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Forgetting the face of a significant other you loved in High school ten years later


Sep 15, 2010
Man the shit tears you up when you loved something so deeply though it may have been at a time of immaturity it is all the same imo. A definite go to if fapping in the shower for many years. I have no pictures and she nor I have face book I only loosely know where she lives. Good god it is depressing, for the life of me I cant remember what her face looks like in vivid detail like I used to. I think it is due to heavy alcohol/benzo abuse. Man what I would do to just talk to her face to face.

Anyone else experienced this type situation? I wrote some lyrics I am fixing to put to song

I cant remember a thing it keeps me shivering
if I lose all my old precious precious memories
I will tell you what I think about you
And I wont despair its open air I am falling

<chorus>But dammit all I just want to see your face in my memories

It took so much time to take you out
And bring you up to speed on all my petty little miseries
I dont want to be that fool in the sky
well come on breeze and blow me away
It's probably a good thing.

I forgot Jessica's smile. Now I'm stuck with Emily's forever.

Give me ten years and I'll probably repeat the process. And I'll continue to cry tears of sadness and joy.

Just don't ever get too hung up. I thought I was dead inside forever, then 4 years later the most amazing girl fell in my lap.

Just keep stumbling through life with good intention and life will reward you.
I'm terrible at remembering people's faces too. You shouldn't be worried about that. ;)
Thnx yeah my memory is bad over all.
It's probably a good thing.

I forgot Jessica's smile. Now I'm stuck with Emily's forever.

Give me ten years and I'll probably repeat the process. And I'll continue to cry tears of sadness and joy.

Just don't ever get too hung up. I thought I was dead inside forever, then 4 years later the most amazing girl fell in my lap.

Just keep stumbling through life with good intention and life will reward you.

Man that is a hell of a pick me up. Thank you. I was a bit drunk last night and kind of tore up I even ended up putting the lyrics to song but after just now wtching it I only like the chorus melody hook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1GC2gmQLrU
i kind of think you need to move on and stop drinking/taking benzo's

they are almost certainly giving you memory problems as they tend to do that to everyone.

i mean what are you even asking- are there other people who have ruined their memory through drug and alcohol abuse? yes

you are not in a relation ship with her any more. get over it and find something new/real. people are not going to be attracted to alcoholism and drunk song lyrics/self pitying behaviour.

sort out your drug habbits and grow up mentally. then you can meet someone new in real life. alcohol makes people into sloppy emotional messes and when you are emotional you dont see things for what they are and its harder to change how you view things and take control.

teenage shit feels more real and deeper than later life emotions BUT thats just because as a teen your emotions are out of control. in the end she was just another girl and there are always more but you have to be offering something that the new girls would want.
The face of my ex is fixed firmly in the centre of my mind. We've been apart for almost 3 years now and I can't go a day without imagining her face next to mine as I wake up.
Count yourself lucky.
i cant experience romantic love for some reason, only sexual/personality attraction. I dont understand and believe in ''love'' between a couple. The way a mother loves her son, a brother loves his sister,etc yes hits i can understand. But not romantic ''love''. Maybe some people can feel that ''spark'' but not me. Better that way anyway .
^I'm pretty much the same way. No interest in a relationship. Hope OP gets over this girl soon.
Interesting, I think I might be a subscriber to this religion.
Benzos are definitely a part of your memory problem. I'm not too experienced with alcohol but it seems like that wouldn't help at all.

But stop living in the past. Live in the present.