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First time- LSD or E ?


Sep 6, 2010
I know pretty much all of the qualities each have but i still have a few questions

1. Which is less likely that you have a bad trip?

2. I know E is a party drug but could you still do the whole nature thing like you would with LSD?

3. How much does E distort vision, I know its not a hallucinogen like LSD but I'm just curious as to what things look like on E.

if anyone cares i've smoked weed, popped percs and vally, and snorted oxy.
MDMA- less likely to have a bad trip, can still "get in touch with nature", vision distortion is dose related, with lower doses looking like high weed doses and high xtc doses vision can be like stronger psychedelics. also, MDMA has an unpleasant crash, so have benzos.

LSD- VERY psychedelic, strong oev's and cev's, spiritual experiences, bad trips are quite possible, different "kind" of drug than MDMA.

basicaly, MDMA is a "safer ride"(mentally) while LSD you have to prepare for.
Well, for starts it seems like your into downers(vikes, perks, oxy, weed etc.) x is more of an amphetamine/ Euphoric Empathogen. and most the time is very speedy unless cut with an opiate or some other type of downer mostly because its made with meth(kinda) and usually cut with it. So you might like it you might not?

Now yes you could do the whole nature thing with E but it's kinda better yo have something soft to sit on haah. i remember the one night i have a long train that leads to the road and i was rolling face and smoked a quater of bud to the face and i was walking threw this trial in the pitch black darkness and everything seemed soo different like i lost the path and i was heading towards a car which was the only light for like a mile and it seemed like it took me an hour but it was only 5 min or complete clulessness of my surroundings. but yes you can would be your answer to number 2.

Well let me tell you if your rolling hard. E can fuck up you vision like make the ground wiggle hardcore and it will feel like your in a dream like a more relaxed but 10 times more intense high then marijuana.

But you are more likely to have a bad trip on acid then e. a bad trip on acid could be like hands coming out of the walls trying to grab you and rip you apart, a bad trip on x is more like the high is too intense for you and you just want to lay down and let it go away but usually that part of the high will only last 20-30 min at the most then you just feel amazing for a couple hours, also acid lasts long! but is amazing if you can control it. but to me i think you should go with the Xtc.
Thanks guys, going with the x.
i think what we're gonna do is drop, go for a walk in a nearby forest with waterfalls etc for a few hours, then go to one of our houses and just blast some techno and vibe. or maybe the other way around.
sounds like a good plan, try to do the techno when your peaking it'll be the best experience of your life. aha
If you wanna "commune w/nature" and it's your first time go with mushies. Shorter trip, but closer to the experience you're seeking, I think. It'll give you a better feeling for what LSD is like, so you'll have some idea of what you're getting into when you decide to take that journey on. MDMA is really nothing like either of them.
candyflip, both at the same time. combos are great to learning new drugs.
^ lol definitely. the flip is what its all about. the two chemicals complete each other perfectly, like peanut butter and chocolate.
Candyflipping is fun, but at the same time, I feel the true psychedelics should be experienced in their full flavor before combining them...

Candyflipping is great for an experienced psychonaut, but may lead new-commers into thinking that psychedelics are easier to deal with than they actually are...

taking one substance on its own introduces you to its spirit.

Until you know better, listen to the people who have experience with your chosen route of exploration...

Check out the forums on the individual substances.

canyflipping is the easy way out of learning from acid, and acid has more to teach you than any class you've ever taken.

treat the teachers with the respect they deserve, and don't try to listen to two at once.
Candyflipping is fun, but at the same time, I feel the true psychedelics should be experienced in their full flavor before combining them...

Candyflipping is great for an experienced psychonaut, but may lead new-commers into thinking that psychedelics are easier to deal with than they actually are...

taking one substance on its own introduces you to its spirit.

Until you know better, listen to the people who have experience with your chosen route of exploration...

Check out the forums on the individual substances.

canyflipping is the easy way out of learning from acid, and acid has more to teach you than any class you've ever taken.

treat the teachers with the respect they deserve, and don't try to listen to two at once.

they are not teachers, they're health store workers.