with out OD'ing.

To answer your question: i went from snorting > smoking > shooting. For the first couple weeks yea you use less than you did when you were ajorting. But your tolerance skyrockets and within weeks, literally, youre doing as much as you were snorting and then some. The whole "Ill save money..." makes me want to slap sense into people when they contemplate the switch.
Yes you make it back to your intranasal tolerance pretty fucking fast after you start iv'ing
Took me maybe two weeks

Damn, that's quick. So you're only saving money for a very short period of time, and then you're right where you were, just with a more dangerous ROA. Except you do have the benefit of the rush from shooting. I've never felt it so I don't know how worth it it is.
Living in California, Mezicans have the worst dope. They took something beautiful and fucked it all up. I dont want to start a tar vs ecp debate. Thwre ia good tar, just like theres crap ecp. But the beat tar doesnt even compare to supreme ecp.

No I don't mean your regular black tar but that they have a new way of producing the tar that is increasing the purtity. More so than even some of the better tars. My friends that brought the gear back told me that the mexicans are increasing the quality of their product and even buying Iranian #3 base to turn into a HCL for distribution in a lot of the heroin markets. I kinda of believe them because they are already doing the same for the columbians. I don't know? That is what they said the cartel gangsters were saying.
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Right now I'm going through the whole "save a wake-up or get higher tonight" debate in my head. To be honest I'm feeling content as it is and I think I'll be able to just pass out thanks to the alprazolam. The only reason I was thinking of doing it tonight was because I planned to take the usual 1-2mg of bupe in the morning so I figured why save a little for a mediocre buzz in the morning, but I know I'll appreciate it when I wake up and have it with my coffee and I can take bupe before bed tomorrow.
I would sometimes think I would get less depression if I started shooting because snorting was so damn expensive. And that's where my depression came from was when I was spending $1100-$1300 a week on the shit. I was always just too scared of needles and the couple times I came close to shooting (because I was with someone who would do it for me) I was still to scared of OD'ing. Now looking back I am grateful that I some how never ended up using that needle. Just outta curiosity for those who did start off snorting and then to banging, I know when you start injecting you ultimately don't need to use as much or as often, but do you eventually make it back to the amount you were snorting? Or are you always able to use less than that. I'm curious because when I was at my worst, I was doing 4 bags just to get the morning sick off, then 2 bags every couple hours to keep the sick off, and then at night after work when I wanted to actually get high and nod, I would have to do 6-8 bags at once to really get a good nod. At that time, you wouldn't believe how fat and long of lines I could do in one breath. And I can't imagine ever being able to shoot that much dope with out OD'ing.

I'm doing more than I did snorting I shoot up atleast 2 bundles a day in 3 seperate shots
Everyone foretold the inevitable. Not to be a dick by any means
Yeah i know
I've been doing dope for pretty much a year straigjt and I haven't gotten sick once idk how I guess I'm lucky and I always make sure I save some for the next day
That has to be expensive and hard to hide from your family.

I know right.... How could anyone afford to sustain that kind of habit. I have a friend from the clinic I used to go to that shoots exactly two bundles a day everyday but she has been a junkie for 20yrs and is extremely rich because her husband "allegedly" has several grow houses in the CF area. She even pays an extra $10 so the dealer will deliver it to her house on the far end of the burbs. I went to her house and it is literally a mansion on par with some of the professional athletes that live in the area. She has her own live in nanny and maid. Must be the life.

I guess if you are still living with your rents and don't have many bills coming up with that much dope money wouldn't be that difficult but that is still hella expensive and must cause more than a few problems every now and then. Shit! I have been there before. So I KNOW it does.
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wow that dope was goooooood! nah, it wasnt that good, and it was also yesterday, but yes, the relapse did happen. why? ehhh, I made up many reasons but in reality its because I wanted to get high. do I regret it after a mini 1 week run of sobriety? sure, why not! I didnt use today but took my last shot last night around 8PM. so its only been 24hrs but I feel OK.

oh well, I dont care. now maybe I can go 2 weeks and then shoot again. and then go 3 weeks and shoot again. and then go 4 weeks and then go again. and then 5 weeks and then go again. wow, this is soooo fucking easy, huh!? I dont know how you people dont just get sober, because its just soooo easy that you'd have to be a complete MORON to not get SOBER ASAP! I'll just NEVER understand how you piece of shit junkies get addicted to this stuff because it's so easy to NOT USE and be in COMPLETE CONTROL!

anyway, if any of you took that last paragraph serious then you are a moron. but yes, I shot a gram yesterday and so far I am OK today. why did I use? because the sick addict in me just wanted to shoot thinking it would hit me harder than it did last since it's been a week w/ nothing in me. well, much like last time I thought this, the same thing occurred.. NOTHING! I shot the .5 and was jammed (yes, Boston here). about 5hrs went by and shot the rest. I slept the best I've slept in.. in.. well, a week! other than that everything is the same as always and I am sitting here today THINKING of scoring again but backed out of it due to me being a broke fuck. also me getting a cuff yesterday was another reason I used as an excuse to pick-up.

so yes, put it in the record books.. I went a full week w/ NO DRUGS! well, weed.. but thats NOT a drug, right?

now tonight I will sit here and watch the The84Draft on NBA TV and just think of the money I gave away yesterday. but at least I slept nice.

thank you all for the support and kind words spoken.. you are all GREAT!
wow that dope was goooooood! nah, it wasnt that good, and it was also yesterday, but yes, the relapse did happen. why? ehhh, I made up many reasons but in reality its because I wanted to get high. do I regret it after a mini 1 week run of sobriety? sure, why not! I didnt use today but took my last shot last night around 8PM. so its only been 24hrs but I feel OK.

oh well, I dont care. now maybe I can go 2 weeks and then shoot again. and then go 3 weeks and shoot again. and then go 4 weeks and then go again. and then 5 weeks and then go again. wow, this is soooo fucking easy, huh!? I dont know how you people dont just get sober, because its just soooo easy that you'd have to be a complete MORON to not get SOBER ASAP! I'll just NEVER understand how you piece of shit junkies get addicted to this stuff because it's so easy to NOT USE and be in COMPLETE CONTROL!

anyway, if any of you took that last paragraph serious then you are a moron. but yes, I shot a gram yesterday and so far I am OK today. why did I use? because the sick addict in me just wanted to shoot thinking it would hit me harder than it did last since it's been a week w/ nothing in me. well, much like last time I thought this, the same thing occurred.. NOTHING! I shot the .5 and was jammed (yes, Boston here). about 5hrs went by and shot the rest. I slept the best I've slept in.. in.. well, a week! other than that everything is the same as always and I am sitting here today THINKING of scoring again but backed out of it due to me being a broke fuck. also me getting a cuff yesterday was another reason I used as an excuse to pick-up.

so yes, put it in the record books.. I went a full week w/ NO DRUGS! well, weed.. but thats NOT a drug, right?

now tonight I will sit here and watch the The84Draft on NBA TV and just think of the money I gave away yesterday. but at least I slept nice.

thank you all for the support and kind words spoken.. you are all GREAT!

I am pulling for you BBT. Me and you are almost in the same boat. I believe we are both 30+ in age and trying to finally leave this drug that has consumed almost half our lives behind. I was clean for a month and then used for 3 days. I have now made it another week and am struggling to stay sober. I have been using anywhere from once every couple of weeks to every weekend, sometimes I slip and use 2-4days in a row and I have to deal with the withdrawal again every time I do this but I feel I am making progress because my use has become more and more infrequent as I am slowly learning to enjoy life and other things are starting to take prescient over dope.

Every time I slip I gain new insight into why I use and I feel I am starting to gather new tools in my sober arsenal. I feel for ya man and I know how good that pink cloud can feel. I also know how dangerous and deceptive that period of sobriety can become but we just have to be strong and learn from every set back no matter how frequent they may be. Just don't let a set back become a run and always no matter what never look back...... only forward. We can do this..... Just never give up.

A message and motivational speech for myself as much as it is for you.
I wish all of you the best of luck trying to obtain sobriety. I know if it wasn't for methadone I would be miserable trying to stay away from dope.
^true dat.

I get my 14 bottles starting tomorrow. Muahah i pity the sucker who gets stuck behind me line. Actually, no i dont. Because even if youre just getting dosed they still piss and moan. They are just piss and moaners and always got somewhere to be.

Haha a few weeks back there was a long line for the bathroom amd they were testin everyone that day and this guy was trippin andkept trying to pace around the clinic bitchin how crazy it was and he needs to leave he cant wait for this bs and kept trying to take his piss vial into the lobby and it was pissin the nurses off. Anyway, eventually, after maybe 7 minutes he cant take it anymore and tells the nurses "IM LEAVING!!" and the nurses like you have to test and he says I NEED to leave! And the nurses are like where? And he goes, uh, work! And the nurse was like Sir, you dont have a job. Shit was so funny he just stood there didnt know what to say then bitched to go see his counselor.
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