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found out that almost ALL pills are pressed in oz

Retards,you guys are missing the whole point.,if its locally made i attracts a lower GST , only 10%.dimwhits!
just my opinion, but i don't reckon there are enough good presses here to do volume, and that 75% or more of the pills available in oz are imported.
we see customs seizing tens of thousands of pills at a time, and they admit they only catch a small percentage...
and people say local bakes are mostly crap & speed. are 80% of the pills you get crap speed bombs or really weak mdxx?
has anyone seen a pill test anything but black in the last 3 years?
I believe that the majority of pills are pressed here.
When certain brands that were most likely originally imported got a good name for themselves ie MTV's HQ's etc, as if i if u weren't a local producer u wouldn't copy this press? it makes sense.
So now i know the that 'locals' aren't that dodge afterall. I doubt if i ever come across any imports now.
People who swear by certain brands are idiots.
Every batch of pills are different.
Oh, and i'm pretty sure that the blue fish of last year were locally pressed. They were exactly the same as the green ones too - just different dye.
How about the other (in my opinion common) occurrence for the money-hungry importers... bring in a batch of strong, good-quality MDxx pills, and then when they arrive, crush them all up, mix 1:1 with filler/binder, and then repress into any logo you like. This leaves you with a possibly very speckled and weak pill, but a possible copycat for any known pill logo.
BigTrancer :)
has anyone seen a pill test anything but black in the last 3 years?
On e1 - I've seen...
Orange (wizz)=1
Clear = 4 - active 3 times
purple/black = lots of times
wish i'd seen green!
On e2 - I've seen..
Orange/brown (k) = once
Clear = 3 times - active all times
purple/black=lots of times
Most of the time it has been purple/black, but dodgey non PMA,K,DXM,wizz pills are out there. Of the 5 dodgey pills i've had in the last year only one was k, 3 were active but didn't test up on e1 or e2, and the last one was just salt - a complete fizzer!
[ 09 April 2002: Message edited by: chupa chopped ]
You're all just guessing! I'd say there is a fairly even ratio of pills imported already pressed and powder...
I've seen numerous 'police' magazines where they show pictures of the pills all bagged and ready for importation. There have been MANY well known pill brands in these magazines.. and on quite a regular basis do these pills come in already packaged up and pressed - and not all from the same bust.
So what about this then... if you were a dealer - wouldn't you rather sell pure MD powder (or slightly cut, whatever your fancy) rather than going to the effort of adding binder and pressing them into pills just so the pretty pictures tantalise the people into buying?
I think it'd be much nicer to show someone a fizzy black result from a tester on powder rather than scraping bits off a pill and chancing a less intense result... and as a buyer I know I'd much rather buy powder than a pill.
Ok, so this theory might be a little too specific - but what I'm trying to say is that it's all just speculation. Unless you're the godfather of MDMA and know exactly what quantities go where RIGHT from their original destination and how ... then you can never be sure.
i aggree that alot of pills are pressed in Oz, apparently there are only 3-4 big importers in sydney how get actual pills, then redistribute them, think back to around seprember last year, when they seized couple hundred thousand pills, did that effect your supply? certainly not mine, i would guess that on average there are probably sumwhere between 30 - 40 000 pills going thru sydney between any thursday and sunday. there are so many pills out there it would be virtually impossible to bring em all in pre pressed, and whats the difference between a press in Oz, and on in denmark, germany whatever?
in melbourne recently (i.e. pillreports post )...

...meanwhile, in the netherlands (i.e. pillreports post )...
bikie??? what for???? they wouldnt tell you that much about xtc mate
youd want to go to other ppl to know what your looking for....
i think its tru that pills are pressed in oz and id say quite a few are but who knows on the ratio to locally pressed and imported.......
fuck look at all the pills think of just how many presses there are out there!!! spun out
^^^that doesnt necessarily mean anything because you can buy the stamps. a FOAF was in amsterdam recently and said you can buy stamps in the shops over there along with various other paraphernalia. im gonna stay out of this thread tho...
corolla -that still dosen't mean much. Two of those pill stamps can exist in this world. It does look like a bought one and not a homemade one.
Does anyone think that there is a greater chance that pills with australian themed logos are made in AUS?
We've seen a few types of kangaroos in the past months...there's been the Aussie made logo and the qantas kangaroo.
Qantas is well known world-wide brand and europeans love kangaroos so it could still be imported.
I just have trouble believing that in a pressing lab in holland they are actually monitoring the australian market and develop certain conspiracy theory strategies....like making an awesome first release batch and then making a dud second batch. Once they've sold on the two batches to distributors they have no control over distribution anymore and the batches will be released at will by mid-level people. It will all mix up.
There are so many methods of importing!!!! You could keep on guessing forever. This thread is not relevant to this site at all.
So what about this then... if you were a dealer - wouldn't you rather sell pure MD powder (or slightly cut, whatever your fancy) rather than going to the effort of adding binder and pressing them into pills just so the pretty pictures tantalise the people into buying
There is quite a load of powder around although not many ppl like it. PPL between the age of 15 and 22 definately prefer(on average) more speedy or smacky pills. Both of which are feelings associated with most pressed pills :)
Powder is much cleaner and so doesn't sell, and when it does its not making as much cash.
hyperspeeding -
i would guess that on average there are probably sumwhere between 30 - 40 000 pills going thru sydney between any thursday and sunday.
i read statistics saying that on the weekend alone 100,000 ppl go out clubbing. If these ppl took on average 1 or 2 pills a night then thats 100, 000 or 200, 000 purchased :)
Like many ppl have mentioned there is no point worrying about where things are pressed mixxed or imported from. But as they say knowledge is king :)
Don't forget not everyone uses drugs tho RobE, I doubt it would come close to 100,000 users on any given weekend. I could be wrong tho. People between 15-22 should be chasing rushy or strong pills shouldnt they, altho I'll take a good clean cap anyday ;)
id agree with what lazer licker has said in that its prolly been a VERY long time since ive seen/eaten an imported pill!
i mean it would make SENSE that they started importing the pure powder here (even as robE says it in hat its already premixed ect and colored) instead of pills these days after those 3 MAJOR busts at the end of last year. thats a LOT of money to loose and when u've lost that much would you want to continue the chance of loosing that kind of money buy doing the same thing? id say no.. you'd want to make it less likely for what you were importing to be caught..and powder is easier to conceal then bulky pills..
you guys (i believe)are dreaming, pill presses ,yeah ill just go get one at K MART ,i cant believe they are too common.
pill presses are hard to get for an individual yes, but organised crime groups have no problem getting them.
The pill makers setup fake candy companies and say they are just pressing sugar. There were some pills in the south africa threads on pillrepots that were exactly smints, someone got their hands on a smint shaped press!