General Heroin #19 v. Posting Between the Nods

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Who is this Michael alig? I guess I'll just google it myself since no one cared to post a link for us lazy posters to read.

Porkchops did you see the movie wonderland with Val Kilmer? If you are that interested in the murders you probably did.

I read the wiki page on him. I always thought the raver crowd was all lovey dovey and shit all high on extasy touching each other. Not forcing bleach into them and dismembering a body and dumping him into a river. That is more like a slayer song.
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I called my friend before and he told me this odd story that happened to him last week. He mostly cops in Queens, but his one dude wasn't good atm and the other spot is hot so he didn't want to deal with it, so he called his old connect from the suburbs to try something different, cause if it's good he goes to him again until it falls off. The dealer told him to call his brother since he was good, so my boy called him and went to meet him by the mall. When my boy got there he noticed this woman grilling him when he got out of his car, and then once again when he got inside the food court. When he spoke to the dealer my boy asked to meet him in the bathroom so it wasn't out in the open, but after waiting for a while in the bathroom he felt like an idiot so told him to hurry up and meet him back out in the food court. The dealer finally got there, and once my boy got the bags he noticed the woman was looking at him again, and she tipped her hat.

He had a bag feeling so got the fuck out of there and told his boy to punch the gas, but the D's were already on his ass in some regular unmarked SUV. Right away they were asking where the dope was, and began tearing up the car. My boy had already stashed it up his ass right when he got in the car, so after 2 hours of searching they told him to give it up or they were going to bring him to the hospital to scan his body and if they found it in him there they would charge him with more shit, plus they would lock his friend up to and impound the car, so he gave up the dope.

So what do you think about them going after the buyer? They clearly knew the deal was going down, and my boy hadn't copped in that area in a very long time, so it's not like they knew him. That leads me to believe they asked the dealer to give up some buyers, as the only other explanation is that the detectives just happened to be there and they woman just figured my boy and his friend looked like they were there to buy drugs, and so she followed him into the food court and got lucky with her guess.

They didnt ask your friend to rat on the dealer ? I know of almost exact same thing, saw the deal go down, let the dealer go (for the time being) and went after the buyer. Afterwards they said theyre going to charge him with this and that (they did anyway, so never ever trust them) unless he gives a statement who he bought it from. Basically they tried to screw everyone.
Who is this Michael alig? I guess I'll just google it myself since no one cared to post a link for us lazy posters to read.

Porkchops did you see the movie wonderland with Val Kilmer? If you are that interested in the murders you probably did.

Wonderland. Great movie. What's her name is hot in it. She's from Cohasset,Ma. Hav'nt seen her in anything else recently. The life-span in Hollywood is what ? 5 years now ?
Porkchops did you see the movie wonderland with Val Kilmer? If you are that interested in the murders you probably did.

Dude never seen it, I hear its pretty good. I have seen Boogie Nights which apparently takes some liberties.

That chick from Mass. is probably Kate Bosworth, pretty sexy...for some reason her tits remind me of lemonheads.
Dude never seen it, I hear its pretty good. I have seen Boogie Nights which apparently takes some liberties.

That chick from Mass. is probably Kate Bosworth, pretty sexy...for some reason her tits remind me of lemonheads.

That's the one. For some reason I can never remember her name. Absolutely Adorable.
Wonderland. Great movie. What's her name is hot in it. She's from Cohasset,Ma. Hav'nt seen her in anything else recently. The life-span in Hollywood is what ? 5 years now ?

Yeah I saw that for the first time a few years ago. Awesome. And to satisfy all our dope fiend itches, it even has heroin addict! Yay!
That's the one. For some reason I can never remember her name. Absolutely Adorable.
I have a few friends who went to school in Manhattan in the few years before that shit happened with Alig right before he got charged 95-96....I was partying at that time with them at some famous clubs...but I was a "raver", not a " club kid"....which were two different scenes with similar music....I used to have Keoki's original mixtapes from back then....

To explain the original east coast electronic music scene from then is really impossible...In the years before the authorities really figured out what the fuck was going on, it was sex, drugs and rock 'n roll on a ridiculous, "scary" level! Not knocking anyone who still goes to "raves"...but trying to compare the 90s raves in their peak years to an electronic music festival now is like comparing Woodstock to some generic jam-band of the current era!

Half the original ravers I know from back then got into heroin right with me! And there's still some real raves going on here and there.....

Haha. You were a 90's raver, Hues? I can't picture you in big ufo pants twirling glow sticks.
I attended some of the big annual NYC parties of the late-90's (Boo, Brass Monkey, etc.) and partied at the Limelight and the Tunnel and a number of other clubs that no longer exist. It was a special time, but even then I was aware of the fact that I was riding the tail end of the NYC rave wave.. when the Limelight was really popping, i was 12 and clueless and had no interest in the party scene, and even by the time NASA was hot (DnB/jungle was my thing in the mid-to-late-90's) i still hadn't been introduced to that scene and didn't know enough to seek it out. Eventually i would discover the music and attendant subcultures, and spent lots of time "expanding my mind" with dustheads, tweakers, and candy-flippers of all stripes, traveling throughout the northeast attending whatever parties i could get myself to, dancing along to some of the most memorable house and techno and DnB of the period.
They didnt ask your friend to rat on the dealer ? I know of almost exact same thing, saw the deal go down, let the dealer go (for the time being) and went after the buyer. Afterwards they said theyre going to charge him with this and that (they did anyway, so never ever trust them) unless he gives a statement who he bought it from. Basically they tried to screw everyone.

Nope, but they asked for other dealers, so maybe that was their strategy? Keep this one dealer around to get to users who could give up even more dealers. Idk, but as I said my boy was in an area he hadn't copped in in a while, and all his other connects were in other counties, so he told the detectives he couldn't help them out even if he wanted. They told him they would give him more money to persuade the dealers to travel over into the next county, as if some hood dealer would go deep into the suburbs to sell a bundle plus get another 20 bucks for his troubles...

Yeah I've had the cops say the same shit. You get popped in a smallish town in the burbs, and since there aren't any actual dealers there, everyone goes to the city.. they're like, "Just call and say you want a big amount and offer him some extra money to come here." .... Haha. Like.. what? As if that isn't the biggest red flag ever and a street dealer from the city would ever do that in a million years.

God cops can be so fucking stupid sometimes, especially small town suburban cops who've seen too many TV shows and wanna pretend they're in the big leagues. Idiots.
They didnt ask your friend to rat on the dealer ? I know of almost exact same thing, saw the deal go down, let the dealer go (for the time being) and went after the buyer. Afterwards they said theyre going to charge him with this and that (they did anyway, so never ever trust them) unless he gives a statement who he bought it from. Basically they tried to screw everyone.

Damn right--NEVER trust em. They are trained in scaring you into being their bitch. Same goes for PD's and even the lawyer you're paying. Remember,these guys (PD's and paid mouthpieces) have to work with the system daily so most of what goes on in court is quid-pro-quo. As the "client" you are merely a bargaining chip for both sides. Unless of course you're lucky enough to find and pay a true believer,and they are few and far between. And I speak from experience.
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Yup. 9 times out 10, they are flat out lying about what they have on you, what the sentence you could be faced with, etc. Often they have literally nothing on you at all, but are legally allowed to lie to you, so they take advantage of you, scare the crap out of you, and get you to confess/rat before you're even actually charged with anything. A massive amount of drug arrests are achieved exactly that way.

That's why no matter what they say to you or how screwed they say you are, shut the fuck up. The only words you should say are "I'd like a lawyer please."

Haha. You were a 90's raver, Hues? I can't picture you in big ufo pants twirling glow sticks.

I had a few pairs of Jncos, but I was pretty normal in the way I looked compared to the kind of ravers you're talking about! I've always been a jean, T-shirt and sneaker guy...

When I originally went to jail in 98 for delivery, it was basically a raver kid who got caught and set up a bunch of us! After I sold to the kid and he was with a shady looking older dude, I never sold to him again and warned all my friends, but it was too late!

Yeah I've had the cops say the same shit. You get popped in a smallish town in the burbs, and since there aren't any actual dealers there, everyone goes to the city.. they're like, "Just call and say you want a big amount and offer him some extra money to come here." .... Haha. Like.. what? As if that isn't the biggest red flag ever and a street dealer from the city would ever do that in a million years.

God cops can be so fucking stupid sometimes, especially small town suburban cops who've seen too many TV shows and wanna pretend they're in the big leagues. Idiots.
They think they are Sonny Crockett from Miami vice.
When I originally went to jail in 98 for delivery, it was basically a raver kid who got caught and set up a bunch of us! After I sold to the kid and he was with a shady looking older dude, I never sold to him again and warned all my friends, but it was too late!

Ugh that sucks, man. I know the feeling. You just wish you could go back in time for that split second and trust your gut to save yourself a whole lot of trouble.
^Yeah, and the way the laws are in most places, all it takes is handing over that one bag to the wrong person, and you're in some pretty serious shit!

When you're doing's almost impossible to not get involved with people you're not 100% sure, you end up meeting a bunch of other dope-fiends, exchange numbers, and maybe end up hooking each other up here and there...The problem is: you never know if they got caught, and that time they call you asking for a favor is really a set-up!

There's a lot of people, that when the cops catch them after copping, they just wanna avoid going to jail sick! Which, I can't blame someone for that...but putting it on someone else is even worse in the long run!

I'm pretty sure that the cops were tailing me at certain points, but not busting me...just to see where I went...because they knew that if they pulped me over, they probably wouldn't find anything, and even if they busted me, I'd never give them anybody and it would be a waste of time!
Yeah the worst part is you never know when something will come down on you. I got arrested a full year after the sale took place.. so you can think you're all good, whatever, totally clean your life up, and get popped a fucking year later for some shit you don't even remember doing.
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