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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Floating Entities and Hyperfocus


May 13, 2023

I will try to start this off clear and concise(ish) as I haven't slept for 3.5 days and it's hard to think and I know this is going to deteriorate into nonsense pretty quick. So here's my dosage timetable over the last 3 days, from Thursday to Saturday (Sat being today/ this morning/right now). My question is, has anyone else taken similar doses with the same or chemically-similar substances, and achieved the same vivid visual result?

Can you think of a significant variable/combination or amount of drugs or ANYTHING at all that reliably produces this effect? Because this is different to any trip I've ever had, much stranger, and real-looking enough to make it a bit uncanny....


500mg mephedrone (approx. 2PM - 6PM)
1200mg pregabalin


1600mg pregabalin
300mg modafinil
(both taken around ~ 11 AM)


2000mg pregabalin
700mg modafinil

[HUGE DISCLAIMER: These are horrible doses, stupidly high amounts and I'm still not really sure why I cranked it up that high, if I had to guess it's probably a nasty habit I picked up when I used to use benzos, and would take handfuls at a time. So I doubt anyone would even want to do this, but if you are, don't, I guarantee you won't enjoy it. Be smart, take small amounts and always wait between doses. This post is educational only, as in what NOT to do, do not do what I have done, I would not wish this 'high' on anyone. Honestly feels like I've done some pretty serious damage to my brain, I know I can't just take off the case and check, but I just felt kinda...off, even between doses. Time will tell, I guess. FINAL WARNING: Read, laugh at, do not copy, use this post for whatever, just make sure you and anyone else reading are aware: This bullshit is NOT something to emulate. Don't do it. Ok.]

So the last 3 days I've been on a bit of a non-stop bender starting with a small bag (0.5g) of mephedrone on Thursday (though the result was pretty disappointing. felt more like that fuckin 2-MMC shit that's been going around recently, poorly disguised as drone, tis a shame), then moving onto (don't laugh) modafinil - yes, the nootropic, as it turns out to be hiiighly recreational at higher doses, like the cleanest amphetamine high I've ever had but for 10 hours. (No one tell r/nootropics, I think this is what they're really looking for, which is the feeling of the pill from Limitless. Imagine watching that film and then finding out actual nootropics are mostly vitamins, choline and L-Theanine - and... phenibut for some reason? Why?) Then combine that with high-dose pregabalin (1200-2000mg) and you're set for the rest of the day, and some of the evening too. So lil bit of 4-MMC on Thursday, then huge doses of pregab for the last 3 days and moda for the last 2. Also I'm on both right now, mixed in with no sleep for 3+ days... which is normal for me, (the not sleeping, that is) not all the time but maybe I'll do this kinda thing maybe once every 4-5 months, a bit like how people use MDMA. (The no sleep thing is normal for me is what I meant, not the huge doses or hallucinations. Those are less common) Point is, I've done this before, and never got any visuals of any kind. But now... I feel like someone's squirted a deliriant into my eyeballs - it's absolutely bizzare. Right now behind my computer screen I see a contortionist, her hands look somehow more real than mine, she's slowly moving through her weird poses - no shade to contortionists though - whatever floats your boat. In my peripheral vision is a girl on each side, floating above the ground within touching distance, I can see their lower body and legs (had to stop for a second, the contortionist just uh... lifted up my screen. Huh), but whenever I look up to see their faces they disappear. I don't get the vibe they're corpses, they do move slightly up and down independently of each other, but are dressed identically in a sort of pink snowsuit (?) with a yellow star on top. Just kinda, levitating. As I type this the keys are bulging in and out like something breathing, letters switching, keys just detaching and flying in a slow circle above me, I have a very slight feeling of being hugged from behind by arms from some kind of small monkey with black and gold fur, but the feeling goes away when I look down. In fact all the "true" hallucinations, as in completely fabricated objects or people my brain has created that only I can see, only exist in my peripheral vision, they all disappear when I try to look at them directly, which is a shame. Maybe they're kinda skittish, being in a new reality and all, and need time to acclimatise? Like getting a new pet, except it's an apparition dressed like an anime girl - plural, that is, if I stare completely at the screen I can see what appears to be 4 separate entities, 1 I can feel with its arms around my chest. (Real) objects look like they're either made of or coloured in some sort of rainbow-coloured liquid that transforms everything it touches, but also disappears and reappears and seems to 'load' and 'delete' random sections of itself, but won't go near any screens or lights, despite looking like something made in After Effects - no offense rainbow carpet entity. There are now lots of pairs of disembodied bird limbs climbing up and down the screen, some of them are... swimming through this paragraph.

So, I was just wondering, has anyone else had sudden weird visuals from combining pregabalin and modafinil repeatedly at high doses while sleep deprived? Because I've done this many times before, same amounts, same location, all major data points unchanged, but this time I get deliriant/DPH type visuals, though with more of a theme of 'comfy/weird', like I'm inside a cartoon, if this was an actual DPH trip I'd be seeing slightly too tall shadow people and lots of spiders, but that's not what this is. It's like, the realism of a full-on deliriant, EXTREMELY strange almost-people existing entirely in the periphery, the Creatures of the Corner I suppose.

And yes, I am an irresponsible fool for taking the amounts I take, duly noted. Also it's my first time ever posting here and I haven't slept for 3+ days. So that's why this reads like it does, because you try focusing on turning whatever the fuck my brain is showing me into normal words, when 3 or 4 of them are just casually floating right next to your head, correctly proportioned limbs, looking as real as you or me. Maybe I found a glitch in the simulation? High value of 2 concentrated substance caused a stack overflow.... perhaps. Will report back with further testing. Nah, just kidding, once is enough thanks. One for the bucket list, no need for a second go-around, that's what reincarnation is for. Ok. Stay safe. Byeeee

[continued from first paragraph, gives a little window into my mind but didn't really want this to be the first thing people read. So here ya go:] maybe that's why they hide their faces? Maybe I should talk about them like visual hallucinations and not a new species of animal I'm observing? Don't want to piss them off though really, I can feel their eye-analogues reading this, like I *feel* it, like a cotton band wrapped around my head getting slowly loosened and tightened, I think it's random but it feels-pattern like... okay, what the fuck/ I think I'm losing my mind, tis an interesting process to watch in motion though. Have you ever really wanted something to stop, but at the same time keep going
High doses will do that. Make sure you get the sleep back tho. Get some benzodiazepines or marihuana or synthetic cannabinoids to sleep.
Wasn’t expecting that combo given the title hope sleep is back on track oh my goodness stay safe
Shadow people are a common side effect of stimulant binges and no sleep. So is wall of text posts.
Get some sleep, man. Stop any dose of any stimulant immediately. Maybe stay home until you have crashed.