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Heroin Fuxed my arm real bad i need to find someone with exp of likely infection

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- so im still waiting for cab - NurssJacky and opiateaddy - can you think of anything i should do right now to help lessen any longterm damage?

The other arm was really quite bad too - it was actully closer to a month ago and it was similar to this but being so tired/wired im not sure what feelings are actual related to my arm. im able to type no problems. i had some hot/wet towel which seemed to give some releif. but only while it was applied and still obviously warm.
ok. shit!

putting it mildly. will give you an update when i get back. got a methadone script to pickup at local chem should i go grab it before i go?
was saying shit about the whole deal not the fact you aint got skype. could i send some additional pics for your opinion. im still waiting for my ride!! - you think its criticall to get there like asap? or could i finish up one/two things? - will it make a huge difference? i must add i aint been near the vein for 24ish hours? and i cant see me going there again. ever!
you need to drink plenty of fluids like water, gatorade juice, take 800mg ibuprophen only (NO MORE SHOTS), clean your arm with antibacterial soap if possible. apply and antibiotic ointment if available and wrap it with a clean towel or ace bandage. lie down elevate the arm on pillows so its above the level of your heart. relax and try to get some rest. your body is going thru a lot and you dont realize it because all the symptoms are being blocked.
was saying shit about the whole deal not the fact you aint got skype. could i send some additional pics for your opinion. im still waiting for my ride!! - you think its criticall to get there like asap? or could i finish up one/two things? - will it make a huge difference? i must add i aint been near the vein for 24ish hours? and i cant see me going there again. ever!

Without being present with you to objectively assess your condition it's impossible to precisely diagnose. However the photo you posted as well as your symptoms might indicate cellulitis. This is just one possibility, but there are serious risks waiting, such as an infection that spreads throughout your body or permanent tissue damage/death. Just get some medical treatment ASAS, and please let us know how things turn out.
as long as there is still good circulation, then your arteries havent been harmed its not life threatening. you could wait till the urgent clinics open in a few hours but until then i suggest you take it easy, get some rest, if u absolutley need a fix, muscle it in a thigh and keep you arms clean. hospitals usually take away any meds you bring with you because they could interfere with any treatments the MD may be trying to give you so taking your script wont be too helpfull. if its sever enough to require hospital stay with IV antibiotics chances are youll be given IV dilaudid and other meds that will just keep you rested.
Without being present with you to objectively assess your condition it's impossible to precisely diagnose. However the photo you posted as well as your symptoms might indicate cellulitis. This is just one possibility, but there are serious risks waiting, such as an infection that spreads throughout your body or permanent tissue damage/death. Just get some medical treatment ASAS, and please let us know how things turn out.

He is right the only way to properly treat the problem is to properly diagnose it. the only way to do so is to do blood work including a culture and sensitivity which identifies the bacteria. certain antibiotics kill certain bacteria, improper use cause more harm than good.
as long as there is still good circulation, then your arteries havent been harmed its not life threatening. you could wait till the urgent clinics open in a few hours but until then i suggest you take it easy, get some rest, if u absolutley need a fix, muscle it in a thigh and keep you arms clean. .

DON'T IM unless you run your solution through a micron filter! Anything less selective than a micron filter will leave particles in the shot which you DO NOT want deep in your muscle tissue.

->OP: Dude, your problem is not that you're IV'ing. Your problem is you're IV'ing improperly!

Never just say 'fuck it' and deliver the shot somewhere in the subcutaneous tissue. If you do, you WILL end up with an abcess, which probably is what you've got there. I really do not get this attitude. (For me, half the pleasure of IV is seing that crimson blossom unfold, indicating a perfect register). If you don't hit the vein, pull out immediately, put on a new needle and try somewhere else. -don't dig around in the tissue and don't reuse the needle (veins are SO much easier to perforate with a fresh needle and it causes minimal damage to the vein).

-btw, same goes if it hurts when you press the plunger. Shots in the vein doesn't hurt at all, so this means that you're in the SC-tissue, should pull out immediately, change needle and try somewhere else.

From the photo it also looks as if you are injecting repeatedly through the same point of entry? If so, you shouldn't do that either. Pick a new spot each time, untill the old spots have healed completely. This will also help keep your veins healthy and long-lived.

Last but not least, FILTER PROPERLY! This is SO KEY!! Try to at least use a cotton filter, but micron filters are even better and can be bought online by the box.

Filters, needles and works in general are SO fucking cheap, that it's just a rediculous place to save money, given that these things will come in direct contact with your bloodstream.

If you could tell us how you prepare your shot, we might be able to give you some improving tips. I also HIGHLY recommend the "IV-megathread". -there's absolute gold in there.

Anyway dude, let us know how it goes, good luck and try to treat your body with a bit more respect.

Peace out!
As a quick response due to time restraint, I think you should seek some kind of medical attention. Failing to do so could cause the infection to spread and if left untreated could possibly develop into compartment syndrome and you could lose your arm.
That's from heroin?

Go to the ER, now.

If you IV'd and missed a shot of methamp within the hour, that might be expected and might go away on its own but I highly suggest you go to the ER.
god do i feel stupid.

ok i know im risking my arm but if you knew the history between me and this girl you would perhaps risk it too. - seriously if i was to open up to my gfriend it would be over. period. 8years.

I've been resting it as suggested. has some methadone and have zero plans to go near it with anything sharper than a feather. ok when i have time i will explain why if my gfriend became aware of my iv use it would be worse than losing an arm. trust me. its clear im playing with fire - i can only hope for the best.

some positive news - which if i understand correctly its merely getting better in way to start getting worse. - admitably as mentioned its reduced somewhat in pain/side/firmness. i have just taken zopliclone tablet to get some sleep - i have worked out a way of getting to the hospital tomorrow without my girlfriend finding out about this self inflicted and perhaps even warrented nightmare - is it wise to take any Antibiotic as mentioned it is amoxycillan? i've had plenty for vit c and fruit juces and had a nice long shower taking extra care not to nock the wound - but its very clean etc. so that at least is a good thing.... ( its still red and firm but its not as sore as it was yesterday - about 17hrs ago. im going to lay down for a few hours sleep. if its worse then im going to have to do somrhing if not - then i will wait till morning and try to pull the wool over once more. its looking to me like these are the last days of using any class A.

peace to all. i will update when i've slept some. again i know you all think i should go to A&E and i really do appreciate the concern all of it. and all the information you have given me. its really good of you guys - i deserve to be laughed at for my own stupidity..

again peace. fingers crossed the sun rises tomorrow. (actually its london. it prob wont rise until may.
god do i feel stupid.

ok i know im risking my arm but if you knew the history between me and this girl you would perhaps risk it too.
FUCK NO!!! You have to think about YOURSELF. You need medical attention; don't avoid going to the ER because of what someone might think.

Let us know after you get back from the ER; they will help you and the sooner you go the better it'll be for you and your arm, and you can get over this quicker.

Don't worry about how you feel right now: you must know by now that you most likely need to go to the ER because of how your arm looks alone.

I am hoping that they will be able to give you IV antibiotics, NSAIDS, and other medicine you might need.
you should have ran it under hot water. it helps kill some bacteria and gets blood moving to help fight the infection. but, i'm sure you've already left so maybe next time someone will read this.
god do i feel stupid.

ok i know im risking my arm but if you knew the history between me and this girl you would perhaps risk it too. - seriously if i was to open up to my gfriend it would be over. period. 8years.

I've been resting it as suggested. has some methadone and have zero plans to go near it with anything sharper than a feather. ok when i have time i will explain why if my gfriend became aware of my iv use it would be worse than losing an arm. trust me. its clear im playing with fire - i can only hope for the best.

some positive news - which if i understand correctly its merely getting better in way to start getting worse. - admitably as mentioned its reduced somewhat in pain/side/firmness. i have just taken zopliclone tablet to get some sleep - i have worked out a way of getting to the hospital tomorrow without my girlfriend finding out about this self inflicted and perhaps even warrented nightmare - is it wise to take any Antibiotic as mentioned it is amoxycillan? i've had plenty for vit c and fruit juces and had a nice long shower taking extra care not to nock the wound - but its very clean etc. so that at least is a good thing.... ( its still red and firm but its not as sore as it was yesterday - about 17hrs ago. im going to lay down for a few hours sleep. if its worse then im going to have to do somrhing if not - then i will wait till morning and try to pull the wool over once more. its looking to me like these are the last days of using any class A.

peace to all. i will update when i've slept some. again i know you all think i should go to A&E and i really do appreciate the concern all of it. and all the information you have given me. its really good of you guys - i deserve to be laughed at for my own stupidity..

again peace. fingers crossed the sun rises tomorrow. (actually its london. it prob wont rise until may.

These types of threads blow my mind - why do you come here, ask advice (which we were happy to give), get tons of good information, and then just do what you wanted to begin with (i.e. nothing.)? Don't take any amoxicillin, 6 tablets are not going to help at all and you need a much stronger broad spectrum anyway.

And although this is more SLR material, if you honestly cared about your relationship you'd be honest with her. Losing an arm is not a good way to come clean.

There really isn't any more advice we can give you here. It's been said, and now it's up to you to make a reasonable decision or not.

When you go to the hospital, please PM me afterward and I'll gladly re-open this for you to update if you'd like. I know more than one person here will be wondering how you're doing.
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