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Heroin First time Heroin, tips?

The "best" (As in way that is most bioavailable) way would be to IV it. Which is why you see addicts usually only using this method.
Smoking or snorting would come in at second.

But imo if your smoking or snorting and your tolerance to opiates is pretty low maybe try a weaker opiate such as codeine...

Some of us bluelighters cant get a buzz off codeine unless we do a high dose but for some one who is new to opiates & doesnt have a tolerance - coedine would be perfect.
180mg or probably less mg of codeine would give you a great buzz and night.
I remember when it did for me.
ahh the good old days...Now it doesnt unless i take a huge dose :( As I've snorted 4mg hydromorphones between 20-30 times now in the last 2 years - and therefore my opiate tolerance is not non-existing like it once was.

Or if codeine isn't available try a pharmaceutical opiate which is similar in strength (if not stronger - depends on purity of your H) to heroin like hydromorphone. If you can get it.
Reason i'm saying this is due to the fact that this is a harm reduction forum. Obviously pharmaceutical opiates being regulated are safer and dont have as many impurities in it when compared to street heroin/tar. Less nasty stuff going into your body.... Who knows whats in that "tar" your thinking of using.

However, even though I'm sure theres much nastier impurities in H/Tar that doesnt mean pharmaceutical and pure opiates aren't nasty... in their own way.
Like many others have mentioned be careful of addiction.

It takes great discipline not to keep using opiates as they make you feel great.

I myself never thought i'd get hooked. However I did for a few months 2 years ago during the summer. Managed to quit with pretty bad withdrawals. And this was just from snorting hydromorphone every day for ONLY a couple of months (and taking 30percs prescribed to me for wisdom teeth)... Id hate to imagine what withdrawal from daily long term IV use is like !

Since that habit which i broke 2 years ago I haven't touched the stuff apart from a few times with my ex and then once a week after i broke up with my ex fairly recently.

I dont know what i was thinking, i was feeling like shit i guess and missing her even though it was my decision to leave her -_- She was really awesome and i still have yet to find someone this awesome :/ But at the same time things she had done in the past made me question her as a person and I also felt she didn't bring out the best in me either.

Anyways, like i said - i dont know what i was thinking here. I was with my bro who thank god isn't addicted (and is clean now) anymore but at the time was going down a spiral of his own.
He was IVing hydromorphone at the time.
And i'd see him once every 2 weeks. When wed hang he'd always shoot (as at this point he wasn't clean and was shooting everyday.)
Even though id discourage it every time he'd prepare a hit, I'd see the reason why he did it . And tbh couldn't blame him - The major relief he seemed to be getting from doing it while I just sat and watched while smoking a spliff was amazing. I wanted that !

Eventually curiosity got the best of me. My ex shot up ... My bro did too . And from watching both of them do it for a while curiosity finally got the better of me.
One day i made a deal with my bro to pay him $20 to shoot me up with approx 3mg of hydromorphone.
I hadn't touched opiates for a while either.

When he did it.
Best way i could describe it was at first (for me with no tolerance to shooting - and a low tolerance to snorting) when it's first shot into your arm you loose all ability to stand.
I quickly sat down on the floor in his bathroom where we had prepared the shot. He tried to get me to walk into his living room beside it so i could sit on the sofa there. However i couldnt and told him i needed to sit on the bathroom floor for a bit more then id move.
I felt kind of sweaty & warm but not in a bad way. The sweaty you feel when you are taking/release a giant shit x10.
This feeling then kept getting more and more intense. Whilst a warm, euphoric, mellow feeling was slowly creeping up slowly too...

Was feeling major "ahhhh" ...
like i just took a shit 10x bigger than one I've ever taken in my life. That relief you get from taking a shit . You know it? Well if you're human you most likely do :p Well times that feeling by 150 lol.
Then add the feeling of being cosy in your living room, wrapped in a warm blanket by a fire whislst you look outside and its -40/blizzard.
Then add the feeling of ejaculating but for a good 10-15mins (approx time i think the rush was - tbh i was nodding so thats why i say approx. but the initial "rush" felt like it was this long until the high subsided into the familiar opiate high i get from snorting.).

Combine all these ^ feelings and add some nausea in there and thats the best way i could describe it lol.
I puked like 3 times over the course of an hour as soon as i shot the hydromorphone.
And tbh the nausea wasn't even that bad as it is when your drunk or something. I even kinda found throwing up on opiates to be pleasant and relieving lol.
This feeling which i guess was the "rush" everyone describes subsided slowly into the mellow opiate high with the itching which i was expecting and used too from snorting the stuff.

Hope that helps. Thats the best I could describe it briefly.
Obviously you'd have to try it for yourself.

But i can safely say i didn't gain anything from my experience.
Its not mind expanding imo like psychedelics are (which I've tried a few times and dont regret trying/am glad I tried them) and don't provide me with any spiritual or life benefits....
and because of this have I have no desire to go out and do it again at this point in time... This may also be because i am much happier now as a person vs when i wanted and did IV.
So tbh if you can do without trying it then ... do without :) Stick to the herb :)
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This is my first post, I was a medic x 25 years. After 2 failed back surgeries, I was under pain management. I went from Narco all the way to Oxycontin 40mg x 3 a day oxycodone 10mg x 4 times a day and soma 350 mg x 4 times a day. I was lucky and found a DR that fixed my back. (no more pain) thought id just ween myself off the meds ... yeah right... Finally had enough went through detox and now am 60 days clean and dealing with PAWS. My point is I didn't even realize when I was hooked. most likely was when my dosage started to increase due to being ineffective. Even after my last surgery I still had some mild pain. Funny thing is when I stopped I am now pain free. My advise is Don't do it! I cant tell you how many H overdoses I have seen in my days as a medic. Its very very sad. Just my advise to you. Its not worth it. Run away! BTW out of my detox class, I am the only one still clean of the monster that is opiates....
Suggest you don't do it. You would regret it and from the moment you try, no turning back.
Best tip would be never touch the stuff. Even if your not hooked at first just give it some time and it will turn into a different monster.

Once you figure out you have a heavy addiction problem it'll be to late ime/o. Withdraws are also hell on earth.
I mean, the risks probably do outweight the benefits. While the chance of you being able to try heroin once and not become an addicted user is still greater than you doing it & getting hooked (by a 3 to 1 ratio, if I remember correctly), the people who like it really like it, and it enslaves like pretty much no other drug IMO.

As far as what it feels like. Nice numbing pain-free warmth combined with a mental disposition which I can only describe as being completely content and carefree and "in the moment". The first time I was given heroin, it was from people who had been IV users who had many years experience with it, and that's probably the preferable way to try the drug, but just consuming very small amounts of tar heroin by itself and seeing where that takes you seems safe, except for the risk that you'll like it too much of course.

I imagine that the OP probably already did the hair on though...
Throw it away and save yourself the pain. I'm sure this has already been said but I want to reinforce this viewpoint.
What upsets me is she think we are all exaggerating saying oh heroin is bad. We know this right cause we all started at."just want to try it" AND the.last thing we wanted to hear was how bad it was , right? WRONG! Lasted 2 years before the needle.I am 23 woman this should be the time of my life my prime instead if im.not making money for a hit im.having one. For what? 30 second rush if I am lucky. We are not trying to spoil your fun . We just genuinly don't want another human to know the hell that is IV heroin addiction. Pleaae for fuck sake, roll a joint, have a beer, do some ecstasy if you bloody have to. Just dont end your life when ita only jusr beginning. The shit I've seen you cannot unsee. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. EdIt; HEROIN DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE! = no one is to, young, beautiful, talented, rich , educated, informed, "strong minded",smart, or any other characteristic you think might make you somehow "different". Heroin doesnt give a shit. Such a common misconception "poor people get addicted because they are sad" Fuck.that bullshit. In.fact the higher you are the harder you will fall. Treat HEROIN with the resoect it deserves. What do you think makes a "junkie"? Again the answer is not "poor people, bad upbringing". It is desperation, sheer and utter raw DESPERATION. Its sitting in your own puke and shit knowing that just round the corner is the antidote for this virus that is consuming you. Youve already spent all your cash, sold all.your valuables, blagged all the momey you can from family and friends, so what's next? Its true addicts are selfish people but by selfish I mean we iust dont want to feel like we are dying. We do what we have to do. Things we wouldn't dream of doing, things we would condem.others for. Evemtually we.come up with the goods, all is good right? Wrong because this antidote only lasts 12/24 hours if we are lucky. And so it all begins again. This is my life, my hell, along with millions of others. We have to live it whether we like it or not. YOU have a choice. Say fuck it! I only want to try it and begin your game of Russian roulette or walk away. Smoke a spliff, have a beer, Jesus have a fucking wank!!! Everyone of us have taken the time to reply to thir
thread in the hope that just maybe youll change your mind. We all started off "just wanting to try it". Walk away.... Good luck. Tomorrow is the start of the rest of your life. :)
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Kishka, I would advise you to leave that heroin alone.. either give it to a heroin addict or just throw it away and cut your losses.. idk how old you are but your life is over if you get into heroin.. Its too hard to dose right especially not knowing anything about it.. people are dropping like flies from heroin.. people just like you.. constantly.. leave the shit alone girl.. please its nasty and you'll end up nasty and in a nasty life.. I tried china white heroin 3 days ago and now i have to make purchases everday to stay ok.. From being sick in withdrawal.. Ive been on opiates (pills, dilaudid I.V.) for 1 year now.. goodluck girly..
" The shit I've seen you cannot unsee"

So, true - the emotional trauma you eventually encounter - people dying in front of you, pregnant women shooting up speedballs at eight months... neglected kids...

PTSD. Still in therapy, that was a decade ago, and I left my ten worst experiences off b/c I talk to nobody about those things, they're so horrid, kind of like having been in a war, kinda.
" The shit I've seen you cannot unsee"

So, true - the emotional trauma you eventually encounter - people dying in front of you, pregnant women shooting up speedballs at eight months... neglected kids...

PTSD. Still in therapy, that was a decade ago, and I left my ten worst experiences off b/c I talk to nobody about those things, they're so horrid, kind of like having been in a war, kinda.

Very true, put that on your list..
if you ain't climbed the opi8 ladder (started codeine and progressed upwards) I really suggest you do and put the heroin on hold till weaker other opi8s no longer work.
they are insidious and you don't even REALIZE the addiction until it is too late, that is how they fuck with your mind. You will rationalize using more and more and more. Please don't, but I can't stop you.

Insidious is the right word. Same word I often use to describe heroin addiction. I used to be be a meth-addict, that wasn't insidious, it was blunt-force-trauma. It mangled my life in obvious and noticeable ways.

Heroin creeps up on you, lets you feel like you're under control, lets you function.

I think.. most people, will try heroin once, then maybe not touch it again for months, then try it again, can go online like this.. eventually people assume they'll never be another hopeless addict until suddenly they are.
" The shit I've seen you cannot unsee"

So, true - the emotional trauma you eventually encounter - people dying in front of you, pregnant women shooting up speedballs at eight months... neglected kids...

PTSD. Still in therapy, that was a decade ago, and I left my ten worst experiences off b/c I talk to nobody about those things, they're so horrid, kind of like having been in a war, kinda.

Yeah.. but it's all just fine so long as you got another hit lined up.
Yeah.. but it's all just fine so long as you got another hit lined up.
Can you keep up with that? Got money? You'll need thousands and the lines will be greater and not enough..
It's a lonely life, the end starts when you begin..
If only I could go back to where you're at right now, and make the right choice.. I know I can't stop you, but honestly, never ever touch it again. Everything you love will slowly disappear. Best of luck to you though. if you're able to enjoy it just once, then have fun and be safe. But please be careful