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freaking out / large dose 25b accidentally


Aug 23, 2014
Just got pulled over, and had to ingest 2tenths mdma and 20 hits of 25b dosed at 800mcg per.... didnt have a choice...but now im freaking out.,cant differ placebo from mdma frm 25b.,anyone have input?
Get some benzos, alcohol, or any gaba agonist in you quick because you're in for a hell of a ride.

Or go to the hospital, because people have been known to croak on only 2mg of nbome
I'd take my chances with the cops before I'd ever even think of taking 20 hits of an nbome
Go to the hospital, 6mgs of 25b almost killed me. Go to the ER now. The nbomes aren't usually orally active but just in case.
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The consensus is that 25x compounds generally doesn't have an effect orally. 200mg of MDMA is a lot... probably way more active than 16mg 25B if you take both orally. But as others have said, 16mg of 25B by a normal route would be/is an insane dose and the best advice is to get some medical supervision in the event that any does absorb.
Just got pulled over, and had to ingest 2tenths mdma and 20 hits of 25b dosed at 800mcg per.... didnt have a choice...but now im freaking out.,cant differ placebo from mdma frm 25b.,anyone have input?

What do you mean you didn’t have a choice?!

Don’t freak out and don’t take any drugs! Taking benzodiazpines and drinking alcohol is really a bad idea. Trust me! Don’t do it! Don’t take anything! Anything you do, you will regret it. Just drink water if you want. Please stay calm and take deep breaths. You may experience some crazy visuals, kinda pass out for some minutes and not be able to move your body. Your body may feel totally numb and stone cold. Vomiting is common. You had a choice not to take this amount, but now you don’t have a choice. You have to embrace your experience. ;) I think you’ll be fine.
All good....wowzers... definitely orally active. .. made it home safe lphysically and mentally i think lol
Sorry guys... didnt mean to be so alarming then dip out like that lol..

I'll post again when I can lol . Pretty sure all is well tho..
The consensus is that 25x compounds generally doesn't have an effect orally..

It might not have psychoactive effect, that doesn't mean it can't kill you. Pretty sure one of the nbome deaths was in pill form...
Just got pulled over, and had to ingest 2tenths mdma and 20 hits of 25b dosed at 800mcg per.... didnt have a choice...but now im freaking out.,cant differ placebo from mdma frm 25b.,anyone have input?

Go to the hospital immediately. 2mg of an NBOMe has put several people I know in hospital, 20x800ug is almost certainly going to kill you if the blotters you have are orally active and you don't get help immediately. Please get help immediately if you haven't already :x

Don't assume that you're in the clear, since the NBOMes have been known to react weirdly orally, with some people needing 10x the sublingual dose, others getting no effects, and others getting full effects at a normal dosage - and with how we still aren't 100% sure exactly why some people have gotten effects orally and others haven't - it's possible there's some weird element to the oral metabolism that makes absorption act real weird, and you could have severely delayed onset of effects/peak effects, so just because it's been a few hours doesn't mean you're safe.
Well, I guess it has now been proven that NBOMe is not orally active, at least no more than the parent 2C-X that it probably metabolizes to. He probably felt like he took a hit of 2C-B and MDMA. Thanks for being the guinea pig, rollanballz.
Ugggh lol. Vry slow onset.. but beautiful ...thank u strange events that brought me here :)

Are you alright over there? Damn dude, you're lucky you didn't keel over on this one. Fortunately NBOME's indeed don't seem to be all that active orally. Please update us once you are able to. Be well!
Waaayy more intense then almost anythng ive ever done... and ive been around a bit...lol..

Definitly hit some extreme points tonight., ive dosed 4mg 25i with a plethora of other compounds at the same time, and this blows all of em away lol
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Nice, glad to hear you're alright! I wouldn't do that again though, NBOMe's aren't all that forgiving in higher doses, dangerous even. Luckily you swallowed them and didn't keep them in your mouth for long. Next time if you think you OD'd on NBOMe's you should really go to the hospital, they aren't something you want to OD on when you're alone. Would you say the experience was different than when you administered the blotters sublingually?
Nice, glad to hear you're alright! I wouldn't do that again though, NBOMe's aren't all that forgiving in higher doses, dangerous even. Luckily you swallowed them and didn't keep them in your mouth for long. Next time if you think you OD'd on NBOMe's you should really go to the hospital, they aren't something you want to OD on when you're alone. Would you say the experience was different than when you administered the blotters sublingually?

And what would they do at the hospital, give him the anti-NBOMe serum? Ain't shit they could do for him and he'd have a worse trip than ever. My question is, did the cops even search him? They can't just randomly search people at traffic stops. And if they did, would they even know the blotters were a drug? Could just be a scrap of paper. All he had to do was stick it in the AC vent and get it out later. They ain't gonna tear the car apart at a traffic stop.
Give him benzos to calm him down? Treat any physical symptoms that might occur? Provide professional help instantaneously in case of crisis? Administer anticonvulsants if needed? Cool him down? I'm not saying they can stop the OD cold in its' tracks, but they can make sure or try to make sure his bodily functions don't reach critical levels. It's not the bad trip and subsequent freaking out he should be worried about, it's the physical repercussions of an NBOMe OD. All the more because the OP ingested 20*800ug, if it turned out that a significant portion was absorbed into the bloodstream somehow, this could have ended badly

So yeah, with compounds like this it's best to go to a hospital in case of (potential) OD, people have died from them, some on rather average doses, NBOMe's seem to be very unpredictable in certain cases. In most cases doing nothing and riding it out turns out fine, but there are an alarmingly large number of cases where that turned out bad. Better to err on the safe side with such things
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