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Gabapentin for dog

Las Veghost grower

Dec 5, 2015
Just picked up my heeler pup from the vet after vacation, she was bit by another dog about 3-4 days ago, or I was informed about it 3-4 days ago, and they have her on 100mg gaba 2x a day for another 6 days so altogether she would have been on it let’s say 10-14 days, will it be ok to just stop ? Or should I do a light taper for the last couple days ? Don’t want her to wd or anything …she is about 20lbs on 100mg twice a day which seems like a big dose , is wd a concern ?
God I love heelers ! They herd everything. They will return a stick ALL DAY. I don't think they will have withdrawals for a one time incident if they are in pain. Poor baby. What a horrible world. You are so fortunate to have her. . . .like an angel. <3 😲
Doggo would probably have to have pretty substantial WD to show it outwardly, dogs are incredibly good at appearing fine in discomfort. When your dog is visibly in bad pain it's heartbreaking because it's likely pain most humans would be debilitated by.
I mean it looks really bad with all the stitches and what not but she up walking around like it’s no big deal I have to try and keep her calm which the gaba really helps with, she one of those crazy dingo dogs
That's quite a large dose for a 20lb dog (afaik), but I really wouldn't worry about wds.

Animals are way more resilient than us for such things.
dogs would have to be in serious pain to show it.
It is quite a large dose, i would definitely taper, just to increase comfort
thing is, what harm can tapering do if he does it? and the other side of the coin is the dog in serious discomfort

@ Las Vegas guy: btw i had to google how much 20lb are, and then the meds in mg :ROFLMAO: 9 kg
freaking muricans learn weight in kg ffs, you can't even properly calculate the effect of the drug like that

how do you people know how much alcohol you can drink /w your weight in lb?
what do you do if you forget and have to calculate it again? :eek:
so far the smartest breed of dog Iv ever had is the red heeler, taily is so insanely smart with seemingly unlimited energy, she picks up stuff so fast somethings she learned almost immediately like fetch or to not run out of the coldesack, sit, lay down, roll over within a day, really great dog breed..I don’t know if it’s true but according to the vet the reason she got bit is because she figured out how to unlock and open the cage they had her in and one day she escaped her cage and wondered up to a new dog that was in intake for boarding and got bit
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Personally I wouldn't expect to experience any withdrawal after only 10 days, but I guess all people (and dogs?) are built differently.
oh yeah, this. 100%

dogs always try to not show pain

My dog is the toughest bitch I’ve seen her run through river rocks to the point of having her feet completely swollen like mitts. She’ll be swimming to keep from touching the ground but won’t come out lol. Broken off toe nails then keep going as blood is going everywhere.

Then there’s times where she steps on a twig and pulls her arm up like she broke it. She’ll stand there like she can’t move then I run up all scared and she trots off like nothing happened. Doggos are funny :)
