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G a true aphrodisac?

from wut i gather,
'tent of horniness' is more like it!
All I will say about the 'tent' is that it was the G-puddle from hell! I have visuals up-close-and-personal that I will never be able to get rid of! Ahhhhhhhh!
heheheheehe......nuff said!
I'm just wondering if I can legally change my name to "G"...Mmmmmmmmmmm!
NOTE: Plastic bananas are for eating, not throwing!
I dunno about the tent of horniness... Everything is just so sensual that you just want to lie around and be near people (and there was alot of people in that tent - more than 8 at one point! And it was only a 4 man tent!)
But really - soma's not my type

[This message has been edited by mort (edited 21 May 2001).]
...uh.....make that 7 people and 1 comatosed primate!

NOTE: Plastic bananas are for eating, not throwing!
And let that be a lesson to you all (since this is drug discussion and not social) - too much G and you'll pass out and miss all the fun!
Yeah but at least you'll die happy.

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
I really thing this G fetish is a Victorian thing, everyone else is bloody scared of it

(slight edit)
I heard about this tent the day after at messie's, I assure you the stories were thick and fun

Yes the liquid otherwise known as GHB does bring on a certain sense of 'If I don't get a root now there is going to be a restraining order and a lot of police.' But other than that it is medicine in the right hands. It can make even the worst god damned comedown just hapiness and bliss .. or a simple night at teryaki a very nice thought to remember

A drug person can learn to handle such things as seeing their dead grandmother crawling up their leg with a knife in her teeth. But no one should be asked to deal with this trip. -- Fear and Loathing
[This message has been edited by johnboy (edited 26 May 2001).]
After recently having 1,4BD i am rather curious about everything that is G.
I have done a lot of reading on it and understand chemistry/biochemistry so the whole 1,4BD v GBL v GHB is understood.
What i would like to know is when people talk about G what r u actually taking? Theres is no doubt there r differences between them, and i think it should almost be made a rule, that when u discuss G experiences u begin by saying exactly what u had.
Are most people in this thread talking about surely the more common 1,4BD, or r some of u lucky to get GBL.
(if anyone actually has quanities of GHB powder available they arent allowed to tease out of fairness to others
Ok, i have been informed that a lot of GHB (or just GBL?) is in melbourne atm?
I guess the majority will be teasing me
Oh, there's plenty of "real" GHB around in Melbourne - Soma wouldn't feed anything less than quality G to helpless women in tents...
bullshit pleo: Soma prefers 1,4b. At least, thats what he told me last time we were talking about it.
Biscuit: When we talk about G, we talk about G

Always GHB, always
I'm with Horsey, and I hate it when people say G, but mean 1,4B ... for them it might be the same thing, but for me 1,4B pales in comparison, GHB or nothing (unless it's free
And I'm revising my previous post... All I'm gonna say is 'Toey as fuck...'
Horse: oh well, either way I was only taking the piss out of Soma. So for that you'd have to forgive my factual error...
Oh, and I agree by the way: Bring on the Real G (unless people happen to like a shitty chemical taste).
[This message has been edited by Pleonastic (edited 26 May 2001).]
man... you SO don't need G, you're a horny little bugger 24-7.
and imagine my dilemma then.... first time having REAL G (as in not 1,4) after we ran out of miss apples' rather large tub of luscious powder about oohh.. 2 years ago now, sitting in a spa after the drug fuelled Kryal with the 3 spunk-o's that be Piggy, Mac and Nick. *phew*
thank god they were all having a grand ol' time impersonating chickens (ie not very sexy) otherwise i would have had to separate myself.
yes. G is an aphrodisiac.
Correct me if im wrong, but there is:
KGHB and
GHB-OH (aka 1,4b)
So by saying GHB you still need to specify.
Yay, I've been wanting to say that Maxi, but feared re-bumping this to the top