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For all you opiate users here : Top tips on handling withdrawal?


Jul 8, 2021
So, I've been through that more times than I care to remember ; sometimes out of necessity and sometimes from choice.

I was always wondering why going through wd's freaked me the shit out so much when I have experienced actual illness that was worse.

Example, I've been ill with the flu as a boy, by which I don't mean a severe cold (like the term is so often used), but the real influenza which can kill you. I was bedridden for a full 6 weeks, and apart from the involuntary muscle twitches and the restlessness (I felt more steamrollered), I had every symptom you' ll get in a real bad withdrawal and then some (fever - induced hallucinations, BP so low I was crawling on all fours to the loo to be sick). Another example, acute inflammation of the pancreas, which was the worst 10 days of agony I ever experienced in my life, bar none.

Both OBJECTIVELY worse than any withdrawal I ever had, but SUBJECTIVELY withdrawal seemed like nothing else could ever be this bad.

This got me thinking as to why. Came to the conclusion that it's 2 things.

One, what behavioural science calls 'anticipatory anxiety'. Once you've acquired a (physically dependent) habit, every other user you know will start telling you about how you're gonna have to brace yourself for the total hell this is going to be. You mindlessly panic at the first little sniffle which heralds the onset. Once you've had that funfair ride, next time round you worry even more cause now you know what to expect.

The other factor is the knowledge that instant relief is POSSIBLE, just currently out of your reach.
I compare it to the difference of walking through the desert thirsty knowing it'll be another 2 hrs to reach the nearest water - which is brutal but doable because YOU HAVE NO OTHER OPTION but to push through the ordeal ; and spending those same 2 hrs sitting right next to the water that could quench your thirst instantly, only armed guards are keeping you from getting to it. Knowing there's the option ; THAT'S what makes it a torture.

The unbearable gets bearable whenever you know that there's simply no choice but to see it through.
So that one time I decided to take myself off cold, I went camping for a week. Took along electrolytes to offset the loss during the puking and shitting stage, some painkillers and sedatives to take the worst of the edge off, some trail bars which would provide concentrated energy but not be so sickly - sweet that I wouldn't keep 'em down, and a flask of orange juice for some vit C and the refreshing taste.

I went far enough to not have a phone signal, so I couldn't call a dealer under any circumstances, and far enough that even if I was gonna cave and reverse the attempt and start walking back, I wouldn't make it to civilization in the state I'd be in halfway.
In other words, remove myself from any realistic alternative but to just stick it out.

Obviously most people don't live in a vast expanse of countryside and don't have this opportunity to physically distance themselves.
The point however is that what ultimately helped me was that I was forced to adopt the same mental attitude as I would towards any actual sickness : instead of going into a panic and frantically chasing the instant total remedy, just resign myself to the fact that I can maybe alleviate some symptoms but I WILL feel like shit, so just meet what's to come with resigned annoyance.

I was able to recall this mindset on subsequent occasions and it really helped the subjective distress that I felt, despite me being one of those people whose bodies seem to get sensitized to the process and get it worse every time.

... Sorry if this turned out a bit long and hope it's useful to someone.
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Other than OTC or other meds that may help... I would recomend strenuous exercse, good diet and lots of water and other 'clean' liquids.
i know this is the last thing one wishes to do when in WD and doing oposite of what the drug (or absence thereof) demands is the most effective weapon I have found to date.
also taper down to lowest possible dose before letting go.
good luck with that it can be hell but rewarding.
I've found the only times I've been 100% successful (i.e. able to stay clean for more than 7 days) is when I've been unable to access it. Usually by going on 'holiday' somewhere, but recently I've been spending so much money on gear I've barely been able to afford food, let alone going somewhere. Not to mention the whole Covid thing.

Otherwise, I find I get half way through day 2 (max) and will make the call. I'm in so much fucking debt with dealers but I'm managing to hold down an exec position still, just. I think that's why I'm struggling to get off - I can't miss work so I have to maintain somehow.

Anyway, it's gonna change THIS week. I've got two hits measured out, one for tomorrow and one for Thursday. I'll go cold on Friday, get myself through half of the day, then I've got a few strips of 0.5mg Xanax. I plan to just drop 2-3 xanax at a time, have a vodka and coke or something, and try to just knock myself out all weekend. I feel like it's the right time, and if I get myself through the first 2-3 days I know I can do it. I managed full cold turkey and stayed clean for 2 years with the help of NA and CPN appointments, but I'm no longer in the UK and where I currently live there's no help for heroin addicts, especially for non-natives.

SO I suppose what I'm saying is, my top tips would be... change your location, make it as difficult as possible to score, (I'm even considering destroying my phone this time, but I do remember one number off by heart :( ), and some benzos. Benzos to either just comfort you throughout the day and sleep at night, or in my case through desperation I'm just going to try and knock myself out completely for a couple of days. Finally, seek as much support as you can possibly get. NA is a pain but bloody hell it helped, you don't have to do the whole 12 step thing, just take advantage of the meetings and do share your experiences. It really helps to talk.

YMMV, and I certainly don't recommend fucking with benzos for an extended period... especially if you have an addictive personality.
Oh yeah, tapering and as soon as you can face it, exercise will help to produce some endorphins and aid with sleep.

Finally - Pregabalin or Gabapentin (Pregabalin being the stronger of the two) really helped me with the temptation. Do some research before taking please though. Prepare all of your supplies for the week - meds, food, fluids, cigs etc. beforehand and do all of the above ^ I've tried so many times half-hearted and found the most successful attempts have been the ones in which I've done literally everything - Change of scenery, some tapering, pregabalin and benzos. Combine this with talking therapy of some kind, mindfulness and have something to entertain yourself (especially for the sleepless nights) - a long Netflix series, some movies, documentaries and audiobooks for example (though I'd personally be careful to avoid any drug references). A couple of times I've also used Tramadol for the first few days, a shorter acting opiod can really help, but this time around I don't have access to any myself.

Wish me luck, I'm gonna fucking need it.
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The knowledge that your body is purifying out the shit well nice for inspiration anyway... From top(best) to bottom(not as good but still works)keep in mind these are my withdrawal cures


Paraceatomal+ibuprofen(5 500mg para tabs and 2-4 ibuprofen does the trick for me very underated drugs please note these dosages are higher then recommended but they work for me when I occasionally use them I guarantee any pain you have will at the very least be numbed nicely.





Water flouride is good for you so you got no excuse for this.

Dxm(it's rare I have access to this though).

A bath

A shower

Socializing seriously be honest with those dearest and nearest you will be surprised

Write a diary, you will be surprised at how effective this can be to when I did this it helped me so much I kept writing in it everyday for months but got lazy and stopped doing it infact I forgot how a diary helps my mind I'm gonna start a new one myself and reflect off the old one


Fresh air(opening your window).


Animals I talk to my cat.

Reading or audiobooks if you want some recommendations dm me.

Lopermide not a big fan of this but loads swear by it.

Video games

Scary YouTube paranormal stories and vids you will be so scared you will forget all about your cluck I can confirm this if your on the proper channels a few best ones are "mr nightmare"(my favourite) "slapped ham" "let's read" I can't remember the name but the scariest videos I've ever seen were on something like "spook's" or "Mr spook's" or something I have been clucking tits off until seeing something scary and then being scared to face the window or go sleep.

Press ups I know I said exercise but press ups can be done anywhere

And finally heroin only joking lol

These are just from the top of my head I probably have over a hundred more
I've found the only times I've been 100% successful (i.e. able to stay clean for more than 7 days) is when I've been unable to access it. Usually by going on 'holiday' somewhere, but recently I've been spending so much money on gear I've barely been able to afford food, let alone going somewhere. Not to mention the whole Covid thing.

Otherwise, I find I get half way through day 2 (max) and will make the call. I'm in so much fucking debt with dealers but I'm managing to hold down an exec position still, just. I think that's why I'm struggling to get off - I can't miss work so I have to maintain somehow.

Anyway, it's gonna change THIS week. I've got two hits measured out, one for tomorrow and one for Thursday. I'll go cold on Friday, get myself through half of the day, then I've got a few strips of 0.5mg Xanax. I plan to just drop 2-3 xanax at a time, have a vodka and coke or something, and try to just knock myself out all weekend. I feel like it's the right time, and if I get myself through the first 2-3 days I know I can do it. I managed full cold turkey and stayed clean for 2 years with the help of NA and CPN appointments, but I'm no longer in the UK and where I currently live there's no help for heroin addicts, especially for non-natives.

SO I suppose what I'm saying is, my top tips would be... change your location, make it as difficult as possible to score, (I'm even considering destroying my phone this time, but I do remember one number off by heart :( ), and some benzos. Benzos to either just comfort you throughout the day and sleep at night, or in my case through desperation I'm just going to try and knock myself out completely for a couple of days. Finally, seek as much support as you can possibly get. NA is a pain but bloody hell it helped, you don't have to do the whole 12 step thing, just take advantage of the meetings and do share your experiences. It really helps to talk.

YMMV, and I certainly don't recommend fucking with benzos for an extended period... especially if you have an addictive personality.
Bro after you pay this load of debt dont get anymore, even if it means you have to have less for a while or go without that's good because it will effect you more if you can't manage this(which is more than understandable ofc)get some methadone just get rid of the debt mate I used to do that and one time my money got stopped for months and I owed over 500 quid Luckily I think he was that sick of me running up my bill not paying in full and paying late he just told me not to worry about it but that he "wasn't selling anymore" I was a lot younger I think he generally felt sorry for me but this is not the norm mate I have been very lucky I didn't realize until a few years but I was mainly lucky that I didn't get my legs broke or something,or worse and it sucks paying debt all the time then having to ask more it looks bad to.

Stop getting debt bro come on you can go a month with less trust me
When I was on methadone I went days missing my dose and never noticed..days I thought of my dose I was sick by 23hrs. Definitely alot of it in your head.
A couple months ago I detoxed off of methadone and fentanyl. It was rough but I had a vacation coming up so I had to.
I picked up a guitar to play and relearn and played video games and exercised .
I drank lots of water and a good multi vitamin (I take the prenatal one because it's great for hair and nails and extra vitamins)
The key for me is reminding myself that it would pass and I soon would feel better
Yes to electrolytes!! Sip on sports drinks that have sodium and magnesium in them. A good magnesium supplement will help with the muscle aches and restless legs. I found that stretching my muscles helped with the restless legs too.
Paracetamol/acetaminophen and ibuprofen taken together will help with aches and pain.
Buscopan and peppermint tea for stomach cramps.
Loperamide for diarrhoea.
Chamomile tea for insomnia.
Clonidine helps massively with restless legs and insomnia, if you can get some.
When I was on methadone I went days missing my dose and never noticed..days I thought of my dose I was sick by 23hrs. Definitely alot of it in your head.
A couple months ago I detoxed off of methadone and fentanyl. It was rough but I had a vacation coming up so I had to.
I picked up a guitar to play and relearn and played video games and exercised .
I drank lots of water and a good multi vitamin (I take the prenatal one because it's great for hair and nails and extra vitamins)
The key for me is reminding myself that it would pass and I soon would feel better
Good for you. That must have been tough. You proved to yourself that you are very strong when it comes to getting what you want. Kudos.
Yes to electrolytes!! Sip on sports drinks that have sodium and magnesium in them. A good magnesium supplement will help with the muscle aches and restless legs. I found that stretching my muscles helped with the restless legs too.
Paracetamol/acetaminophen and ibuprofen taken together will help with aches and pain.
Buscopan and peppermint tea for stomach cramps.
Loperamide for diarrhoea.
Chamomile tea for insomnia.
Clonidine helps massively with restless legs and insomnia, if you can get some.
I used to get these little sachets of powder from the chemists that are specifically for electrolyte replacement during diarrhea. They come in nice fruit flavours and aren't as revoltingly sweet as energy drinks.
i am massively impressed with all you that were succesful enough at getting through withdrawal to have useful shit to add.

i used to give up on day 3 unless i was physically unable to get dark, at which point i just used lope/OTC codeine products to smooth things out when needed but geenrally avoided because it definitely draws out the lethergic tail end of withdrawal.
I only cold turkeyed once about 2 years ago, lasted 6 weeks and I was still not sleeping, restless legs etc etc, I got some clonidine from a very sympathetic doc and some zopiclone (but i only got 7 days worth) and they didnt really do much tbh

I caved in and went on Bupe and now I am struggling to get off that!

willpower & determination are the best I think and exercise so I keep reading on here ;-)

but I dont think that includes w@nking... well it didnt work for me !! lol and when I tried to roger the missus I shot my bolt after about 20 seconds when I was going through WD's so that was not good exercise either ! Anyone else find that ? when you are WD'ing you cum in about 20 seconds ? IS that the same for women too ? just asking!
but I dont think that includes w@nking... well it didnt work for me !! lol and when I tried to roger the missus I shot my bolt after about 20 seconds when I was going through WD's so that was not good exercise either ! Anyone else find that ? when you are WD'ing you cum in about 20 seconds ?
Bloody heck yeah. XD
.. And that came as a bit of a surprise to say the least. Everyone warned me about how horrible I was gonna feel but nobody said anything about the bit where you get a spontaneous hard - on just by turning over in bed. It's like your libido does the same as your digestive system - back at you with a vengeance!

The first time this happened I really felt like my body was basically taking the piss now. I was like, 'everything hurts, I've been eating backwards for the past few hours, I'm sweaty and disgusting and I' ve never felt less sexy in my life and NOW you want me to do THIS? Are you effing SERIOUS??! '

... There's a certain stage of wd where I used to live in the shower jerking off like I was getting paid for it
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I only cold turkeyed once about 2 years ago, lasted 6 weeks and I was still not sleeping, restless legs etc etc, I got some clonidine from a very sympathetic doc and some zopiclone (but i only got 7 days worth) and they didnt really do much tbh

I caved in and went on Bupe and now I am struggling to get off that!

willpower & determination are the best I think and exercise so I keep reading on here ;-)

but I dont think that includes w@nking... well it didnt work for me !! lol and when I tried to roger the missus I shot my bolt after about 20 seconds when I was going through WD's so that was not good exercise either ! Anyone else find that ? when you are WD'ing you cum in about 20 seconds ? IS that the same for women too ? just asking!
My husband absolutely loves me getting past the "losing bodily fluids" stage, that returning libido is a lot of fun, yes to cuming quicker, yes to cuming for minutes at a time 🥰