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Benzos Gabapentin / pregabalin versus benzos


Sep 8, 2023
I been taking gabapentin and pregabalin for a whole while I conserve klonopin.
I really appreciate any advice on bluelighters opinion on these very wonderfully active drugs:
- Like staggering gaba doses
- klonopin l truly love how long it lasts
- gaba I love the strength of the effects
- seems lyrica is a Lil stronger than gaba in dosing

Lots of mystery surrounding these gaba and benzo prescriptions, I love them both equally.
Which one is best for each of you??
Please be careful, I am stuck on benzos and they have a nasty withdrawal and after years of use it may take me a year to 18 months to get off them.
Lyrica is stronger than gabapentin.
They are a weird drug, one of the mods has warned me and so have alot of other on the dangers of gabapentinoids.
They can cause horrible withdrawals
They build tolerance fast
Leaving people to take large doses to be normal.
The benzos I have on them close to 7 years.
I started with Ativan and now on Valium. I am terrified of what could happen if I stop.
It has been so long that I am stuck on them.
I would be careful about taking any of them to long unless absolutely needed; because of side effects of long term use.
Neither of them are to be taken lightly. I had gabapentin and lyrica wd that felt like a mix of benzo and opiate wd. Personally i would rather take a benzo as needed then take gaba or lyrica everyday and get addicted to them. I managed to go from taking 6mg's a day to now taking 0.25mg's of clonaz a day and 3mg of bromazepam as needed and im not currently addictyed
I'm still on Huge Crazy amounts of Gabapentin from my Dr.
I used to be on Diazepam but my Dr made me go Cold Turkey, I was scared I was going to die if I'm honest. I got through the toughest stage of WD from Vaping CBD.
CBD helped me through the Valium WD immensely :)
Does your doctor who prescribed the gabapention have a clue how bad gabapentin withdrawal can be? What quack makes a patient go cold turkey from benzos?
I hate to say that I'm addicted to the stuff :( I feel amazing on it, and I don't even see my Dr anymore. Since the "Pandemic" I don't see the point.. Maybe I gave up :(
I have the opposite effect with lyrica. First time i felt drunk/high but after that it makes me extremely anxious . Clonzepam is the only thing that works for me , never abused it but i'm dependent on it now and wouldn't advice anyone to take it long term. But some people with anxiety disorders have to take them. Nothing else works for me.
Does your doctor who prescribed the gabapention have a clue how bad gabapentin withdrawal can be? What quack makes a patient go cold turkey from benzos?
Yeeeeessss…..professionally, a doctor MUST gradually and safely reduce a patients dose of Opioids and/or Benzodiazepines weekly until free from drug. In addition, certain medications are also prescribed when weaned off such as Clonidine 0.1mg tablets, Cannabinoids are also a god send, other meds and natural health supplements (Valerian, Passion Flower, Magnesium Bisglycinate, etc) that have sedative, calming, muscle relaxant propertie).

Passion Flower actually possesses mild to moderate GABA-A agonist / PAM properties, the same MOA as benzodiazepines

Clonidine 0.1mg tablets are the most valuable for any withdrawal to be honest...a VERY potent anxiolytic with sedative properties. Reducing Norepinephrine in the CNS lowering blood pressure and having a significant effect at calming/relaxing the individual. Even HALF a tablet for me, a 200lbs / 6’ man half hour prior to bed, paired with a Magnesium Bisgycinate 200mg capsule will have me sleeping like a baby :)
Am I an exception. I was on Pregabalin 150/ 225 mg a day for a few year's and witnessed no WD's. I stopped or my script was ended. But nada.

Unlike Benzodiazepinen that within week's or month's hook you. So a real slow taper is essential.
600mg/day prescription if lyrica. Pregabalin is a slow release.
If it’s been a big week we’ll have 600mg and a couple of bourbons at the same time - loosey goosey and not a care in the world!

I’d prefer to do that occasionally that be using it daily to be honest! My kidneys probably think otherwise though!!!
Yeeeeessss…..professionally, a doctor MUST gradually and safely reduce a patients dose of Opioids and/or Benzodiazepines weekly until free from drug. In addition, certain medications are also prescribed when weaned off such as Clonidine 0.1mg tablets, Cannabinoids are also a god send, other meds and natural health supplements (Valerian, Passion Flower, Magnesium Bisglycinate, etc) that have sedative, calming, muscle relaxant propertie).

Passion Flower actually possesses mild to moderate GABA-A agonist / PAM properties, the same MOA as benzodiazepines

Clonidine 0.1mg tablets are the most valuable for any withdrawal to be honest...a VERY potent anxiolytic with sedative properties. Reducing Norepinephrine in the CNS lowering blood pressure and having a significant effect at calming/relaxing the individual. Even HALF a tablet for me, a 200lbs / 6’ man half hour prior to bed, paired with a Magnesium Bisgycinate 200mg capsule will have me sleeping like a baby :)
“a doctor MUST gradually and safely reduce a patients dose of Opioids and/or Benzodiazepines weekly until free from drug. In addition, certain medications”

That is not true, if you go to a pain or methadone clinic and you break the rules regardless of how high of dose you are on nor does the length of time you attended the clinic in good standing they’ll kick you to the curb without any concern of what you will be going thru in the near future,,I’m not talking about giving dirty urines either it can be that you don’t get along with a certain staff member or another client,,or it could be you lost your insurance or job and funds will be tight for a couple weeks till unemployment funds are approved,you’ll be cut off and Shown the door,,sorry bout your luck..
Yes, I can see there are rules & guidelines to MMT facilities, and if broken, a patient is ejected from the program

for a family physician working with a chronic pain patient, if they were abusing/diverting, etc their medications, they would get a rapid wean, dose reduction within a week or so if necessary (Hi-dose opioid tolerant patients, etc)

it’s a unique situation each different from the next.….sucks but if you have a great family doc, like myself, what could go wrong ? …hey doc, in all honesty, this dose isn’t holding me. I don’t want to abuse my medication so I wanted to see what you thought about increasing my dose/adding X medication into the mix, etc

Respect. Honestly….a solid foundation and good rapport. Just been straight up with my doctor. 30+ year relationship. From a 15 year old kid to a 40+ man …told him I was using illicit unprescribed benzodiazepines (combined with my prescribed opioid narcotics) ….he didn’t cut me off….he added a low dose benzodiazepine (Ativan 0.5mg / Diazepam 5-10mg)

Added Methyphenidate (Ritalin) to my lineup. Amazing dopaminergic stimulant synergistically with my-opioid agonists. Methadone 80mg + Ritalin 50-60mg IR ….a beauty oral Speedball

*** Brompton Cocktail *** the true godsend for chronic pain. Real chronic pain by RA (fckn cunt I’d burn you alive if I could) thank you Mother Nature for all your beautiful plants with their potent medicinal value, used by mankind for millennium lol, cannabis, papivier somniferum (opium poppy), coca leaves, psilocybin mushrooms, ethanol, ….and modern organic chemistry isolating these invaluable alkaloids, LSD-25, MDMA, d-Desoxyephedrine HCL Desoxyn 5mg tablets & Methedrine 20mg IV ampoules, depo-Testosterone 200mg IM (Amazing antidepressant + mood-boosting PRO Sexual, Hard as STEEL, ** Heathly Sexual Desire *** as a 19 year old built athletic lifeguard ready to F@CK lol. - Seal Team 6 / SOCOM / Special Operations etc…..all elite operators 24h prior to deployment receive a 200-300mg IM injection of Testosterone and an hour prior to “boots on the ground” while riding in the gunships Apache Longbow Gunships orally administer either Dexedrine (d-Amphetamine) 10-15mg or Desoxyn (d-Methamphetamine) 10-15mg

They're all JACKED UP on Testosterone & Amphetamines equipped with state of the art weapon systems, armour, Comms, Air support, SpecOps ….an elite super soldier on testosterone & Methylamphetamine lol…Fuuuuuck. Any bodies worst nightmare. Binladen compound was eradicated, women, young men, siblings, all fully automatic, suppressed bursts of FMJ ammunition. Stamped….PROUDLY made in the U.S.A. lol ….F@ckn A. “Let’s get this bitch hot” an M1 Abrams tank commander said before dumping out a 200-round belt of .50 Caliber FMJ through the Browning M2 .50 Cal machine gun to eradicate taliban on a mountain top after receiving sniper fire. An F-18 Super Hornet dropped laser guided ordnance on the mountain ending the fight. Single call on the sat phone ….damn that makes my dick hard LoL

Brompton Cocktail- Hybrid oral cocktail 10 years + Daily (weekly add LSD sat night the craziest erotic sensual love making with my beautiful THICK GF, damn Selma Hyak style thick body, curly dark hair, Amazonian goddess ….THICK thighs and JUICY @$$ you’d wanna eat alive (no, really lol you would) if she ever read this ha ha, pretty feet and beautiful face :) f@ckn STACKED and you could pound that thick piece of juicy serloin like it owned you money. LSD & cannabis is the best sex you’ll EVER have. Like an erotic fantasy with a supermodel pornstar you’d never have a chance with lol. I’d tongue her @$$ and actually LOVE IT as if I was tasting strawberry ice cream……like the one I leave oozing out of her as I smack her thick @$$ after finishing, sweat dripping all over me, catching my breath, the smell in the bedroom is intoxicating to me. I can smell it now inside my head. It’s Saturday night 5pm almost. LSD taken few hours ago….waiting for her to come home from library as I clean my field stripped AR-15 on the coffee table listening to bob marley ……..LSD is like a SEX GOD MODE ….simply speechless.

my daily routine……
Methadone 80mg
Methylphenidate (Ritalin) 50-70mg IR
Diazepam (Valium) 40-60mg
Pregabalin 300-450mg
Cannabis Indica 10mg oil
Ethanol / Jin 3.oz ginger ale

1 hour later and near peak plasma levels achieved in bloodstream, pure f@ckn euphoric, opioid, dopaminergic warmth & pleasure in the CNS reward centre, endorphins, monoamines, gaba-a PAMs, CB1 agonist, gabapentinoids,

pain gone…pleasure in :) warmth & comfort, mood-boosting antidepressants effects, dopamine & mu-opioid agonists

Have fun all…..this weekend ;)
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Coming off Lyrica is some of the worst depression I have experienced

I have been using benzos on and off for 20 years.Valium, Xanax, clonozopam, lorezapam and tamazepam etc

Never really had any issues at all with benzos or craved them when im off.
I feel like how 'dangerous' they are is overhyped. That's just my opinion

Benzos are absolutely nothing like coke or meth addiction...for me anyway.
600mg/day prescription if lyrica. Pregabalin is a slow release.
If it’s been a big week we’ll have 600mg and a couple of bourbons at the same time - loosey goosey and not a care in the world!

I’d prefer to do that occasionally that be using it daily to be honest! My kidneys probably think otherwise though!!!
I'm also on 600 a day of Lyrica but like to have a play with a few rums , I took a full sheet and a half one once before the Christmas party and still to this day, the boss is like I'm fucking watching you . Lol how long have you been on 600 ? It's been about 8 years for me now
All of them have miserable withdrawals if you get your body hooked on having them in your system, and all of them can give you seizures if you're not careful despite the anticonvulsant properties. I think that risk with benzos is only when you're going off them (which you should be careful with anyway since you can also just, like, straight up die when you're withdrawing from benzos too fast), but with gabapentin and pregabalin the risk is when you're doing crazy ass doses. So be careful. I've had a grand mal/tonic-clonic seizure from gabapentin and read about others having them from pregabalin. It's actually really fucking sucks to seize, even once.

I find gabapentin and pregabalin are far funner than benzos. Benzos are more when I just want to lay in bed and chill. Gabapentin/pregabalin are much more friendly to actually getting shit done. I felt like pregabalin had a much more smooth, consistent kind of feel throughout its active time (which is long!). But I kinda prefer gabapentin because of that. The high can fluctuate a lot if you take breaks before doses throughout the day, start dosing again if it starts to feel weaker than you want, give yourself some caffeine to boost the feels, etc. Lets me control how I feel way better than pregabalin. You can't do either of them too many days in a row, though. Every day without a tolerance break, the feelings are weaker. You can get maybe 3 max, and that third isn't gonna be that great. Alternating these two to try to get around that will not work.

Seriously though, I hope you have a healthy respect for ALL of the drugs you're talking about here.
The fun wears out very quick^
Pregabalin is much more comfortable and happy. But again the tolerance factor is insane. I'd be dosin 2400mg of gaba to even get sleepy, Lyrica is the superior but still I don't like the w.ds AT ALL
I'll stick to my benzos.
Yeah, I can understand preferring the long-lasting constant, consistent feel from pregabalin. I guess I have issues with control in my life, though, so having something like gabapentin where I can adjust the high as I go is too great to pass up.

I've honestly never experienced the serious withdrawals from either of them because of how I've used them. I've never dealt with more than an evening with a bad headache and every now and then they add a sleepless night. But if you take them every day for over a week or two you're probably going to be in some serious pain when you go off. Someone I lived with went through gabapentin withdrawal and it seemed really rough.
600mg/day prescription if lyrica. Pregabalin is a slow release.
If it’s been a big week we’ll have 600mg and a couple of bourbons at the same time - loosey goosey and not a care in the world!

I’d prefer to do that occasionally that be using it daily to be honest! My kidneys probably think otherwise though!!!
I'd say benzos because pregabalin can turn me into a complete lunatic. Everyone is different and just be careful to not end up with a habit. Pregabalin is more recreational IMO, whereas benzos serve quite a specific function. Gabapentin I can't remember too well but it might be a middle ground - it didn't have that same mind-fuck that pregabs can have. in fact, I think it might the better of the three on reflection but this is based on limited experience. Where I've lived, pregabalin has been a street drug and benzos are always around of course, but gabapentin didn't seem to affect me too much. But I can't speak too much on that due to only using it a couple of times. Between benzos and pregabs I'd say benzos but please be careful of addiction.