Friend Overdosed, Consuming Drugs Question


Mar 11, 2010
Around six months ago a good friend of mine overdosed after taking far too many legal high pills (I have no idea what was in them as at this point butylone and BZP were banned), Fly Agaric and mephedrone. He began convulsing and having a fit and eventually an ambulance arrived and he was taken off, during his period in the hospital he died and was resuscitation or however they do it (I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to what goes on inside the hospital).

To my friend this whole experience (when he woke up) was just one big dream, he had no memory of the event although I do think he recalls dropping the pills, but nothing after. However, he has said to me numerous times that when he smokes weed he sometimes feels as if he is back in the coma, I actually think it causes him to trip and he sees things similar to what he saw in his coma and is unable to tell reality from the coma. Although this doesn't happen as frequently and intensely as it did since he overdosed I still refuse to allow him to try acid as I feel that if something like weed with psychedelic properties can cause this sort of thing happening, acid would be much more intense if it produced similar effects and it also lasts much longer. Although my question is does anyone have any idea on what causes this, why and whether it would be safe for him to drop acid or the likes of MDMA (I think he has consumed mephedrone since and has been fine, although only a handful of times).

I understand that if he is receiving these sorts of effects from weed alone, many of you will recommend that he stops consuming drugs altogether. Unfortunately I am not this person and it is unlikely this will happen, so in the aid of harm reduction I'd like to know why it is caused, what he can consume and whether there is anything that can be done to aid this?
Hi SpecialK, sorry for the late response man, I've had exams so I haven't been online much in the last couple of weeks.

Well, I must say I am surprised that your friend is still keen to take any drugs at all. That experience with his overdose would scare MOST people away from illicit substances forever. I have to say that in my opinion it's a bit of a kick in the balls to life if he's willing to keep taking his chances like this.

But like you said, it's his life and his decision.

LSD is not going to cause him to overdose like he did 6 months ago. What may happen (and is arguably more likely to happen due to his overdose experience) is that he might have an anxiety attack resulting in a bad trip. If he absolutely must try acid, tell him to start with a low-dose and see how that goes. Like, a quarter of a tab.

MDMA is a bit more dangerous because a lot of pills are adulterated with piperazines these days, which could cause a reaction like he had to the combination he had 6 months ago. Any stimulants (in my opinion and experience) are physically much more risky than psychedelics.

Good luck.
To me, it sounds like he is having flashbacks from a traumatic experience, namely his near death experience.
It isn't really possible to know what is safe or unsafe for him to use.

Personally I get very strong effects from weed, most of the time I am only able to use it when I'm alone or else the anxiety can get quite uncomfortable. But it's impossible to predict how he may react to acid or MDMA; these are completely different substances. Maybe tripping would somehow help him work through his issues. Or maybe it will just traumatize him more and make his mental health deteriorate. Who knows?

If you have expressed your concern and your friend decides to do it anyways, there is not much you can do. You can always stick around to provide a "safe" environment, but ultimately you are not responsible for whatever choice he makes.
I had a seizure and blacked out while driving and I can't remember at least ten to fifteen minutes, I don't remember the accident, it still haunts me at times and I have flashbacks of little things every now and then. You can't escape being effected by these things, but being unconscious during part of it makes these kind of experiences difficult to deal with.

I could see how the trauma of the experience could make him want to use more drugs to escape. If he wants to try LSD he will, that could go either way, if he doesn't have a bad trip it could be good for him but I wouldn't recommend it.

Ultimately it's your friends life and I'd suggest just supporting him in whatever he does and be there for him if he needs you. If you obsess about it too much it becomes unhealthy for you and doesn't do him any good either.

Hope things turn out well.