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First Time OXY shooting Q's


Mar 26, 2010
Whats up guys.... i knew it would eventually come to this..... Snorting just doesnt give me that rush i used to get and it seems no matter how much i do these days i dont feel "that" fucked up.... So if im in the 60-120MG a day (not alot got the good old tolerance down)

whats a good amt to shoot up and how do i prepare etc.... i still have the good old "OC"s not the new fucked up "OP"s....

So thanks in advance.....
Do a very tiny bit of research and you will find more info on this then you could ever possibly use. After all that is why this site is hear, harm reduction
So i guess ill search BL forums? Unless someone can suggest what i should do or shouldnt do. I really dont know waht to do so i wanted a fresh answer.....