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Benzos Flubromazepam

That's the problem with etizolam: too easy to abuse. I take this one once per week and don't need to redose or up the dose ever. With etiz I had the impulse to pop them every 3 hours. The halflife on Flubro is unreal.

I don't see the big deal with etizolam, it has nothing on my already rx'd 20mg valium a day +1mg xanax prn(i get 15 a month). I'll agree that it was extremely euphoric that one time I just put the tip of my tongue inside my baggie during a bad bad full of sex, dexedrine comedown. It gave me this extremely relieving euphoric relief of my sore mind and body. I can get it in powder form inside my own country and rarely do. Flubromazepam is the best RC benz hands down, it isnt moreish like flubromazolam where tolerance will show up so fast you'll be wondering why you liked it in the first place. So I'm glad I acquired a lot of 8mg greens and some diclazepam 2mg in medium quantities to make the landing back to the inevitable time when all I'll have is my huge stockedpiled scripts to deal with. But it's my taper regimen in my own way.
Diazepams active metabolite is a very very tiny amount ox the weakest benzo ever, Oxazepam, I took a massive seizure after 4 days of no Diazepam, rushed to hospital nearly died, so In Diazepam and Libriums case, the active metaboliter stands for nothing other than it would maybe show up in your piss or blood if you get tested for benzos.
I find 30 mg of oxaz the bomb for anxiety not weak at all
I find 30 mg of oxaz the bomb for anxiety not weak at all

I wish. I need 3 of the 30's to get somewhere. But that somewhere is VERY anxiety-killing, it just doesn't last long enough and takes long to kick in. If we only had 50mg pills like in Europe.
further options

I have ordered some flub-pam from a well known vendor, sort of lime green in color.

I find that their activity seems far more hypnotic than anything else, which to me is disappointing. I am surprised to see so many positive comments about it, if it weren't for its efficacy in making me drowsy, I'd consider it worthless.

Anyone else agree? I'd take kratom hands down, for instance, also considering the potential withdrawal syndrome to be much gentler.

edit: i guess i'll try entero-recto-gestion, maybe that's the ticket.
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Well back again with a fresh flubromazepam report. This half life is no joke. Taking it consecutive days has made me fall asleep in all sorts of places and been near totally unresponsive; the last time, I woke in a hospital surrounded by people mildly concerned about my ability to breath on my own and very concerned about whether or not I had made a suicide attempt.

My advice: use this one for sleep only rarely, never consecutively, and maybe for withdrawal from the more 'fun' benzos like kpins and xanax.

I cam through ok but I am truly uncertain how close it was. The gabapentin I took in trade one day probably didn't help matters either.

Watching Thought (and trying to learn)
Just wanted to throw this $.02 in here, as this chemical may be able to help others as it helped me -

During a time when I was taking a lot of 2fma, I developed a dependency on Xanax as I would take a bunch of it (or Etizolam) to get me to sleep at night (and I very much recommend NOT doing this; the cycle of uppers and downers is very real and very difficult to get out of).
Not a huge dependency in the scheme of things; 0.5mg would generally put me right. But I'd have to be taking like 4 per day or else I'd feel pretty bad withdrawals (the fact that I am already prone to anxiety did me no favors, I'm sure). So I suppose you could say I was more or less physically "hooked" on ~2mg of Xanax per day.

Sick of being dependent, and sick of the constant ups and downs, I decided I'd try the tried and true method of switching to something with a longer half-life and taper off, but I didn't want to seek a doctor's help and wanted to do it on my own.

I had a decent amount of experience with Flubromazepam (in fact I think it is the ideal drug to take when you're frequently using stimulants as it keeps you "smooth"), so I knew what to expect.

I took one 4mg pill every 48-60 hours for 2, maybe 3 weeks; then, when I stopped all together, I had no symptoms of benzo withdrawal - something I've never been able to accomplish before using short-acting benzos.

Just a thought for anyone trying to quit benzos - YMMV.

Recreationally these suck, I got a 100 and the half life/ onset is just way too long man. I was at work like ok cool I finish in a few hours I'll drop 3, but then get home and nothing much to write about so. Yeah man, I much prefer the short acting kick ass benzos hehe

Recreationally these suck, I got a 100 and the half life/ onset is just way too long man. I was at work like ok cool I finish in a few hours I'll drop 3, but then get home and nothing much to write about so. Yeah man, I much prefer the short acting kick ass benzos hehe

Not as recreational as flub-lam for sure, but man is it a great sleeper, at least with the sources I have, 24mg beats the hell out of 60mg temazepam for hardcore insomnia/being unable to sleep at the time required in your life so you can be up and about at the correct time society says is okay, really helps my delayed sleep onset syndrome.

Flub-lam gives me some euphoria sometimes when mixed with another benzo in a regular quantity, 10-15mg valium, or 8mg-12mg flub-pam and soon after I had my hydroxyzine then my bupe. Right now the problem is because of that black monday/cyber friday shit, my order of 50x 0.75mg flub-lam is taking its damn sweet time to arrive, even if it arrived in Canada monday. Strange how it arrived 15 minutes before another package with 150 x 8 flub-pam and this one arrived on wednesday, normally when something arrives in Montreal, it makes it to my town the next day, but the amount of mail right now slows things down to a crawl. I always have both flub-lam and flub-pam since I can't get the 0.5mg yellow gelcap clonazolam, that was awesome beyond belief, better than all clonazolam i've had, including powder. But it's no more :(
Hi guys long time follower and reader but thought is join to giv my 2 cents on flubromazapam I first gave it ago along time ago when etizolam started becoming hardr to get I thought back then then it took too long to long to kick in then just left you tired....... So anyway here I am bout a year later an I bought 28 8mg pellets with 25% extra free which I was pleased about I also got 10 clonazm to giv them a go from a well reliable bonzi vendor an I'v now consumed 7 8mg flubro an 2 .5 mg clonazm and feel next to nothing I hav a slight tolerance but what I'v taken shud hav me on my ass.....flubro are green in coulor an almost tasteless and the clonazolm which is supposed to be highly potent doesn't seem to be workin at all......... Anybody else got any bad batches from the unmentioned vendor ??
This stuff is nice but it'll come back to bite you quickly with it's super long legs. Especially since on the second day you don't realise you're still benzo'd so you redose and it builds up until you're completely fucked. You can tell this shit is a phenazepam analogue.

I've not used it for a while now, wouldn't rule it out in the future but I'd buy only a small quantity and use it sparingly.
is this stuff just for knocking you out cold or are the any good for panic attacks ?
nice one thanks i may give them another go its a while since ive tried them ill see in the morning
Just wanted to throw this $.02 in here, as this chemical may be able to help others as it helped me -

During a time when I was taking a lot of 2fma, I developed a dependency on Xanax as I would take a bunch of it (or Etizolam) to get me to sleep at night (and I very much recommend NOT doing this; the cycle of uppers and downers is very real and very difficult to get out of).
Not a huge dependency in the scheme of things; 0.5mg would generally put me right. But I'd have to be taking like 4 per day or else I'd feel pretty bad withdrawals (the fact that I am already prone to anxiety did me no favors, I'm sure). So I suppose you could say I was more or less physically "hooked" on ~2mg of Xanax per day.

Sick of being dependent, and sick of the constant ups and downs, I decided I'd try the tried and true method of switching to something with a longer half-life and taper off, but I didn't want to seek a doctor's help and wanted to do it on my own.

I had a decent amount of experience with Flubromazepam (in fact I think it is the ideal drug to take when you're frequently using stimulants as it keeps you "smooth"), so I knew what to expect.

I took one 4mg pill every 48-60 hours for 2, maybe 3 weeks; then, when I stopped all together, I had no symptoms of benzo withdrawal - something I've never been able to accomplish before using short-acting benzos.

Just a thought for anyone trying to quit benzos - YMMV.

Truth! If you have developed an etizolam or xanax habit and try to taper down at some point you hit a wall and lowering further is very uncomfortable. Flubromazepam will then substitute and allow you to finish no problem.
What is the equivalancy of clonazepam of this stuff? I want to equal 4 mg. Clonazepam. I know its similar I tried it, I love clonazolam I.can be on it and functional, nobody can tell at 4 mg. or so. The fast acting benzos fuck me up bad, but clonazepam is actually good for me. No doctor will give me any though, but I can get flubromazepam easy now and I've had it once, very similar stuff I just want the exact equivalency and I'll be set.