Fun Survey: What Mock Awards Will/Did You Get?


Nov 2, 1999
Ok kiddies...
For those of us who had mock awards in High School (or wherever), what did you win? What should you have won? If you haven't had the awards yet, what do you think you'll win?
Here's mine:
**Most Likely To Embarass Mother (hahaha! so true!)
**Class Crazy (hey, I live up to it)
**Nicest Hair (The Original White Girl Afro!)
How bout you?
The One
Damnit! I wish my school woulda had mock awards, but we just had the boring typical ones...
For our senior year awards thingie I got Most Liberal Female and Most Unique Female. So basically I guess they were trying to tell me I was a leftwing freak. Gosh, whodathunkit.

~*~ Ashke ~*~
I dont know what award i would have gotten seince i dont think we had that, probably the chick with the loudest car stero award!
i think this because i only would have half days and i would continue to disrupt classes dring the day with the emmence amount of bass coming from my car!
yes i am pround of this!
Oh and the-one, I love your hair! it is one of the few things i acctually remember from new years
MaD LoVin, Jessiy
Don't remember my high school one but in grade school I got "Most Likely to be a Serial Killer". I was a troubled child but I'm feeling much better now.
back in 5th grade i got the "most laid back award" and for most of my life so far i have been living up to it (you wouldnt believe the amount of my teachers that have thought that i was a druggie even before i started doing drugs at all)
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"
- Buddha -
Our high shool mock elections just came out and I got:
best dressed
most fun to be around
can always crack a good joke
best smile
I love mock elections!
in our real ones, I got most likely to be hanging in the Louve in 10 years, and in our informal I got "the girl yer parents warned you not to hang around" heheeee... I was a bad catholic school girl, cause by the time i finished we were all in rehab... I guess I shouldnt be proud, but its the facts of life....
i got two of my high school's senior hair...and...(this is the kicker) best to take home to your parents...(little do they know)
I did a computer applications course a few years ago and during the internet training (which I already knew how to use) I spent most of my time surfing for porno!
During the awards at the end of the course they surprised me with the "Internet Queen" award!
Not long after that I also got the "Mr. Burns award for outstanding achievment in the field of excellence" - as per The Simpsons!
In grade 6 I was given a trophy for passing - tell me one person who has not passed grade 6! Not a remarkable achievment if you ask me...!
hey, in the 8th grade i got the "good apple award" (don't ask i don't know) and i just recieved word that i'm the proud winner of the "most likely to forget where a class is" award

[This message has been edited by jbug (edited 19 January 2000).]
Well, in both the 8th and high school I got class clown (never took education in a classroom seriously, evry chance I got to make the class laf, I took it). I look back on it now, and I start to cry
cuz I feel like I just wasted all those years.....
. That is one thing I wish I could do over again. I would pay attention, and do good in!!!
LMAO!! I wouldnt do it over if someone payed me like 5 bucks er something. I have always had fun and I plan on sticking w/ that motto 4 the rest of my life. BLAH, BLAH...blah blah, blah.
We had them at the end of year 6 & the end of yr 12 (senior year). Can't remember what I got in primary school, but the high school one was "The Charles Barkley Award for Diplomacy on the Basketball Court". Temper temper! Heh heh.
I'm a much more chilled person now.

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music"
- Aldous Huxley
i'd get "Easiest to get along with" , "most likely to brighten up your day" or "Most likely to make you smile"...i was on the ballot for "class clown" but i didnt win=( oh well, good night everyone.
the jaded ones will wither while we optimistic grow