Venting Fucking stims and ocd

Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
Stims and ocd is the worst fucking combo there is. Taking stimulants makes my ocd so bad that I have to count numbers all the time cause I also have an obsession with numbers.

Its like it makes me compulsive about an obsession. WHAT A FUCKING WORLD.
Video games is my go to. I can make btc with them so even better. Sometimes Im not even on the mood to talk.

Yeah. I'm not that into video games but often when I'm amped I really wish I was. Often I just lie on my bed and get lost in music for hours (sometimes the same album on repeat like 200 times with noticing)
You should definitely try some video games. I bet you would enjoy your time if only you found the right game for you. I cant imagine just lying in bed being too fun :/
My son has OCD and counts everything, like everything. He counts stairs and he has a running count in his head most of the time but video games really help him so much. We waiting on psychologist appointment for him. Managing it as best as we can, he’s only 11.
My son has OCD and counts everything, like everything. He counts stairs and he has a running count in his head most of the time but video games really help him so much. We waiting on psychologist appointment for him. Managing it as best as we can, he’s only 11.
I get it. Back in the days when I was working at my grandpas company I used to count numbers like for hours when we were driving to a place where there was work. At my worst psychosis periods I could play songs in my head with my steps on the snow. Fun times. Lol.

Atleast the video games help him, if he has bad ocd so young I hope the psychologist can help him.
I third the video games.. Ice is my DOC and video games are my go-to when I’m on it. Keeps me home and out of trouble by myself not harming anyone yet very social environment with teams and parties. There’s a huge following of us Halo people that are just geeked playing for hours on end having a good time.