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Opioids First Time Shooting, Please Read

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What kind of cottons do you have? I suggest if that's all you have you should filter two times or three by

1. Stretch out the cotton (if its q tips) and then roll it into a very tight ball. If you make it a weird ball you will have two sections you suck solution. Out of so try to make it an even ball.
2. Make your shot in the sterile cap and drop the cotton in the cap and pull up solution
3. Dump out old cotton put solution back into cap add a new cotton and suck up again.
4. Make sure you use an alcohol pad over in injection site at least two minutes to dry.
dilaudid isn't a safe choice for your first IV, it's a very potent and reasonably dangerous opioid. I would recommend you try plugging some before you make a big mistake and go down the path of IV use.

Might as well give the best advise you can, changing people's minds is not easy.
dilaudid isn't a safe choice for your first IV, it's a very potent and reasonably dangerous opioid. I would recommend you try plugging some before you make a big mistake and go down the path of IV use.

I have had IV Dilaudid before, just not done myself.
I don't plan on doing more than 2mg today.

I just would like to know all the information I possibly can before I do this in a few hours... for the first time.
I know that I need to be using a micron filter as well, but I do not have one on this occasion.
Man.. this is some scary shit. You don't have anybody that has experience with IV drug use that can show you firsthand? I mean.. some of the questions you are asking are just so basic..that it really is crazy for you to be attempting to inject yourself with anything when you know so little. You can end up seriously fucking yourself up, man.
I agree, You should really have someone with you!
Man.. this is some scary shit. You don't have anybody that has experience with IV drug use that can show you firsthand? I mean.. some of the questions you are asking are just so basic..that it really is crazy for you to be attempting to inject yourself with anything when you know so little. You can end up seriously fucking yourself up, man.
I know =S

I've been trying to find someone to cam with while I do it the past few days x_x"
At least someone "there"-ish.
Before you even try this look on YouTube for IV techniques. Like how to draw blood or any medical stuff.

Dose low. Take 1/3 of what you think you need. You can always do more.

Even if you web cam you still won't have someone there if you pass out. Have a friend there.
I use a clean shot glass. Use the syringe to measure out the water so that you don't end up with too much in the glass requiring multiple shots. You probably want 1/2 to 3/4 of the syringe filled. Stir up the shot in the shot glass (brings a new meaning to the name of the glass), filter, shoot.
You def just changed my thoughts of shot glasses lol I don't take shots of alcohol why not use them for shots of drugs lmao
I always use the sterile cap off the syringe and then i take the plunger out and use it to stir... then rinse with water put plunger back in syringe.....
I know =S

I've been trying to find someone to cam with while I do it the past few days x_x"
At least someone "there"-ish.

If you're looking for someone to shoot up with, find someone in the flesh or don't bother at all. Cam is not going to be an adequate safety net should something go wrong, heaven forbid.
We're not here to help you find a "IV cam buddy". That is not harm reduction.

Have a real person there in real life, OP.
I am going to have a friend over.
He has never done it before, but he will be there in case of any problems.

Thank god!

Dude i changed my mind im sorry but this is not safe you do not know enough to even consider iving. you should look into this for a whjile before attempting.

before i try any drug that is new to me or any new ROA i do research for weeks sometimes months before trying it..
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I agree. Don't start down this road. Read up on the threads about the horrors and agony about IV use. I'm closing this.

This thread has gotten out of hand, there is plenty of information on this subject readily available, and you've already received very sound advice. PM me if you have further questions.
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