NEMD Freddie Mercury's death


Nov 4, 2008
Everyonet knows Freddie Mercury died from a AIDS infection but how exactly did he die? I have my own conspiracy theory.

I read online Freddie Mercury only announced 24 hours before his death he was dying AIDS. I'm sure there was more to it than what was told to the media. I remember the night it was announced Freddie had died. I was only 11 years old but I remember everyone where I lived was glued to their radios to get updates

Normally wealthy men don't die from AIDS. Everyone knows a wealthy man has two choices to have his AIDS cured. First choice- Converting to the Orthodox church and paying half a million USD to have sex twice with a red haired man.

Apparently Freddie Mercury tried this but unfortunately he was unsuccessful in clearing the virus due to medical complications with his bodys natural production of bodily fluids needed to pass the virus from himself to the red haired man and back to Freddie curing him. namely his sperm wasn't healthy

I heard or if I recall correctly he died on a operating table in Saudi Arabia during a extremely dangerous blood transfusion operation.

Choice number 2-convert to Islam or in Freddie Mercury's case return to his Farsi Persian roots and be a practicing muslim putting his faith in Allah to save his life and survive the Islamic blood transfusion

That's the second choice a wealthy man has to cure his AIDS infection, the Islamic blood transfusion which costs 200k USD where Saudi doctors use heroin to stop a person's heart beating and use a machine to drain the AIDS infected blood out of the body, then sterilize the cardiovascular system then drain healthy blood from a Saudi criminal who has been sentenced to death and pump it back in to the original patient curing the person's aids.

The risk with the Islamic blood transfusion operation is the patient can die during the operation. One heart beat will be fatal, the patient's heart will explode. And I believe Freddie Mercury's blood transfusion operation was fatal.

The really sad thing about Freddie Mercury's death was Muslim clerics in Iran preached Freddie died in Saudi Arabia because he first gave up his Farsi Persian Islamic faith to convert to the Orthodox church for the safer sexual intercouse AIDS cure.

Why did freddie not survive the Islamic blood transfusion operation? Most likely he had a natural high tolerance to heroin due to his Farsi Persian ancestors who would have smoked/ate opium.

For every 5 HIV positive/AIDS infected patients who attempt the Islamic blood transfusion 1-2 will not survive the operation.

Anyway Freddie Mercury's death goes to show you can have all the money in the world but even the wealthy elites can be unlucky.