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Foreigners buying/using in Thailand.

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This is completely off topic but speaking of Thai Hookers, this was mine for a week :D


Anyway yea im sure anybody that goes to Thailand for a holiday can resist the urge for drugs for however long your there for. Stick to the booze - it cost's next to nothing.

U fukn tripper hahahahaha nice one man altho she (he)? it? has sum mean as theighs LOOL
^^^ haha, well said!! i hear that you can be easily fooled bout the trans in thailand also :p
Im 110% sure she was female :D

Yea if your not careful you can be fooled.
Haha nice one Gurner Josh =D she's half your height even with heels!

Also, some good advice in this thread! It's worth warning everyone you know not to buy anything illicit when offered in places like thailand unless you know the source well or have a lot of cash to burn to bribe your way out of trouble when you're arrested and/or blackmailed.
^ okay enough with the girly-boy jokes, let's try to stay on topic please. :)
As has already been said, Cambodia is more drug friendly. They have drug cafe's, and presumably the cafe's pay the police off. The river tyre tube ride place is the most famous.

In Thailand many drug dealers (indigenous) who get caught make a deal with cops to keep selling drugs, but then narc'ing the buyer out. But could as easily be a cop trying to sell you drugs, the other story you hear is the drug dealer sells drugs to you for money, then narc's on you to the cops for even more money. Thai police giving dealers money seems unlikely but when people piece together what happened to them or their friend this story may seem logical.

If you're arrested by a brown shirt policeman you can almost always buy yourself out of a situation, even at the station. It's a bartering type situation on what your 'fine' will be, but they know you don't want to be spending your holiday in a holding cell/ prision waiting for your court date, nor do you want a fine or to be deported. It will cost you dearly.

No matter what it costs you, you're better off buying off brown shirts than spending week/s on remand in a prision. You could likely pay off detectives also, but I don't know.

Stop and search on tourists is very common. they will even go through your pockets. It's frightening because while they have their hands in your pockets they could actually be planting drugs on you.
I don't think they plant drugs on people, for such a corrupt country and corrupt police some sort of honour must stop them setting up completely innocent people.
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I don't think it's been mentioned, I can't recall reading about it anyway since I last checked, but curious, do people know what charges (if any? I'd assume there would be for the hard stance on drugs) for being under the influence? So say for example, you buy "a small amount" of stuff, ingest on the spot so in case it is a set up type of scenario, potential charges might be less? That said, I'd hate to use drugs in a place that can give dozens of years and/or death penalty for carrying whatever drug(s).
In Thailand it is illegal to be high on drugs, you can be piss tested on private clubs and such. Probably at gathering and festivals and parties outdoors as well.

If you bought say.. some ice. and it was a setup/sting. You may now be being charged for 4 possible laws being broken. under influence of narcotics, sourcing of narcotics and destroying evidence and obstruct police
^^ OUCH, *mental note* NEVER, EVER even think about illicits when over that way!
I seriously think everybody is an idiot for doing illegal drugs in asian countries or south america. Or anywhere that has a prison system like you see on Banged up Abroad!
I seriously think everybody is an idiot for doing illegal drugs in asian countries or south america. Or anywhere that has a prison system like you see on Banged up Abroad!

But there's the wise thing to do, and then there's the more attractive, spur of the moment thing to do.... I know if I end up in certain south american countries I'll be going through blow like a vacuum cleaner, but I don't have the best record when it comes to self-control and moderation %)

Definitely worth researching the respective legislation and penalties though. No high is worth facing a death penalty or long-term imprisonment.

Perhaps a BL'er with extensive travel experience could compile an index of countires to be particularly weary of, such as Indonesia, Singapore, the UAEs etc?
As has already been said, Cambodia is more drug friendly. They have drug cafe's, and presumably the cafe's pay the police off. The river tyre tube ride place is the most famous.

If you're arrested by a brown shirt policeman you can almost always buy yourself out of a situation, even at the station. It's a bartering type situation on what your 'fine' will be, but they know you don't want to be spending your holiday in a holding cell/ prision waiting for your court date, nor do you want a fine or to be deported. It will cost you dearly.

No matter what it costs you, you're better off buying off brown shirts than spending week/s on remand in a prision. You could likely pay off detectives also, but I don't know.

The place with the tyre tubes you are thinking on is actually in Laos. Its called vang vieng. You can tube down the river and at some of the bars in addition to booze you can buy weed shakes, mushroom shakes, meth shakes, and opium tea. You can get away with consuming at the bar because they pay off the cops, but to take it outside of the bar you are fair game to the police.

As to your comment about always being able to bribe the police. Not true. As mentioned before in this thread, a friend of mine who stacks of money, is a long term resident, and is a fluent speaker of Thai could not do it, and it was for only 3 grams of bub. He got a criminal record out of it plus a month in jail before bail. And jail was NOT NICE.

bribes aren't always possible. Some cops have gotten in trouble for it before so they have to be on good behaviour. in Thailand I believe they have quotas to meet for arrests too, so you might have to remain 'on the books'. You will need the language skills to bribe, and many police don't speak any english. You also need the money - for weed it might only be a couple of hundred dollars. for other drugs it is thousands. Further, a Westerner caught for drugs is promotion worthy stuff - and they do like to make examples. Thailand was the country where only 10 years ago the police formed death squads to kill dealers (and often users) of meth. Its no longer the drug friendly place it used it to be, particularly not as far as the police are concerned.
Perhaps a BL'er with extensive travel experience could compile an index of countires to be particularly weary of, such as Indonesia, Singapore, the UAEs etc?

I'll do my best with the SE Asian countries i have gone too.

SINGAPORE: You won't ever be asked to buy drugs here, nor have I seen any indicators of people on drugs at night clubs. I know a few singaporians at uni, and they tell me that undercover officers regularly patrol nightclubs on the look out for drug users. although some people do use drugs in Singapore, use is largely frowned upon and many locals would consider it far to risky. Singaporians are sometimes drug tested at Changi airport after arrival from overseas, if they are found positive for drugs they can be arrested for having drugs in their system. Sentences for drug use and possession are severe. when arriving on a singapore airlines plane you are reminded that drug use and trafficing is punishable by the death sentence. Out of all the countries in SE Asia this would definately be the one to steer clear of drugs.

THAILAND: drugs are definately available, and you will be asked numerous times if you want to buy them at places like the Islands. Marijuana is pretty prevlent. As is methamphetamine. Mushrooms is probably the safest drug to do as it is often sold in shakes at certain places on the beach, and they pay off the cops so they can sell them and so they can be consumed at the bar. However, sentences for drug possession and use are severe and can mean years in jail for possession. Large quantities may incur the death sentence. Though bribary is a possibility it is not always easy or possible. Small amounts of marijuana will at least be a couple of hundred dollars, ecstacy is over a thousand. if you can't pay you'll go to jail.

VIETNAM: drugs are very prevelent and if you are young and not asian you will be asked constantly, particularly by motorcycle taxi drivers. The main ones are marijuana, opium and heroin. The quality of alot of marijuana is rubbish, the opium is nice. Drug penalities are severe like thailand, and they have the death sentence. bribary is a possibility. For the most part I steered well clear of drugs with the exception of buying some opium once. BTW, Vietnamese police are a different breed of scary, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with them.

Laos: Alot more drug friendly than the previous countries. Drugs like opium and marijuana are regularly offered. In some resturants and bars you can buy food or drinks laced with weed, meth, opium or mushrooms. There is less police presence or enforcement comparative to the previously mentioned countries. However, as like the other countries if you are caught it is a lengthy jail sentence plus they have the death sentence also.

Cambodia: probably the most drug friendly of them all. Little police presence compared to the other countries, and minimal enforcement (its a pretty lawless country fullstop). You get asked constantly if you would like to buy, to the point of it getting really fucking irritating. Bars, resturants, guest houses all seem to either sell over the counter or have dealers that will hassle you non stop. Everything is prevelent, and don't be surprised if people try to push smack and ice on you hard. As with the other countries if you are caught and can't bribe, the sentences are severe and they have the death sentence.

Also, a final word of warning. Apart from the possibility of spending long stretches of time in a third world jail, for people who use smack, be very careful as the heroin in these countries will be very pure compared to what is in Oz. further, steer clear of 'cocaine' I have heard reports that in SE Asia it is often heroin.
^ Good post, thanks. You said 'death sentence' enough times to make me never want to risk buying/using in asia ;)

Lots of good info in this thread.
^ yeh that was a good post psytaco thanks for that.

What i wanted to know is about chemists and pharmacies. I am going to koh Samui in June for the first time and my mate who goes regularly told me to stay clear of yaba and weed for the same reason stated above but he said he goes to the many parmacies and buys valium and dexies over the counter. he said that this is pretty safe and easy in koh samui but not in bangkok as too many westerners try it on without scripts there.

Does anyone know if there are any penalties for going into a chemist and buying valium and other stuff over the counter?? and what about taking it back through customs to OZ?

Just checking how dangerous this could be as my mate seems to think it is ok and has not had any trouble so far in three trips over as many years.
^ yeh that was a good post psytaco thanks for that.

What i wanted to know is about chemists and pharmacies. I am going to koh Samui in June for the first time and my mate who goes regularly told me to stay clear of yaba and weed for the same reason stated above but he said he goes to the many parmacies and buys valium and dexies over the counter. he said that this is pretty safe and easy in koh samui but not in bangkok as too many westerners try it on without scripts there.

Does anyone know if there are any penalties for going into a chemist and buying valium and other stuff over the counter?? and what about taking it back through customs to OZ?

Just checking how dangerous this could be as my mate seems to think it is ok and has not had any trouble so far in three trips over as many years.

Yeah on the Islands it is easy to obtain these things. In bangkok, I do believe it is harder. but bangkok is alot more regulated in terms of drugs, pharmacies, no smoking in bars, and enforcing the bar closing rule (bars close at like 2pm or something). On the islands laws are less enforced.

I am pretty sure you could still be arrested for these drugs if you are caught as you don't have a script, but the whole chance of a set up is nothing which is your main concern with illegal drugs in Thailand. if you consume them pretty quickly it after buying it is safer. I'm not sure what type of penalities you would face for these drugs if caught either.

Don't try and bring them back home, you don't have a script and if you are caught you could get in alot of trouble aka 'importing a controlled substance'.

As a point of interest, in Thailand you need a script for codeine. I found this out when I had a shocking ear ache and went to a pharmacy in Bangkok.
Dude. Drugs in any country where there's the death penalty is a bad idea. All the Arabic and middle eastern countries and most of the central asian countries will fuck you up. No matter where you're from and what the laws are in you're own countries, once you're there and you break their laws - you'll probably be hanged.
On a side note, when I went to Japan with my wife in '08, I was on boatloads of oxycontin + tramal for my nerve damage related pain. I ticked "yes" to "do you have any narcotics" since I had about 80 40mg tablets on me. The Japanese customs guy looks at the sheet and then to me "What you have?" I told him, oxycontin for pain, here's my prescription, he then laughed (probably relieved laugh) and goes "no, you have cocaine, ecstasy?" I'm like no, no, just my pain tablets. He then waved me/us through without bothering to search our bags.

I wonder what entering Thailand etc would be when/if I tick yes to narcotics if they have those questions on upon entering customs/airport. My father in law went to Thailand a couple weeks ago so we *may* go somewhere SE Asia with him once our next child is born "as a family" thing, no idea though, I really don't want to go anywhere else bar Japan due to 'loving' Japanese life since like over 22/23 years ago and going there, just was PERFECT, will do it again, we'd move there if all of our folks didn't live down here in Geelong due to them being in their 'twilight years', would HATE to be living in another country and any/both of my folks pass, I get on fantastic with them so hence I want to live near them until "the end" which of course I hope is ages away!
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