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Functional Addicts...Are you one? Have you met one?

Im functional right now but there was a time not long ago when I wasnt. I have a dream that after I finish my degree I will be able to get a job and hold a heroin habit under control while maintaining a job and a girlfriend all that stuff, its prolly a pipe dream but shit gotta have dreams. Right now I smoke bud and dabble with some benzos but the suboxone keeps me pretty strait.
Depends what you really mean by "functional". I was able to maintain a steady job, pay all my bills, and stay addicted without having to resort to anything shady. I did however badly fuck up a relationship due to lying about my addiction, detoxing, relapsing and lying about it again. So I dunno, functional? Yes. Happy? Not at all.
Man this thread is back from the dead.

As for me...Started banging dope in grad school. Got my degree. Have a pretty successful career. Have a long term relationship. Pay my rent. Have never copped a charge. No one has a clue. If you have a little bit of money coming in, a handful of really solid connects, and you don't have to cop on the street(delivery is where its at), it is easier than you think. Been 6 or 7 years now. Shit. Functional? You tell me.
I work at a place right in the middle of a bad part of town. It is amazing I cannot pick too many people out who I am really sure are getting high. I can smell weed once in a while, or spot some saucer shaped pupils, but it is pretty rare. Of course maybe everyone knows I am on enough legal drugs to kill a small house pet...maybe not. I do believe I am functional though. Not a tweeker though. We need sleep to keep our shit together. I sleep 10 hours a day
In agreement with others, the ''junctional funky'' ;D part doesn't last long, maybe a bit more possible with smaller, controlled amounts of meth, I take lisdexamphetamine daily and it does' help a great deal with my focus. Now heroin/other opiates on the other hand, that shit doesn't work out when you're sick as fuck prepping a shot in the car of the parking lot where you work, not giving a fuck that you're late as it is because you were out and had to reup and getting yelled ats better than dealing with the horrid sickness we all dread :p
i've been 1 a couple of times but those periods don't last long.
I'm kinda borderline addict, and functional. Longest I've gone without booze in the last few years? Maybe 12 days. Usually drink almost every day but lately doing well and only drinking like 3-4 days a week. Last 2 years I've been dependent on valium avg 5-10mg daily high of 55mg longest break 3 days.

I can quit smoking cigs and pot much easier but I don't think I've done more than 3 days with no booze AND no diazepam in the last 2 years. Agabagabagabagabagabagabagabagaba

I hope to go 7 days no drugs besides caffeine soon to prove to myself I am still real human bean
Yeah, people with opioid scripts like prescribed ridiculous daily doses (as in the legal limit), as well as multiple opioids: long-duration opi's (i.e. morphine ER, methadone, oxy as in OP's time-release, fentanyl patches) w/ break-thru opioids (i.e. morphine IR, oxy IR/Roxicodone, hydromorphone). Other "functional opi addicts": trust-fund kids and those over prescribed methadone via MMT/lenient clinics + their ridiculous scripts of high dose benzo's, promethazine or hydroxyzine, and potentially IVing fentanyl analogues esp butyr-fentanyl. I know somebody that shoots butyr-fent thru 105mg's of methadone. I'm glad that wasn't around when I was on MMT, because the only IV heroin I could feel was cut with high ratios of fent.

Most stimulant/m-amphet addicts with good jobs, construction-type workers; it helps them work all day/overtime/3rd shifts, and speed dealers can tend to be functional (definitely not all of them if their tolerance is ridiculous)
I have known alot of functional addicts. My dad and older half-brother are both funtional alcoholics. They never miss work and though they do drink most days, they only go hard on the weekends. They are both in the trades and it's a pretty accepted thing to be a hard drinking guy. They're union though, so one failed pissed test,even for pot, and it's big trouble which can cost you your career.

I myself have been a functional addict at times when I felt I needed drugs to make it through the work day. I have used kratom,DXM,cannabis/extracts,aphetamines,phenibut,MPA,and probably others I can't recall while working. Definately helped the work days go by and kept me in a good mood with coworkers, but was detrimental at times(DXM gave me tons of energy,but could be easy to get confused lol,used to go in in terrible shape when I was drinking heavy).

Seen loads of people get fired for showing up noticeably drunk/fucked up bad on drugs and also for failed drops. I always have synthetic urine on me when Im at a job with randos, passed lots of times with that shit, both pre-employment and rando....fuck piss tests!!
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Depends on the definition of an addict. If you mean someone who shoots dope 24/7, then no I haven't seen functional ones. If it's just someone who is compelled to use (almost) every day, then yes. My father and older brother both are functional alcoholics. They, especially my dad, drink every evening, but it has never interfered with their work. I don't even think many people know they drink outside of their family circles.

I myself am not even sure if I fit the criteria for being an addict. I crave drugs every day, but then again I don't mind if I miss a day or two if it so happens - I'm not very physically dependent because of my reasonably low doses, so I don't get nasty withdrawals. Lately though I can't remember a period longer than 3-4 days when I went without getting high. I drink beer or do opioids, lately it has only been opioids. Finally been able to quit drinking. Since I completely switched to opis my drug use has stopped impacting my professional and social life as it did on alcohol. Personal life though? Uhh, opioids make me emotionally quite numb so I've done things I probably wouldn't have otherwise done... But hey who needs relationships when you have opioids.
I know people view me as a functional person who is above the curve for my age and situation.
It has shown me how many people can and cannot see what's right there.
I can't decide if I am truly a functional addict, after all.
Depends on the definition of an addict. If you mean someone who shoots dope 24/7, then no I haven't seen functional ones. If it's just someone who is compelled to use (almost) every day, then yes. My father and older brother both are functional alcoholics. They, especially my dad, drink every evening, but it has never interfered with their work. I don't even think many people know they drink outside of their family circles.

I myself am not even sure if I fit the criteria for being an addict. I crave drugs every day, but then again I don't mind if I miss a day or two if it so happens - I'm not very physically dependent because of my reasonably low doses, so I don't get nasty withdrawals. Lately though I can't remember a period longer than 3-4 days when I went without getting high. I drink beer or do opioids, lately it has only been opioids. Finally been able to quit drinking. Since I completely switched to opis my drug use has stopped impacting my professional and social life as it did on alcohol. Personal life though? Uhh, opioids make me emotionally quite numb so I've done things I probably wouldn't have otherwise done... But hey who needs relationships when you have opioids.

Lol. Sad but true. =D
I think I'm becoming a more functional addict. I went from a benzo/ heroin addict, that would sleep all day and be a complete mess to now using heroin on weekends only. I moved house and have no connections here, I refuse to get one as I know I'll go back to using daily so end up driving back to my old town ever weekend. I'm probably just kidding myself though..
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Im a functional daily crystal user, but I hate it. I have every reason to use and few to stop. My brain is dissolving and it's still not enough to quit
Yes I was functioning opiate user, every day I was in good mood from opiates. After I quit I loose my functioning.
Im an architect and own my construction and desing firm. I have been using cocaine for 4 years already. Married, 3 kids, healthy, excersice every morning. And cocaine helps me a lot when the work load its too much. Lately i have been doing 3g per week. But i can get through weeks without a single sniff.
My boss is an almost crazy alcoholic and benzo user and still he became a millionair.