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Gay men banning hetro's and lesbians from their 'gay' club... WTF ?

drugfukkdrockstar said:
Well a lot of businesses do so it must not be too hard to be given the go ahead.

They don't do it legally.

As long as they keep their mouths shut on why they're not letting people in, they're not likely to get busted.

Asian nights and that kind-of stuff are just themed nights. They're not actually allowed to decline you entry because you're from a different racial background. Instead they'll tell you that the clubs too packed out, or that you look like trouble, or that you're not on the members list, or basically any crap they can think of that covers their asses.
preacha said:
i'm not even going to dignify that answer with a thought out response

I wish you would!

And i don't mean that in a snipey type way. I am quite interested as to why that post was so stupid.

I know some of it sounds wanky, but surely you can still see the argument behind why gaybies start such places? And, at the same time, how such a concept is not necessarily at odds with equality. Regardless of who is enforcing such 'initiatives.'

I guess I only ask cause i find that whole exclusive space thing pretty interesting. And as i said before, whilst I personally find the whole thing flawed, that doesn't mean I think the concept at odds with equality.
where does the line get drawn and what factors decide the boundary in the first place?
hah, no. that's a whole different topic

which demographics within society can implement exclusionary measures and on what basis?

example: male and female toilets. why this has been enforced is obvious.
but in this case, the exclusion of non-homosexuals from the Peel is neither race, gender or religious based.

why has this minority been granted the power to exclude other members of society based on their sexual preference?
will other minorities, or any demographic within australia for that matter, be able to enforce their own exclusionary rules on such lax reasoning?

where is the line drawn?

bear in mind i'm all for the Peel enforcing these rules, but main concern is just the government endorsement.
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Ok, so then notwithstanding any of the reasons for the ban (cause i think that is just ideological difference and initially thought your beef was with the actual reason), your issue is to do with Government enforcing such a ban?

Now that I understand what you are saying, i re-read the other posts and they still don't really explain what pisses you off about it. I mean, if you are happy for private institutions to enforce bans, why would you get annoyed when Government choose to enforce them (and that is only by omission)?

Is this because you think by enforcing such a rule, they swing too far in favour of government for minority groups? Ie all that 'dictates of the minority' horseshit?
this going to go around in circles

i'm just not the biggest fan of contradictory bullshit as i pointed out in the mardi gras post
potato said:
Dude, do you remember when you rocked up at my house party.. in goggles and a cape.. at like 3 in the morning.. after you'd walked there along the railway tracks.. with like a dozen random trippers.. and yellow and purple.
You ARE a fucking carnival sideshow. I mean that in the most loving way possible. But I honestly believe it to be true.

That was gold....and people were all like....dude, why are you wearing a cape? And I was all like....why wouldn't I be wearing a cape?

I knew that post would come back to bite me on the arse as soon as I wrote it...mebbe I should clarify. I am very much down with being a carnival sideshow when that's the intended effect. If I'm wearing rainbow coloured socks on my arms or I've got Big Bird safety-pinned to my t-shirt or something similar, well yeah, obviously that's not what you see on the tram every day....

What I was getting at was people who go to gay bars to point and giggle at the gay boys like it was year 7 and we were all sitting in the back of the school bus or something. That's the bit that pisses me off.
For some reason that post Raz reminded me of the menthol and coke experiment on Brunswick street.

Preacha, where on earth do you gave the balls to say that my opinion is bullshit... or that anyones opinion is bullshit. Thats what it is... an opinion. It cant be bullshit as its not a factual statement, its an opinion... there is no right or wrong.
because i can?
don't get pissy at me and try to turn this into a 'how dare you...' type discussion at my expense when everyone has been ripping you a new asshole ever since you opened this thread
the thing that i find *almost* pointless about this topic, is the fact that not only should we all already be fully aware that discrimination is alive and well in the world, and that it’s shit, but you actually want there to be equality in possibly one of the most superfical environments that exist - night clubs..

i mean, i do see your point breakyaself, and in a perfect world going to this extreme inorder to prevent hetro males from going to gay clubs and treating them like freak show amusement parks, wouldn't even be necessary. but we don't, and given that security guards even at hetro clubs discriminated between the sexes ALL THE TIME, i seriously see almost no point in getting worked up about this.
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I like the gays. they don't sleep with our wives.

That said,

For a group constantly whinging about lack of recognition/equality, banning non-gays is a great way to achieve it
I don't really see the problem. There are plenty oh non gay clubs to go to. What's so special about this one that breakyourself wants to get into? Oh... it's the principle of the thing right....
Uggh, it's hetero, not hetro.

Because of the fact that banning homosexuals from a venue would be deemed discriminatory, so should the banning of heterosexuals.
Oh who cares? I really don't see why it's such a big deal - It's a gay club for gay men. Can't others go elsewhere?
GABAlover said:
Because of the fact that banning homosexuals from a venue would be deemed discriminatory, so should the banning of heterosexuals.

Going by that theory, it would be nice to see all the heteros on here who have had a whinge about a fucking club stand up for equal rights in other domains, like marriage, rights to superannuation, adoption, blood donation, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
Ooh, dead on, who_can_say. That blood donation thing makes me so fucking mad. Everytime i see an ad on telly urging people to donate 'cos there's a massive shortage and how ever many people will need blood in their life i get pissed off 'cos I'd happily donate. But I'm not allowed to. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people would rather receive safe and tested blood from a homosexual than no blood and death. But I've gone way off topic, so, uh, gays and clubs and junk :) (work, you bloody smilie!)