• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix



May 19, 2015
This thread is all about us and our canine companions. Y'all have seen my posts about my beloved Dixie Chick (rescued pitbull) who is both my "daughter" and my best friend. I want to hear about the dogs in your lives.

The other day I was in bed talking on the phone to a friend and I mentioned that I'd recently contemplated suicide. My dog immediately got up and came over to lick my face. I've gotten thru other episodes of anxiety and/or depression because of her. I dunno how they do it but dogs are freaking amazing.

Did ya'll know that one reason Homo Sapiens may have outlived Neanderthals was that we befriended dogs but they didn't?

Anyway, share some doggie stories.

Love ya'll,
The Old Hippiebilly
Here's me (cropped out) with my best dog friend.


Jeezus yes. So true.
I used to say that I allow my dog to sleep in the bed with me. But if I'm being honest it's more like she allows me to sleep in the bed with her....and yeah, somehow her 60lbs takes up more room than my 175lbs.
So fucking true.... I have a grey pitbull and she won't let me have any room on a queen size bed. Now it's me a pitbull, cat and a kitten curled up on a bed. Momma pitbull licks down the feisty little kitten that spends half his time attacking her tail or the the cat. Sometimes I have to kick his ass out of the room for disturbing the peace.

Pics to come.
Cats, in my experience, offer the same emotional support as dogs. My cat knows when I am feeling down, anxious or before I am about to have a panic attack. She sleeps in the bed with me. Starts laid out on either side of me, then moves further down the bed and sometimes likes to sleep under the covers. She will lie on top of my chest as well. That is the best feeling! She also knew that my neighbor, down the hall from me, was dead for two weeks before the police finally showed up and opened up her place. I'm not kidding, my cat would lay right outside my neighbors door, EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. After 3 or 4 days, I knew something was up, so I called our building manager and told her to please check on Janet. Nothing. Another 3 or 4 days, I texted her and said " I think Janet is dead, my cat won't stay away from her door." Apparently, manager assumed Janet had been taken back to the Psych hospital (Janet had schizophrenia), still nothing. Fucking finally, I'm like, look it's been two weeks, something is really wrong. So she called the police for a health check, and sure enough Janet was gone. I was the last person to see her on Thanksgiving Day. I love my cat, man. We saved each other. <3
Dogs (some) can carry/drag you from danger. Cats cannot unless ya have a slew and a half of them. ;)
I love any creature really but cats and dogs we have domesticated and rely on for many needs. They are family... well, a good family. lol
I remember my first puppy maybe I was 6 or 7. Named it Tippy cause it had a white tip on its fluffy tail.
Cute as all get out.
Amazing I can see her still in my minds eye.
Dogs (some) can carry/drag you from danger. Cats cannot unless ya have a slew and a half of them. ;)
I love any creature really but cats and dogs we have domesticated and rely on for many needs. They are family... well, a good family. lol
I remember my first puppy maybe I was 6 or 7. Named it Tippy cause it had a white tip on its fluffy tail.
Cute as all get out.
Amazing I can see her still in my minds eye.
"a good family". Damn right!! Really the only family that is reliable and loves me unconditionally. It is fucked up, but I place my cat above my kid. Only slightly, tho. :cool:
I have two dogs - a 3-year-old golden retriever and a 4-year-old cocker spaniel. I adore these two and can't imagine life without them
My Mom is 93 and my dog is 14, so they are both pretty old and won't be around much longer. I'm bracing myself to be emotionally prepared for their passing.

Frankly, thinking about the death of my dog upsets me much more.
emotionally prepared for their passing.
Oh, I really dig where you are coming from.
Optimally we all go at the same time.
I dreamt this morning of burying Budah and woke a little upset. Skipped my bnz dose last night maybe that had more to do with emotions but none of us here (conscience and sentiment) are given but at most a glint of life and we move on.
But in the meantime I plan to give attention and love to those about me and trust the "ripple effect" that may make some difference in the grand scheme of it all, IDK.
I have lots to be thankful for in this moment but then it's all transient so kinda trying to wrap my head around this these days.
Not a fun "project" but I feel it necessary to feel the feelings and be prepared as much as possible for future loss.
Please be safe out there.
One love
This thread is stuck my head I'll be back.... 🤔
Wish I didn't take shit literally it's two edged like everything else.
The other day I was in bed talking on the phone to a friend and I mentioned that I'd recently contemplated suicide. My dog immediately got up and came over to lick my face. I've gotten thru other episodes of anxiety and/or depression because of her. I dunno how they do it but dogs are freaking amazing.
Though I have had thoughts about suicide I never really contemplated actually killing myself. And when I'm in a bad mood, my dogs know better than to try and comfort me.

But I tend to isolate myself sometimes, and I can get into hyperfocus, or become very stubborn when working on something. Then one of my three dogs comes to remind me that there's a world outside my head. Sometimes it's because they need something. But mostly it's really an invitation to play or hang out.
So fucking true.... I have a grey pitbull and she won't let me have any room on a queen size bed.
I'm (still) lying on a queen sized bed with two pitbull-somethinhs and one husky-something. It's cozy and warm on a chilly day and the only reason I'm still in bed at 9:54 am
I have this same image only with another text. Once I motivate myself to find a place where I can store my pics for sharing, I will post some.
I have this T-shirt and it's one of my favorites. It's beginning to fade a bit so I need to get a new one.
I really, really, REALLY tried to share images but somehow nothing works. I really suck at thins internet stuff.

Fifth try. Finally!
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I have this T-shirt and it's one of my favorites. It's beginning to fade a bit so I need to get a new one.
The above is my version of the multicolored pitbull. Which is different from yours, not only the text. Mine was on o a pillowcase and <i transformed it into a (once) framed picture. Now I plan on repainting it with less psychedelic colors