Sad Following up OD at home

lolis my thesis

Aug 7, 2022
My son had a near fatal OD a week ago
I had narcan as his friends said he took off to get some cocaine, none of them do blues for fear of death.
Well as he returned with the package his eyes rolled back in his head and he stopped breathing and they dragged him into the living room floor.
We performed CPR for 15 minutes while one friend had 911 on speaker; one giving compressions, and I filled him with air over and over again; and he would just deflate.
I gave him 8 mgs narcan; had no idea how but it didn't get him breathing. Paramedics gave him 4 more and that woke him up.
It was uneventful from there.
How can I handle the emotional pain of seeing your son lifeless in your mind's eye?
I.m happy had narcan and was able to give live support to my boy; but how do I tell others like my parents or his sister or my ex wife.
i haven;t said shit and its eating at me; it was a one off of sorts as he didn't withdraw from the narcan or a few hours in the ER he wasn't in withdrawal.
I got more narcan and am now have given the CPR and two days later I'm still retching from the taste of my nearly dead OD son.
I watched his lips turn blue then grey and was sure he was gone; its a lot to process.
Depending on where you live, there are organizations like (MA specific) that offer support to the loved ones and family of people struggling with addiction/overdose. Might be worth looking into whether there is something similar to that available near you. At the very least, al anon has been around for decades and while it's connected to alcoholics anonymous, i'm sure you wouldn't be the only person seeking support around this kind of thing.

Reach out if you need anything <3 - sorry to hear and glad you were able to revive him eventually. Fucking terrifying shit.
My son had a near fatal OD a week ago
I had narcan as his friends said he took off to get some cocaine, none of them do blues for fear of death.
Well as he returned with the package his eyes rolled back in his head and he stopped breathing and they dragged him into the living room floor.
We performed CPR for 15 minutes while one friend had 911 on speaker; one giving compressions, and I filled him with air over and over again; and he would just deflate.
I gave him 8 mgs narcan; had no idea how but it didn't get him breathing. Paramedics gave him 4 more and that woke him up.
It was uneventful from there.
How can I handle the emotional pain of seeing your son lifeless in your mind's eye?
I.m happy had narcan and was able to give live support to my boy; but how do I tell others like my parents or his sister or my ex wife.
i haven;t said shit and its eating at me; it was a one off of sorts as he didn't withdraw from the narcan or a few hours in the ER he wasn't in withdrawal.
I got more narcan and am now have given the CPR and two days later I'm still retching from the taste of my nearly dead OD son.
I watched his lips turn blue then grey and was sure he was gone; its a lot to process.
Oh man, my heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine what a pure horror that would be. My mind would splinter and I would shake for the rest of my life, I think. You saved him, though! You did exactly what needed to be done! Big props to you for handling the situation and I hope nothing like that ever happens again!
Well its been a few weeks
Anybody else narcan and perform CPR on another?
Urgently a knock on my bedroom door; "hHey Allen needs you man!"
Hes not conscious and he is limp as a rag. One huge rag, not breathing a bit. I dismissed the thought that my boy was most certainly gone; got narcan into his nose and started giving breaths and had 911 on speaker. But he remained unresponsive while we waited and continued working on him at this point.
Thank god that EMTs were able to revive him on the floor as I thought I just watched him die.
Motherfucker was like "what are you guys all doing here" as he regained life and I realized I had some lifechanging shit happen for us. How I just dont even know.
Visions of his grey limp body plague me now; and tears are never too far away when I get a moment it overtakes me.
And if he goes out drinking I worry more than I should; even though he says it wont; I fear otherwise I fear it happening again. I sure wont be around.

I fear, cant sit still with my thoughts; listening to sad junky music; been painting skate decks, skating, and not feeling fit to present myself to work.
I saved a danged life, it was my own son, why, well I know why, am I traumatized almost a month later.
He's not even an opiate user(but he fell out on "fent laced cocaine". Supposedly he went first and his eyes rolled back into his head and he stopped breathing and his friends dragged him lifeless into the living room.
I guess being kinda broke off myself, struggling with opiates for so very long, I feel guilty and one-in-a-million lucky I was home when he fell out at the same time (I have narcan on hand).
Powerless over his alcoholism; his warrants make me worry when he's out with friends. Oh well, he's my boy
It can take more than two bottles of narcan to revive a person from a fentanyl overdose. Three seems to work, I saw it on a documentary.
The issue was brought up that drug dealers who are lazy use the same scale to measure out fent and don't wipe it down properly when measuring out coke and the residue left behind gets into the coke. It has killed people before and will continue, but having at least 3 bottles of Narcan or more on hand can help. This is a theory put forth by a dude on here. The 3 bottles is from a documentary and I have twin pack of 4mg each of Narcan. 1 will work on an oxycodone overdose, I had to use it on my senile dad before he died. He didn't die from an overdose.
It is scary too think that a little coke with some fent in it can kill.
The problem is that younger guys think they are invincible and I really hope he can get past drinking. It destroyed me.
It is really hard to talk sense into a young guy. I was one once and so were you. So you know what I mean.
This is an issue that is fairly new, and all you can do is hope and pray that it doesn't happen again.
I suppose talking to your son might help, but worrying will not do anything but make you miserable. Please try to get past this near tragedy, because worrying will only make you miserable. I wish you and your son the best. I really hope he can get past his drinking and hopefully he has learned a lesson. But like I said it is really hard to talk sense into a young guy. Hopefully he can get past his drinking before it or possibly trying coke again destroys him; and from your posts you also.
I had 8; EMTs gave him 4 more and he awoke. I was in awe and looked at the medic. She said that 12mgs was how much it took to revive someone these days
But the interim when one does not get a response from 8mgs; is it better than not using it in addition to CPR, knowing it isn't sufficient.
Close to 100% of the illicit drug supply here comes over from the I5 corridor and Portland
batches of blues, straight fent, fake xannies, coke, meth.
I have heard of fatalities from users trying their luck with any one of the above "alone"
But I will definitely make sure I have 12mgs on hand would have been hella safer and less traumatic.
Thank you Jnowhere wherever you are; that info is crucial and I will tell others as well
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I had 8; EMTs gave him 4 more and he awoke. I was in awe and looked at the medic. She said that 12mgs was how much it took to revive someone these days
But the interim when one does not get a response from 8mgs; is it better than not using it in addition to CPR, knowing it isn't sufficient.
Close to 100% of the illicit drug supply here comes over from the I5 corridor and Portland
batches of blues, straight fent, fake xannies, coke, meth.
I have heard of fatalities from users trying their luck with any one of the above "alone"
But I will definitely make sure I have 12mgs on hand would have been hella safer and less traumatic.
I sincerely hope this never happens to your son again. Reading your story was heartbreaking. I never had any children because my alcoholism destroyed me in college and afterwards. But I can't even fathom the pain you must have and are still going through. This is the stuff of nightmares for parents. Back when I was younger I basically avoided coke, but a little coke was never fatal or near fatal. ( except in rare occasions where the person had an undiagnosed heart condition.)
I am not stupid, but between the ages of late teens to 20's or in my case 30's, I was going to do what I wanted and talking to me was like talking to a wall.
I really hope that this was a one time thing. You obviously love your son a lot, and the pain you went through and are still going through is probably unbearable at times. I hope and pray that this never happens to him ever again. You mentioned alcoholism, something that ruled and ruined my life from 18-40 and was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. I was given a year to live and told I had to drive every day for 6 months to Detroit to piss into a cup before I would be put on the organ donor list.
I said screw that and kept drinking on and off until a judge told me no drinking.
When my probation and radom piss tests were over I drank again till I got allergic to alcohol.
But now I am stuck on Benzos and oxycodone because I was told I had a year to live. I use a much weaker benzo now( Valium) and gave up morphine( no more pancreatitus) but now I am in my later 40's and wish I could go back in time and beat some sense into myself.
I truley hope your son can get sober and not end up like me or worse.
It seems that the drugs( I basically avoided them) have gotten worse. But with fentanyl the so called "opiod crisis with heroin and pills" left a fraction of the deathtoll ( 118,000 + dead in 2023 in America) that illegal fentanyl has. This is after average people can get Narcan and doctors are reluctant to prescribe opiods anymore; and people not messing with opiods are dying from illegal fentanyl.
I wish you the best and I hope your son gets sober and has a long and good life.
I agree with all this, scared him pretty good regarding his opinion on the safety of the drug supply
He told his meth using, fent hating friend that he had ODed, and the meth guy said it happened to him three times.
Really powerful deterrent if you think something you take for the thrill (and feeding the habit as well) will maybe kill.
At least the alcohol is in measured doses and he can kill himself over time.
He's already had a dui; and failed diversion.
Good samaritan laws kept him outta jail; and in oregon drugs are decriminalized he had cocaine on him when he got his dui
$100 fine.
He wont drive until he gets sober; I have a dodge truck gonna give him if he ever gets his license back.
He does hold a job and is sober till evening and mostly drinks beer.
I hate it nevertheless I
Fent test strips are a must if you live anywhere where this shit is commonly in the supply. He should test EVERY time he does anything.
Now it , fentanyl, is in the coke over in the states?

You got to wonder what the heck is going on. Fent doesn't make coke better in any way, in fact they are the opposite of each other.

What kind of mentality do the guys who put that fent crap in other drugs have?
Sell the damn coke for more ££££ but leave it as coke.
Now it , fentanyl, is in the coke over in the states?

You got to wonder what the heck is going on. Fent doesn't make coke better in any way, in fact they are the opposite of each other.

What kind of mentality do the guys who put that fent crap in other drugs have?
Sell the damn coke for more ££££ but leave it as coke.
A British guy on here had a Theory that pure fentanyl was used on the same scale and not wiped clean with alcohol pads before weighing the coke. He thinks it is probably because the dealers are lazy slobs and the equivalent of a few grains of salt can kill a person not use to fentanyl. Why would you kill your good customers.
This isn't like with heroin and that thing where some dealers deliberately give pure shit to cause an od to attract more customers, because they figure I will use half or less and it attracts customers.
Killing coke and meth customers with fentanyl is out of sloppyness and stupidity. No customers, no money. It doesn't help sales with people od'ing on fentanyl; when then just want some coke or meth to party with. Bad for business. Probably accidentally or a particularly cowardly serial killer or a wannabe serial killer. Who knows. It can be cut with cheaper stuff and some states( California I know of) considers it murder if you sell drugs and the person dies.