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First time MDMA horror

Thanks for your post.
Since it was my firsttime rolling MDMA i had no idea of what this could do to my brain. If i had have any clue of the risk Im dealing with doing that stuff with so much alcohol......
One thing Im sure about is that i will never do MDMA again. The last six weeks have been the worst of my life and i don't want to think about the weeks coming up.
If I'll get back to my normal life sometime i just want to live it as its best and wont risk going nuts again.
Thanks for your post.
Since it was my firsttime rolling MDMA i had no idea of what this could do to my brain. If i had have any clue of the risk Im dealing with doing that stuff with so much alcohol......
One thing Im sure about is that i will never do MDMA again. The last six weeks have been the worst of my life and i don't want to think about the weeks coming up.
If I'll get back to my normal life sometime i just want to live it as its best and wont risk going nuts again.

If it's been 6 weeks, you are experiencing a long term comedown or LTC as it is called in here. It happened to me on about the 4th time I've ever done it and I'm talking years in between times I took it so I basically was like a first time user. It just happens to some people. Could be excessive alcohol. Could be a lot of factors. Impossible to know.

First, relax, and realize you will get better, but you are looking at months in terms of recovery. I've felt fantastic the last 3/4 days and I'm 6 months into recovery. I think things are changing for the better finally. I hope.

If you are like me and many others, you are still in the "acute" phase, which is going to last 6 - 8 weeks. Maybe 3 months or so at the most. Then, you will gradually improve from there.

If you don't mind me asking, what are your symptoms? Do these seem familiar....?

Panic attacks
Overstimulation in public
Can't sleep for more than a few hours at a time
Some people get tinnitus
Brain fog
Trouble remembering words or speaking (misspeaking) - usually only in the very beginning

These are symptoms of what this community has termed a LongTermComedown.

You will recover, but it is going to take many months and, perhaps, up to a year or so. Everyone is different. Actually, one year seems to be around the time when a majority of people say they've recovered.

But, you can't focus on what has already been done. Focus on eating well, exercising, and avoiding ALL drugs and stimulants including caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. That is your best course of action. By the way, doctors aren't likely to understand or be able to diagnose what you are going through. They will most likely determine anxiety as the cause, which is fine. You might want to look into getting anti-anxiety medications to help get you through the beginning stages. I did. It helped immensely.
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Jesus christ mate, sounds horrible. Im a fairly experienced user of MDMA and have never had the feelings you are describing. Although my advice would be perhaps to lay off the weed until you feel better. Everyone likes a smoke the day after partying, but in your case i think excessive use may have increased your suspectibility to LTC? Try 5-HTP from your local drug store, works wonders for me.
5-HTP is going to do nothing if he is having a LTC. I know because I tried it. Same goes for most vitamins although eating healthy will help. Lot's of vegetables and proteins. There are a couple of supplements that are generally recommended by LTC'ers - Fish Oil and B6, for reasons I won't go into here, but suffice it to say they are good for the brain. Melatonin is generally recommended for sleeping problems. I found Melatonin with Theanine to be even better. Theanine is a natural relaxant. At 6 months, I no longer need these things, but they cerainly helped at one time.
Fair point mate, ive never suffered from LTC (thankfully) so was just offering what little advice i could, you seem to be much more qualified on he subject. Iv taken 5 HTP for non-drug related issues and its helped so thought it might be worth a whirl
Thanks for the answers guys. I am trying 5htp since last week andexcept from weird dreams i did not notice an thing else. Thanks a lot for your experiences rphili. The symptoms fit perfect To mine.. i m Going To check valdoxan for a better sleep. Do you Think it hinders my recovery? Sorry for the words-hicup ->smartphone