Friendly Reminder: Updated Forum Guidelines


Mar 16, 2001
Forum overview and guidelines

Forum overview

This forum exists as a place for Bluelighters to ask questions on a variety of legal matters. Seeking help on a message board, however, is no replacement for the advice of an actual attorney. If you are in legal trouble, retain the services of a competent lawyer. Bluelight assumes no liability for any comments made on this message board.

Forum guidelines
  • The Bluelight User Agreement applies at all times.
  • Furnish as much detail as possible when posting a question.
  • Make sure to include your location when asking a question.
  • Present your subject in a clear and intelligent manner.
  • Be respectful of one another and courteous of those taking the time to answer your questions.
  • Use the search function prior to posting. It is possible that a similar question has already been asked.
  • Please post legal questions, not philosophies about why drugs are illegal or why cops are evil. Please use Thought & Awareness or Current Events & Politics for such discussions.
  • This is not a forum for discussing ways to circumvent the law. Do NOT post information on how to smuggle drugs, ship illegal shipments, hide drugs, etc. This goes for posts asking how to pass a drug test as well. These posts will be edited or deleted.
Visit the Legal Information category of the Links Database for more information.

Important: In no manner whatsoever is an attorney/client relationship created on this board. Neither implied nor actual.
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Update: Anonymous posting is now available in Legal Q&A. You do not need to be registered in order to create a new thread or reply to an existing topic. The purpose is to allow people to share certain types of information while protecting their identity. All sincere contributions will be welcome.

Anonymous posting needs to be made in the new anonymous forum located at
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I'd like to suggest posting your country in the thread title or at the very least in the text of your posting.

Recently, several posts have been closed/deleted that dealt with certain chemicals, precursors, and listed/controlled drugs. While many users may be unaware, the BL User Agreement clearly prohibits these types of posts. More specifically, the Agreement prohibits the...

Use of Bluelight in any way, shape or form for unlawful purposes, including, without limitation:

1. attempting to solicit or obtain contraband substances or substances of a quasi-legal status; or information on how to do so;
2. posting or exchanging any information on ongoing or future criminal activity, or any information which can be construed as discussing such activity;
3. actively encouraging others to engage in criminal activities;

This section of the BL User Agreement is particularly relevant in Legal Q&A. The purpose of this forum is to help users know about and better defend their protected rights as well as to provide as much information as we can to resolve legal troubles facing our users. We are not a one-stop forum for finding out ways to circumvent the law in obtaining drugs, smuggling drugs, or asking hypothetical what-ifs regarding the procurement of any suspect chemical.

Threads asking about the legal status of a drug are acceptable, but rather than posting here, search the FAQs of Bluelight or first, as you can probably find a faster answer there.

Any posts in violation of the BL User Agreement will be closed immediately and a warning will be recorded against the user.

If you feel your post was inappropriately closed, or you feel as though your post has a legitimate reason for remaining open, PM any one of the mods and we will be happy to discuss it with you. We're nice folks ;)
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Edited to merge 2 related threads. :)

As Jase suggested, please post your country in the title or at the beginning of your thread.

Please also see the updated Forum Guidelines above posted by Dr. J.

Thanks to our posters for helping keep our forum organized and civil.

Edited on date set forth below because I am getting f***ing sick of the tone of certain posters, and I can't let it go unsaid anymore.

This forum is not the place to post advice you can't back up with hard evidence with which you can't give citations. It is not the place to post speculative ideas, and if you want to do that on a SPECIFIC LEGAL ISSUE (and not something they would better deal with in Current Events and Politics) we welcome intelligent discussion on LEGAL issues...

but don't post information for which you can't cite sources or other substantive evidence. None of us are perfect... but we can substantiate our positions and we expect the same from all of you...
some of you are so great about it, and thanks :)

If you don't know for sure what you are talking about and can't back it up with evidence, err on the side of safety and do not post.

We do not speculate over ethics either in individual posts, per se... the majority of our posters and all of our moderators are incredibly intelligent and articulate and are not jerks; we welcome what you all have to say and value your opinions... the law does not fit in rigid frameworks and by its very nature is open to interpretation; we attempt to maintain the same spirit here. I see the need for more organization and more defined forum guidelines, and the Legal mods will be discussing this issue...

In the meantime, if you have any questions about a specific issue or post, PM us. Tell us what you want. We will do our best to make this a forum in which we can foster intelligent and productive discussions.

PM the forum mods with any specific or personal issues; as Dr. J said, we are nice people and most of all, we are here for YOU, to serve YOU. We want to help; we just want organization and a civil tone and I for one refuse to be baited.

I refuse to rant any more; good night and see above.
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Jase said:
I'd like to suggest posting your country in the thread title or at the very least in the text of your posting.

That is a very good point. I would also suggest that the person indicate the state in which they live.
Another thing:

People frequently post here asking for advice pertaining to activities they have engaged in. You may think that behavior is wrong, e.g. drunk driving. HOWEVER, this is NOT the forum for telling people that what they did is wrong or immoral.

People need to be able to ask for legal advice without being chastised. Imagine that someone went to a criminal defense attorney, and the attorney unloaded on the client with a bunch of moral chastising. That would be highly inappopriate.

Bottom line: Blaming people discourages them from seeking advice here. It runs counter to the purpose of this forum. Therefore, any post that does so will be edited.
Excellent point chap.

I would also add, that people occasionally post replies that are contrary to the law. I am sure that everyone means well, but, please to not give advice (BTW, I am not referring to any of the excellent mods. here) unless you are certain it is correct. Granted, many issues involving the law are open to interpretation. But, some people post advice that is simply not correct. Mmmmkay?
^^^ Yes, I know, this is a big problem.

I have many doubts about this forum at times. We have non-lawyers (including myself, at least for the time-being) giving advice to people, usually without citing a source or case.

There have been quite a few posts that have caused me to cringe and/or worry whether we are hurting peoples' cause.

I wouldn't STRONGLY ADVISE people NOT TO ANSWER unless they are really sure they know what they are talking about. Preferably, you have some formal training in the law, or you can cite to a source.
Mahan Atma said:
Another thing:

People frequently post here asking for advice pertaining to activities they have engaged in. You may think that behavior is wrong, e.g. drunk driving. HOWEVER, this is NOT the forum for telling people that what they did is wrong or immoral.

People need to be able to ask for legal advice without being chastised. Imagine that someone went to a criminal defense attorney, and the attorney unloaded on the client with a bunch of moral chastising. That would be highly inappopriate.

Bottom line: Blaming people discourages them from seeking advice here. It runs counter to the purpose of this forum. Therefore, any post that does so will be edited.

Here's a related issue:

On occasion, someone is being offered a deal by the prosecutor to snitch on someone else.

Regardless of how strongly you feel about this matter, DO NOT try to belittle or chastise the poster out of snitching. Again, imagine if you were a defense attorney, and this was your client. It would be highly inappropriate for you to tell your client he/she must take the fall in order to protect someone else.

The way I think of it, when someone posts here, they deserve to get advice that is in their best interests. And they are asking for legal advice, not moral advice.

Therefore, any admonitions against snitching will be deleted, unless you have a solid legal reason to believe it is not in their best interests, or otherwise relevant in some non-moralizing way.
Update: Anonymous posting has now been turned off for Legal Q&A. Anonymous posts should now be made in the Anonymous Posting forum. A staff member will move your comments to the appropriate place.
Amendment: No posts on obtaining prescription drugs legally in other countries. If it's not legal in your country, there is no need to ask a question about it. There are no fruitful replies to be obtained, that haven't already been given. Search the forum to find more info.