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I, and I assume most everyone, was quite distraught by the recent and most likely permanent unavailability of Etizolam, my hands down favorite "benzo". Got me to sleep, completely eradicated hangovers, and even the after effects gave me the happiest and most creative state of mind that i've ever felt. But anyway, it's gone, and there's been a rush to find an alternative.

Enter Nifoxipam, Flubromazolam, and Clonazolam, the last two of which pertain to the triazolo class of benzodiazepines (I'm not sure what class Nifoxipam falls into). Anyway, for the past 9 weeks my (nightly) benzo use has consisted of Nifoxipam, Ativan, Flubromazolam, and Clonazolam.

The Nifoxipam was chill and sedating, but I wont be getting it again. Flubromazolam, on the other hand, blew me away upon my first couple experiences. NOTE: I ran out of Ativan and for a period only had flubromazolam for insomnia treatment. And now begins the trouble, i've been using it for about a week, maybe .25mgs or .50mgs nightly.

I noticed after a few days that when using the flubro to sleep, I would get pretty notable daytime anxiety the next day. Being my only means to fall asleep, I pushed onwards. These symptoms have since developed and I am getting concerned. On or off the flubro, I started noticing motor and balance impairments, sort of a sense of dizziness or dissociation. Sometimes my body will sort of lock up for a few seconds, sometimes I will feel intense vertigo, sometimes I get ringing in my ears, sometimes I feel odd burning sensations in my brain, sometimes my limbs go numb, and occasionally i'll feel a burning sensation under my skin.

Needless to say, I stopped taking it, for fear of developing Ataxia. So my question is: Are these symptoms side effects of the drug itself, withdrawal symptoms, or an accumulation of the drug in my system causing impairment? OR - Am I withdrawing from Ativan as it actually has anxiolytic properties while flubro does not.

Can you get withdrawal from an old benzo while trying a new one? Has anyone else experienced this? My suspicion is that the predominantly sedative effect of triazolos is causing the Ataxia or whatever it is, and that this drug might be too powerful for the community of RC users.

Side note: I've gone through significant trauma involving a friend recently so my stress levels are pretty high. Also i'm a hypochondriac.
This shit is no joke.. When my tolerance was at an absurd level, and I mean that quite literally (Still is high, though I dramatically cut back on my use) this shit caused me to black the fuck out and total my car.. I decided to try it one more time, and got the same results. Tread carefully if anyone ever decides to go for it. Note that I've only tried powder, and never used a scale (Not bright, I know). I am able to take 100mg Clonazolam powder in a single dose, I dabbed my way through a gram of Phenazepam, all with excellent results, and 0 blackouts or memory lose; a dab roughly half the size of my pinky nail caused 3 days of dumbassness. One of few substances that I'm VERY weary of, and literally do not recommend anyone trying. I'm just telling my personal accounts, so you understand where my tolerance was at, and how little it took to fuck myself over in a big way.
This shit is no joke.. When my tolerance was at an absurd level, and I mean that quite literally (Still is high, though I dramatically cut back on my use) this shit caused me to black the fuck out and total my car.. I decided to try it one more time, and got the same results. Tread carefully if anyone ever decides to go for it. Note that I've only tried powder, and never used a scale (Not bright, I know). I am able to take 100mg Clonazolam powder in a single dose, I dabbed my way through a gram of Phenazepam, all with excellent results, and 0 blackouts or memory lose; a dab roughly half the size of my pinky nail caused 3 days of dumbassness. One of few substances that I'm VERY weary of, and literally do not recommend anyone trying. I'm just telling my personal accounts, so you understand where my tolerance was at, and how little it took to fuck myself over in a big way.
100mg of Clonazolam??!! Man, your tolerance is way too high. 100mg Clonazolam is 4000mg of Diazepam 8o. Yeah Flubromazolam is a nice, long lasting benzo with nice euphoria, but it's super potent, is't around x4 more potent than Alprazolam, so be caureful and stay safe.

I hardly noticed that I received my package of flubromazolam on june 12th or so. I'm glad that I was able to take them somewhat seriously. But there's something weird about this thing. I noticed it too when I had the 0.25mg tablets (never had the 0.75mg or 1.25mg tablets, i had an order with 1.25mg tablets in it and it was the only package I ever had seized by customs saying it contained flubromazolam tablets and that it is a controlled substance and that I could appeal and if I had the right credentials could get my package otherwise they would destroy it 90 days after that letter was sent.

I got 120 of em and I'm glad I didn't end up even taking one of the 60 pink gelcaps bag in it. But as I tried to go some days without it, the annoying reasons why I started to take benzos showed up, this thing causes major rebound effect. So I do what I can to lower my daily dose and just use my scripts, but maybe its not even related but taking less than 1mg a day will give me some migraines you know the kind where it feels like air is trapped behind your eyeball and sinuses/nostril. Tried some tylenol, had 1g and I still would feel that pain in my left ear which is an indication i'm on tolerance withdrawal, usually. So today I only had 0,75mg or so (balance would wiggle between 0,71 and 0,8). And bam most of the symptoms I was complaining about, gone, or less. I can feel the flub-lam come in when suddenly a kind of jerk inside my left sinuses will allow me to feel like I'm breathing through both nostrils (none are full, and I even had a deviated septum surgery wow, 12 years ago now, I remeber it like it was yesterday. Mentally I'm still attached to my time between 17 and 23 years old). All of which comes back to, yes I wanted to taper my actual rx (in a month or two after I'm only having my rx's and no other benzos). Valium and other benzos seem to help this pressure and pain in my sinuses and ear canal and when its real bad, eyeball. I don't know what causes it and why benzos get rid of the symptomsl.

What makes me afraid is that I'll have to order another rc benzo, I can endure not having clonazolam caps for a while with little to no withdrawal when used smartly. but not this. So I'll be ordering some flubromazepam 8mg pills before the retarded UK laws kick in, be getting a lot most likely since the euro vendors i know on the continent, well, it's all so complicated when even their credit card processing doesn't accept prepaid cards.

I'll be adding that flubromazolam is a very dull benzo, its not particularly euphoric, clonazolam and flubromazepam wins over it. Yeah, it is pretty strong, but in a sort of dirty way. I had these lack of balance effects happening, but they also happen when I have clonazepam now in a respectable dose. It feels like a brick to the head kinda, which I don't know, the only thing. I wonder what quality the 1.25mg and 0.75mg offered by another UK vendor were, but I'll never know, not gonna pay those Telex fees and risk getting my package seized again (only happened with that particular vendor that what I got was seized, first time was fine, but after that real soon after that, they lost cc processing. Domestically all I can get is powder etizolam, and etizolam is a very meh substance to me. Wish me luck, I'll need it, I'm also thinking of getting some diclazepam, to go from flubromazolam -> clonazolam -> flubromazepam > diclazepam and then try to be content with my own scripts which i'm at least smartly barely touching at all, which is nice to see. I might just not even touch or just give the other bag with the 60 flub-lams in...nah...its too useful for emergencies...
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I retire most of the negative comments I made about flubromazolam, I was feeling temporary tolerance withdrawal as I forced myself for a few days not to take any and take only 15-20mg of valium,15 is mg is less than I am scripted and added too modest doses of flub-lam on top of ot it (0.25) and feeling a multitude of wd symptoms, I imagine. Now to get even more inventive with the 120+ I have left. Fiirst order will be clonazolam with some flubromazepam, should cover my ass, for the brutal rebound anxiety felt from this one, its comparable with a huge dose clonazepam like when I was on a couple 2mg pills a day of clonazepam, and yes, such a dose is pretty large. I got a lot of work done during the night when I gave in and took a whole 1mg gelcap. All symptoms dissipated and I was feeling 100% again, so there's something to it....I had about 50 doses in 3 weeks, which is moderation for a lot of benzoheads around here, but although I didn't go insane with it, it's interesting not all the posts I've made here and in other forums I have no recollection of even happening...
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Hey funny story. Last night my girl and I don't her script of zolpidem after I've been up a few days on Adderall and needed sleep. I also added a ton of Clonazepam for good measure. We ended up not getting tired but tripping off the zolpidem so stayed up all night having fun.
This morning feeling so tired from lack of sleep snorted a few lines of my pharmacological amphetamine. Still barely able to hold my eyes open I waddled out to the mailbox and found to my delete a bubble envelope. Knowing what that means I ripped it open finding two sample packets of pellets. One containing flubromazolam .25 mg pellets which I've had before and the other containing Pyrazolam 1mg pellets which were new to me.
I've heard nothing of the effects of Pyrazolam prior to this and my girl took a few saying she felt great anxiolysis and pretty much zero hypnotic effect. This was pretty much perfect to me as I was on Adderall yet extremely tired and edgy.
After taking her to work I sat at the computer reading experience reports on the Pyrazolam while trying to keep me eyes open. I decided it sounded perfect to take the amph edge off without adding to my lethargy and groggy feelings. I reached in and grabbed several pellets of Pyrazolam and washed them down. Son of a beach! They weren't Pyrazolam, I accidentally grabbed the flubromazolam.
Now I'm never going to make it through the day without passing out because flub makes me really drowsy and lethargic. Pretty much non existent rush or euphoria but more of a feeling of drowsiness that diphenhydramine on steroids would give you. Well, looks like the woman isn't getting the ol sausage tonight. She's lucky if I can stay awake long enough to pick her up from work for that matter..
Okay, I have no idea if this is because the flubromazolam found in the 1mg is extremely pure compared to the 0.25mg tablets I had before (never had the 0.75 and 1.25mg tablets, and would like to hear from them).

I used flubromazolam 1mg (but not at once, I was able to split the content of the gelcaps in half using larger gelcaps to dump about the half of the content for about 35 days I had 1-2mg, I had a bag with 60 gelcaps and gave the other to my gf to keep away somewhere hidden. Should have given her the whole thing in control.

Yesterday, continuing the phasing out of flubromazolam from my regimen, I had 4mg of diclazepam during the day and had 16mg of flubromazepam to sleep, which is a normal dose for me when I have flubromazepam. But I felt a kind of inner restlessness, fuck, I had a manic phase of my usually hanging in the low spectrum of the bipolar world. Actually it was more of a mixed state. I was unable to fall asleep. Until I had 1mg of flubromazolam the next morning once it was 7 am. At first I wake up 3 hours later, hungry, hadn't eaten much in a long time, ate a large slice of cake. Then went back to bed. Or so I thought.

Now for the third time I wake up on the ground somewhere in my bedroom or office/computer room. I woke up sitting in indian (crossed-legs), being awakened by kids outside. I open an eye, why does my right foot feel so heavy...I had been sitting sleeping like that for a long time, my right foot was swollen with blood. I slowly get out of that position, so that my foot can actually have some feeling and I don't get up with an unresponsive foot and fall down.

Three times now, I wake up sleeping on the ground with no idea when I passed out, from flubromazolam. I continue my taper, only intending on taking 0.25mg of it today and 4mg diclazepam with maybe something from real rx's (a few valium 10mg) during the day. I'll take melatonin when it is appropriate to do so only, when its dark.

I thought I could handle any and all benzos.At least I never did stupid stuff like you hear so much about people going apeshit like people who get drunk their first times, I just quietly, and I don't know why, but each time, even when I woke up in my office's doorway, my glasses were to be found on the ground right where I would be sitting at the computer. And at least I did NOT redose, I just...I should install a camera that is a bit too old to be connectable to the internet and look at the results. I don't intend on this happening another time. But fuck, I'm out of words, really, clonazolam never did that to me, even when I receive it originally I like to take a large dose (2.5mg) or so, but afterwards keep to 0.5mg-1mg a day. Be cautious. I'm also really curious about those who have had the 1.25mg (or 0.75mg) from another certain UK vendor and if they were so much stronger than the typical 0.25mg flubromazolam tablet.

What sucks is that I have more of flubromazolam right now than any other benzo. I'll be getting some clonazolam soon to help me better at ignoring this crazy substance.
Alright, BL.

It did look like I was gonna get myself in trouble with this substance. but I'm okay.I can only take 0.25mg a day now that I got my rx's (which weren't empty) filled to the max. Today I had 50mg of valium and 3mg of xanax, both slightly higher doses than rx'. And I had a 0.25 of flub-lam after supper around 8 pm. I don't feel like having any benzos now, I woke up hungry, Now that I took care of that, gonns put on my fav podcast and drift to sleep

Be careful with this. Even more so if you bought the 1mg pink gelcaps, they're much stronger than even 4 times the common 0.25mg red pellets.Although I have no info about how the 0.75mg and 1.25mg also from a UK vendor, not the one selling the 0.25mg tabs though.
I'm about to start research on this chemical. I have zero benzo tolerance splitting .25 blottters in half, reason long lasting anti social anxiety going to repeat dosage every 4 days.
I'm about to start research on this chemical. I have zero benzo tolerance splitting .25 blottters in half, reason long lasting anti social anxiety going to repeat dosage every 4 days.

Very bright idea to start with ~ 0.125mg, good idea to treat it like the smallest dose per pill of Halcion if no tolerance.Tread lightly.
I would suggest that you do not start taking Flubromazolam. Use another RC benzo, but not Flubromazolam, or if possible use well known prescription benzos. You see, FlbLAM, does indeed have a permanent tolerance issue, and luckily it does not have cross tolerance with other benzos. I found this out the hard way, and then at 8mg flbLAM (which I built up in only 2 weeks), I decided to cold turkey it, and I am still amazed that I am alive.

The reason I said that you should use prescription benzos is because RC ones are completely unknown. Their metabolites, potentionial neurotoxicity, etc.
I am glad to confirm that Flubromazolam has no cross-tolerance with Diazepam. Just tried it out. Took 30mg of diaz, along with nicotinoyl-GABA + phenobarbital + valerian + ethanol and it did wonders for my anxiety and prevented all panick attacks. If flubro had cross-tolerance with diaz, I would need 640mg of diaz, but I only took 30mg.
I am glad to confirm that Flubromazolam has no cross-tolerance with Diazepam. Just tried it out. Took 30mg of diaz, along with nicotinoyl-GABA + phenobarbital + valerian + ethanol and it did wonders for my anxiety and prevented all panick attacks. If flubro had cross-tolerance with diaz, I would need 640mg of diaz, but I only took 30mg.

How could that even be possible. Benzos all have cross-tolerance with each other. Even nonbenzos (zdrugs) have a cross tolerance.

But I tested your theory, I have so much valium piled up (my normal rx) since the beginning of may when I ordered large packs of flub-pam and clonazolam, a small amount of powder etizolam...i'm not a big fan of etizolam and this powder people fiend for it when I dare share it,I just never found etizolam that great anyway soon adinazolam will arrive. But yeah, since I was on 1.5mg flub-pam since 4pm and strongly feeling it still at 9pm, I heed your advice and had 25mg valium, to see if it works, or if its a waste of time. I won't be mad either way, I got so many blues stockpiled and I didn't have valium in a long while, maybe its muscle relaxant effects will help me and my right shoulder / shoulder blade area stiffness I dealt with all day for no particular reason. It's nice to know you hurt somewhere because you've worked your ass physically but when it doesn't happen and you wake up with pain in a limb and back, it's kinda insulting. Not as bad as waking up with a pounding headache though...that's when before the done and the bupe, my neuro scripted me topamax as a preventative but in case one managed to get through, I had these blue gelcaps, Fiorinal with Codeine 30mg. The butalbital and codeine stacked on top of each other kind of got rid of the caffeine in it....I know it's not there for nothing and how some people get relief of migraines from some medication + a cup of coffee if the caffeine aint already in the pill, but to me it was just an irritant.
There are 6 different alpha sub-units on the GABA-A receptor, and all benzos and z-drugs affect different sub-units. For example, Pyrazolam and Gidazepam affects only a2 and a3 sub-units, while Triazolam and Brotizolam and z-drugs only affect a1 and a5 sub-units, while Diazepam and Clonazepam affect a1, a2, a3 sub-units. No known drugs affect a4 and a6, HOWEVER, RC benzos, thiodiazepines and the new benzotriazepines, may affect a4 and a6, which is where their unique effects come from. But... We don't know that for sure.

It's amazing how there's little research done on certain GABAnergic drugs, for example z-drugs or methaqulone. To this day it is not known why z-drugs cause hallucinations or which sub-unit is affected by methaqulone! And there are α, β, γ, δ, ε, π, θ sub-units and all have unique effects on the chloride channel in the GABA-A receptor.

Most depressants do not directly affect the GABA-A receptor, with the exception of large doses of Barbiturates or Picamilon and Muscimol. For example alcohol affects the δ sub-unit.
Benzos affect all alpha subreceptors at different degrees and y1 and y2, also at different degrees.None of the others mentioned here, I'm surprised you did not say benzos affect y1 and y2. Sorry, I'm in linux I can't do the fancy greek symbol.
A gram of Phenazepam is from 500 to 1000 of usual doses.
After such experiences american tabloids publish warnings about 'russian pills of death'
All benzos including Phenazepam simply cannot kill, unless consumed in insanely large amounts, For example, you would need 100,000mg of Phenazeapm to OD, and it won't be standard downer OD, it will be more like poisoning and "choking on your own vomit syndrome". So "pills of death" is a bit exaggerated, but then again, everything written in tabloids is exaggerated, so it makes sense. In order for a GABAnergic drug to be lethal in small quantities it has to manually hijack the chloride channel in GABA-A, and the only known drugs that can do that are barbiturates. However such large amounts of Phenazepam can and will result in severe receptor damage and will also cause the consumer to do reckless and dangerous things.
All benzos including Phenazepam simply cannot kill, unless consumed in insanely large amounts, For example, you would need 100,000mg of Phenazeapm to OD, and it won't be standard downer OD, it will be more like poisoning and "choking on your own vomit syndrome". So "pills of death" is a bit exaggerated, but then again, everything written in tabloids is exaggerated, so it makes sense. In order for a GABAnergic drug to be lethal in small quantities it has to manually hijack the chloride channel in GABA-A, and the only known drugs that can do that are barbiturates. However such large amounts of Phenazepam can and will result in severe receptor damage and will also cause the consumer to do reckless and dangerous things.

That's what they do with prisoners in those backwater states in the US that since a company in Denmark won't sell them a very strong barb. So they try a cocktail of stuff and a huge IV shot of midazolam. They get to witness themselves choking to death.

For me, F-lam is not a drug to be messed with. I've recently been taking 0.75mg each time I go to bed so that I could have a break from the nasty insomnia I've been having for too long. 0.25mg did nothing for me. 0.5mg relaxed me and made me slightly sleepy, but 0.75mg was the sweet spot for me as far as falling asleep quickly was concerned. It knocks me out quicker than a dose of 7.5mg Zopiclone (and I have very high tolerance with this drug, hence the need to mix it with certain meds with sedative properties) and 10mg of Olanzapine ever did, but then I sleep for more than 12 hours, and wake up with mild ataxia, irritability, forgetfulness, and no euphoria or afterglow at all. There is nothing recreational about this drug. And unlike many of you I don't pop benzos and RC (and I don't do any recreational drugs for that matter) pills like they're sweeties, but I do have a 6 1/2 year history with Z-drugs, anti-depressants and antipsychotics.
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0.25mg - 0.5mg - effects last for around 4-6 hours, and vanish very quickly.
Up to 1mg - Effects last up to 24 hours, with a noticeable "after glow"
2.5mg+ - Effects last for up to 3 days, followed by Amnesic after-effect
4mg + - Effects last for up to 3 days, followed by severe cognitive impairment and memory loss.

This is meaningless unless you specify whether you area talking about a non-tolerant user, a typical recreational benzo user, someone highly experienced, yourself (while specifying level of experience), etc.

Speculation, but this is the only way I can explain the sedative, amnesic and cognitive impairing effects of this benzo.

Speculation on what basis?

After very extensive and shady research, I have discovered that it has a 106 hour half-life


Sub-unit tolerance - Instant and becomes almost permanent with repeated use, only affects a1 and a5 sub-units, and has little binding affinity for the a3 and a2 sub-units

