from the edge


Jun 26, 2008
reading my post from just a month ago i was at the edge. i was thinking of drinking or using again, i was depressed, i was feeling like it was all over. how silly. just one month ago I was smoking 3 packs a day drinking coffie, and energy drinks all day long. I was sleeping bad, feeling bad, my legs were swollen and hurt, i was weak and tired.. i was so down so very down I felt like drinking or doing drugs again.

im 7months sober.. and only in the last month have I felt like i have begin to feel normal again.
thank you everyone for your advise and help. im happy i didn't use. im doing so much better.

i started working again, i smoke from half a pack to a pack a day. i drink 1-2 energy drinks and cut the coffie. I eat much more healthy and cut lots of the bad shit out like salt. my legs are good, i sleep much better, my move (to my new location) went well I am very happy here. I got a new smart phone I love. I reconected with old friends... wow. my god. I was so close.. so close to walking down the street and buying vodka. I even thought of going down the street and buying bath salts. But i didn't. Now im not back to normal. I never have been sober this long and while I have come a long way I got a long way more to go. I have very clear issues still but im working on them one at a time.

Anyways I posted here a lot I have been missing for a week or so and thought I would update everyone. Oh ya I take suboxon and I kept running out. I was taking as much as I could of it. Im not sure why. Because now I take half what I am given. instead of 16mg I take 8mg max sometimes less. I just got control of my life again and it feels so great.

Thank you
congrats on the 7 months!!!!! I know it took a lot of work and, I gotta say, I can see the changes in you through your posts over time.

It really makes me happy to read this! =D