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First time advise wanted with Molly..

Sounds about right, if your product is of high quality, but for obvious reasons you should always assume it is. I have a feeling that if it is high quality you will not feel inclined to redose, as was the case for myself and for people that experienced their first roll with me. The experience was fulfilling enough that we weren't bothered that it ended, we were at peace so just naturally went from rolling to comedown to baseline and chill-mode. A redose will not amplify the high by a whole lot, it will mostly extend it. If you do decide to redose, know that the physical symptoms will increase as well (jaw clenching, eye wiggles, restless legs, perhaps some confusion...). You should give it at least a full hour for the effects to kick in, a bit more even if you have eaten a meal not long before your roll. In case I redose I do so around +1:30h with a dose around 1/2 my initial dose, but this is in my case, I would go a bit lower than 1/2 for you guys.

Also MDMA in moderate doses is not likely to give you much visuals, perhaps some enhanced color perception and some halos around light sources and things like that but not much more. However weed seems to synergize with MDMA and potentiate the slight psychedelic aspect of MDMA, again still very unlikely that it would produce real visuals at the doses you will be taking but it could give the roll a bit of a psychedelic feel, especially if you don't smoke much so have a low tolerance. I'm not saying don't smoke, just don't overdo it unless you are used to smoking big quantities

Yes, I do have some really good medical quality cannabis at the moment. However, it is about a 90% Sativa strain, which on its own, gets you soaring. Not a couch-lock Indica strain. If I decide to smoke with the MDMA, it will only be a little. Maybe in this situation an Indica strain would be better...Anyway, it is definitely ON for Saturday night for certain! Wish we could go out somewhere and really have fun with it, but, I think a comfortable home setting is the best for the first time. Maybe next time, whenever that may be, we will decide to go out.

I am so excited to FINALLY have my chance with MDMA! It has taken a long time to finally find a source, so this is like hitting the lottery for me! LOL A source for anything else is not hard to find, but MDMA is.

Many thanks to all who posted in my thread, I greatly appreciate all the info! I will definitely post about our experience!
I find the cannabis helps mainly with any nausea. Then again I medicate cannabis daily
Forgot to ask one last thing...We are planning on putting the mdma in gelatin capsules or in zig zag papers. Any opinion on those methods or any others? I've read that some people put it in water or juice...Wouldn't that kinda water it down too much, or does it not matter?
Females tend to be more sensitive... Unless she is experienced with mdma or things like mushrooms start her a bit lighter... Than again I feel that ideology is sexist as I feel woman need to be stronger in nature, but that's neither here nor there. Make sure to get her body weight and figure her dose right. Maybe do 1.25 mg/kg maximum for her although I'd still suggest 1 mg/kg as you can always retry in a good three weeks of resting and it is more important to learn the magic is not to lose it getting lost selling the physical side effects.

Edit: I'll retouch this post, but I think low dosing and redosing leads to best experience vs one stong dose. It has taken me experience to learn side effects, which aren't deadly or really harmful besides grinding teeth ruining teeth. It's just nice to feel the openness and comfort it causes without the extra push of energy that some desire. That's why I recommend what v might be considered a below average, but definitely active dose of 1 mg/kg where the threshold dose is probably w good fifth of that. 1.5 would be considered standard, but strong in my opinion. Both choices should be safe if your MDMA is what it is. If you can trust your dealer that's awesome although test kits are legal and cheap (under 20) so it's definitely a good idea to be patient and get one if you can afford it.

It's not sexist it's proven fact females are more sensitive to drugs and alcohol. My guess is that something in their hormones causes more to enter the bloodstream because even blood alcohol levels are higher in women who have fewer drinks than an equally weighted male counterpart
If you are in no hurry, that is: you are not going to use it next friday (tomorrow), then you could do acetone wash to the stuff. It's easy and will get rid of many cuts and excess salt/impurities.
Thus you have safer product to consume (Mods, take note! this _is_ harm reduction).

As summary:
Get epsom salt (few grams is enough)
Get clean acetone (10cl / gram as starting point. Ie. don't need many liters)
bake eprom salt in hot oven for couple of hours to get any moisture away from it
put couple of grams of epsom salt to 1 liter of acetone. Shake. let it settle for 1 day. This will remove any moisture (water) from the acetone. Acetone will take moisture from air.

actual acetone wash:
Crush your MDMA as fine as you can.
Put it in class container or similar
gently pour acetone on it (10cl/g is more than enough) trying not to get any of the epsom salt that is at the bottom of the acetone bottle
strirr the acetone / mdma mix
lett it settle
pour trough coffee filter
leave the filter to dry until you cannot smell acetone any more (24hrs should be enough)
You should have white or bit gray mdma powder at your hands now, with very little impurities.

Have done this for my stuff for two reasons:
1) Clean product to use
2) you get actual idea how good/bad quality stuff you were sold