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First time trying molly-dosage


Jan 4, 2021
I recently acquired a gram of molly.. this will be my first time taking this particular drug. I’ve rolled many many times back in my youth and was told molly is the same thing as ecstasy. Is that true?? How does molly make you feel? How much should I start out taking to be safe? Any advice is greatly appreciated
This belongs in the MDMA forum. Molly is just a slang term for ecstasy that's not in pill form.
It is the same thing, generally. Is it a crystalline substance of an orange like color?

Of course it is generally dangerous to consume any mystery substance, so you'll want to allergy test it first (meaning consume very small doses to see if it agrees with you). Ill send this to the appropriate forum for dosing guidelines. If i were in your shoes I'd reagent test it, allergy test it then take perhaps 80mg-100mg if it appears to be real. But i am not an expert in this arena, so im going to move this somewhere where you'll getting more sophisticated answers.
man first time i did molly i did an entire gram at once didnt know how much never did it again that comedown lasted 3 weeks
I know a few ppl that made the same mistake
They thought it was the same dosing as weak amphetamine paste lol
I also know some girls who went to buy mdma for a rave in the woods and the guy only had k so they got a gram each and each bombed the whole gram and tripped out and got sick, tut tut
First get a testkit to confirm what you have is mdma since their is a world wide shortage atm and most people are now selling various bath salts as molly. Second once you confirm you acutally have mdma with the test kit dose around 120 mg.
First get a testkit to confirm what you have is mdma since their is a world wide shortage atm and most people are now selling various bath salts as molly. Second once you confirm you acutally have mdma with the test kit dose around 120 mg.
Where do you get a test kit?
It is the same thing, generally. Is it a crystalline substance of an orange like color?

Of course it is generally dangerous to consume any mystery substance, so you'll want to allergy test it first (meaning consume very small doses to see if it agrees with you). Ill send this to the appropriate forum for dosing guidelines. If i were in your shoes I'd reagent test it, allergy test it then take perhaps 80mg-100mg if it appears to be real. But i am not an expert in this arena, so im going to move this somewhere where you'll getting more sophisticated answers.
Thank you! I Thought I had put it where it needs to go lol thanks for the help
But yes, orange/tan like crystals. I’ll post a photo
Ive had mdma crystals in a variety of colors. Pink, purple, brown/gold(always best tbh, cola cube it was called), green(!), white/see through, one time black!
I've SEEN stuff being sold as mdma/mandy/molly in all the colors of the rainbow on the darknet. So many substances form the same kind of crystal.
Get a test kit they aren't alot, compared to how much you spend on a gram
If it comes to you, it’s probably mdma. If you go searching for it, it’s probably methylone.
Where do you get a test kit?
can find them online marquis reagent test is the most common for mdma. Can find them from dancesafe though they are quite pricey or a cheap ez test for mdma can do. Headshops in your local area should sell testing kits.
If it comes to you, it’s probably mdma. If you go searching for it, it’s probably methylone.
Its weird cuz alot of people are LOOKING for methylone, and cant get it, would pay top money for it, more than what is charged for proper pure mdma, and then you get guys passing it off as mdma, cheaper than normal mdma costs...🤔
Oh my gosh.
First ever MDMA experience about a month ago, and by far my favourite drug experience of all time!

Stumbled across a lovely lady at a party with these lil tan colour caps who was happy to share.
Had zero clue what to expect so the come up was a bit daunting, especially after half a bottle of vodka at a Halloween party full of people and superhero’s I’d never met before.
Once I adjusted though, fucking incredible!
Was lucky enough later in the night to score another pill and a line of coke before retiring to bed with my equally wasted partner for what was likely both the worst and best ever sex I’ve had in my entire life.
So fucking loved up.
This will probably have more info than you want, and I apologize in advance...

Whether you have pills, powder, or crystal, you should always test your product.

You can get test kits from Dancesafe, EZ Test, Bunk Police and other suppliers.

In a perfect world, MDMA pills and "molly" both contain MDMA and only MDMA. However, sadly, it is not a perfect world.

Pills and molly can both be adulterated with known and unknown compounds. They may be intentionally adulterated (example: your dealer sells you Meth instead of MDMA), or unintentionally adulterated (example: the chemist doesn't know what he is doing, and weird chemicals are left in the MDMA).

Even if you are fortunate enough to have powder that appears to be MDMA, there are variations in the purity and quality of MDMA that is available.

If you plan to do MDMA in the future, I recommend you invest in a small gem scale in addition to the test kit so that you can experiment with your doses and find the perfect dose. 120 mg is a good place to start.
This will probably have more info than you want, and I apologize in advance...

Whether you have pills, powder, or crystal, you should always test your product.

You can get test kits from Dancesafe, EZ Test, Bunk Police and other suppliers.

In a perfect world, MDMA pills and "molly" both contain MDMA and only MDMA. However, sadly, it is not a perfect world.

Pills and molly can both be adulterated with known and unknown compounds. They may be intentionally adulterated (example: your dealer sells you Meth instead of MDMA), or unintentionally adulterated (example: the chemist doesn't know what he is doing, and weird chemicals are left in the MDMA).

Even if you are fortunate enough to have powder that appears to be MDMA, there are variations in the purity and quality of MDMA that is available.

If you plan to do MDMA in the future, I recommend you invest in a small gem scale in addition to the test kit so that you can experiment with your doses and find the perfect dose. 120 mg is a good place to start.
Thank you friend! I will take all of the information I can get. I already have a scale because a microdose with psilocybin regularly. I am looking for a testing kit as we speak
Thank you friend! I will take all of the information I can get. I already have a scale because a microdose with psilocybin regularly. I am looking for a testing kit as we speak

No problem! If you don't mind, would you take note of some things when you finally try it? We have a long-time thread where we are discussing variations in MDMA and the effects. I would be very interested in knowing how your experience with this product compares to your memories of older "ecstasy." Take note of effects such as euphoria, empathy, music enhancement, and tactile enhancement. Check your pupils and take note of how dilated they are.

As for testing kits, at a minimum I recommend you get a marquis and Simon's. Marquis will let you know if it is a MD substance and Simon's will show if it is MDMA or MDA. Most places sell sets with additional kits beyond that. I usually test my product with about 4-5 kits, and I'll send to Drugs Data as well to have a lab analyze it. There are fentanyl test strips as well. There is just so much questionable stuff going around. You can't be too safe!