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First time advise wanted with Molly..


Jul 25, 2014
Greetings everyone!

I have one gram of molly. It is supposed to be Almost 90% pure, atleast that is what I was told. I am apprx 180 lbs. I've read so much different info on how much I should take my first time. I don't want to go too low, as I want to experience a very nice roll. At the same time, I certainly do not want to go too much.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

Hey ed081873, welcome to Bluelight,

-First of all, what people tell you (especially dealers) about the purity of your product means nothing. Either get yourself a testkit or find someone who has one and test your product. This way you can see for yourself what drugs you are ingesting. This will avoid run-ins with adulturated or fake product, which is something extremely common. This is absolutely necessary if you want to stay safe
-Are you a male or a female? For a male weighing 180lbs I would say 90mg-130mg max is a perfect dose, of course again if it was tested product. For a female weighing 180lbs I think 75mg-115mg max would be sufficient (females are more sensitive to MDMA)

Most important thing to take away from this is test, test, test =D

If you have any more questions you'll find a lot of people willing to answer them here so don't hesitate to ask

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1 mg/kg would be a starting point, but most likely underwhelming if you are not sensitive... Personally I believe 1.5 mg/kg is the sweet spot, but anything over that is likely to produce physical side effects. 2 mg/kg is the maximum that should be maximum, but there should be no point in shooting that high. 100 mg is considered standard although I find that high. Also I'm hoping you read the pihkal entry shulgin wrote that said their findings was at most redose once about 1/3 the dose after the initial dose effect stabalizes (2.5-3 hours about oral in capsule imo). It should extend the effect without producing more side effects.

180 lbs is about 80 kg. 80 mg followed by 15 mg would be a very good introduction at 1 mg/kg. 120 would be the initial dose followed by 40 for the redose at 1.5 mg/kg although it can be powerful and I recommend having a sober sitter or experienced partner with you.... Plus rolling alone sucks.

Be safe! Remember to stay hydrated and drink water, but don't over hydrate. Balance is key.
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Thanks very much BlueBull and TacoDude for welcoming me to the forum! Your advice is greatly appreciated. I am male by the way! lol
So, me weighing 180lbs, a good first time dose would be 80-120mg? Being this is my first time, a friend and I are going to take the same dose at her house. There will be a sober sitter with us who has some experience. I would love to go out to a club or similar setting to REALLY be able to dance and all that, but, we are thinking to be cautious the best bet is to stay somewhere comfortable being it is the first time for both of us. If all goes well this first time, we will certainly plan an exciting night out for whenever the next time is.

To answer your question BlueBall, unfortunately none of us has a test kit :( However, the source for the mdma is a trusted person by others that I know. The only thing I think we would not know is if the purity (the person claims 90% is indeed that high. I do realize the risk of taking something I've never had before without testing is risky though. I don't usually do things like that.

I guess what I would like to know from all of you, what things are good to do during the day of the night we plan on rolling? I always have heard Vitamin C and water...anything else? We do NOT plan on drinking alcohol, smoking bud, or doing any other substances with the mdma. Would it be recommended to dose say 100mg, then at some point, drop another at a lower dosage? I want to get a great experience, but do not want to push any limits and have it turn out not so good or just have a total nightmare! We are pretty responsible people overall, so we will certainly stick with whatever game plan we decide on.

Again, any other advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Ed
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Where to you get a test kit?

I think they are available online through a lot of sites, but can be expensive. Someone on here will definitely know the best place to get one, I am sure they will answer that question.
Females tend to be more sensitive... Unless she is experienced with mdma or things like mushrooms start her a bit lighter... Than again I feel that ideology is sexist as I feel woman need to be stronger in nature, but that's neither here nor there. Make sure to get her body weight and figure her dose right. Maybe do 1.25 mg/kg maximum for her although I'd still suggest 1 mg/kg as you can always retry in a good three weeks of resting and it is more important to learn the magic is not to lose it getting lost selling the physical side effects.

Edit: I'll retouch this post, but I think low dosing and redosing leads to best experience vs one stong dose. It has taken me experience to learn side effects, which aren't deadly or really harmful besides grinding teeth ruining teeth. It's just nice to feel the openness and comfort it causes without the extra push of energy that some desire. That's why I recommend what v might be considered a below average, but definitely active dose of 1 mg/kg where the threshold dose is probably w good fifth of that. 1.5 would be considered standard, but strong in my opinion. Both choices should be safe if your MDMA is what it is. If you can trust your dealer that's awesome although test kits are legal and cheap (under 20) so it's definitely a good idea to be patient and get one if you can afford it.
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I know you kinda brushed it off but you should still get a test kit bud. Ive heard it a thousand times from good friends of friends "hey man ive got fire molly, i rolled ballls last night" then i test theyre shit and its not mdma. and then i hear "well i dont care its good shit". Dont listen to anyone, they most likely have no clue about drugs. Order a test kit on dancesafe for 20 dollars dude, atleast get the marquis its 20 bucks. Trust me its your first time you dont want to fuck this experience up by taking speed or worse a substance that can kill you. What is 20 bucks when your life is on the line? Out of all the encounters ive had with buying mdma i would say ive only found actual mdma maybe 10% or 20% of the time.
I know you kinda brushed it off but you should still get a test kit bud. Ive heard it a thousand times from good friends of friends "hey man ive got fire molly, i rolled ballls last night" then i test theyre shit and its not mdma. and then i hear "well i dont care its good shit". Dont listen to anyone, they most likely have no clue about drugs. Order a test kit on dancesafe for 20 dollars dude, atleast get the marquis its 20 bucks. Trust me its your first time you dont want to fuck this experience up by taking speed or worse a substance that can kill you. What is 20 bucks when your life is on the line? Out of all the encounters ive had with buying mdma i would say ive only found actual mdma maybe 10% or 20% of the time.

I hear exactly what you are saying! I am now going to order a test kit, this thread has now convinced me to do so. Thanks for you input, I really appreciate it!
Thanks for all the responses everybody!:D My other question is this, what should we do during the day of the night we plan on rolling? Vitamin C, lots of water, etc...I have heard those any many others, but not sure what and how much. If someone can give me their Opinion on what they would do they day of, I would GREATLY appreciate it!

Thanks in advance!
We have a supplements thread here.

The general consensus is that outside of some magnesium for the jaw clenching, supplements are largely unheard some, like vitamin c, actually help eliminate the drug faster.

Avoid taking supplements to enhance a high and instead stick to a healthy diet that has the natural forms the body can utilize effectively. If you are taking care of yourself when you aren't rolling, and you make sure to keep your usage reasonable, you won't have much to worry about.
Thanks very much BlueBull and TacoDude for welcoming me to the forum! Your advice is greatly appreciated. I am male by the way! lol
So, me weighing 180lbs, a good first time dose would be 80-120mg? Being this is my first time, a friend and I are going to take the same dose at her house. There will be a sober sitter with us who has some experience. I would love to go out to a club or similar setting to REALLY be able to dance and all that, but, we are thinking to be cautious the best bet is to stay somewhere comfortable being it is the first time for both of us. If all goes well this first time, we will certainly plan an exciting night out for whenever the next time is.

To answer your question BlueBall, unfortunately none of us has a test kit :( However, the source for the mdma is a trusted person by others that I know. The only thing I think we would not know is if the purity (the person claims 90% is indeed that high. I do realize the risk of taking something I've never had before without testing is risky though. I don't usually do things like that.

I guess what I would like to know from all of you, what things are good to do during the day of the night we plan on rolling? I always have heard Vitamin C and water...anything else? We do NOT plan on drinking alcohol, smoking bud, or doing any other substances with the mdma. Would it be recommended to dose say 100mg, then at some point, drop another at a lower dosage? I want to get a great experience, but do not want to push any limits and have it turn out not so good or just have a total nightmare! We are pretty responsible people overall, so we will certainly stick with whatever game plan we decide on.

Again, any other advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Ed

I will just say that taking it in a controlled setting first is an excellent idea...my first time I ingested at a after party and BOY was I glad it hit me in the car. I found the 80-120mg area is a great starting point, but for relaxed settings I prefer doses around 150-200mg, its around this point where I feel melty and lovey. Since you have a gram I would start with a low dose as suggested to find your sweet spot.
What to do is the best part. If you know anyone who can give I would highly recommend them coming to blow you up while listening to electronic music if your in a house setting which is a good idea for a first time. Also lots of Agua man. Don't want to fry yourself but at that dose not to likely. Also gum helps your chompers. I would also suggest having an experienced roller who has experienced sassafras before. Low light settings and glows ticks are awsome in open fields also. Less lights more visual stimulation the better. Also I would highly suggest fucking on it. Your lady friend is going to be horny as fuck too. Unfortunately get ready to have a hard dick and cum no time soon. Hope she's a champ in the bed. GL and happy rolling.
What to do is the best part. If you know anyone who can give I would highly recommend them coming to blow you up while listening to electronic music if your in a house setting which is a good idea for a first time. Also lots of Agua man. Don't want to fry yourself but at that dose not to likely. Also gum helps your chompers. I would also suggest having an experienced roller who has experienced sassafras before. Low light settings and glows ticks are awsome in open fields also. Less lights more visual stimulation the better. Also I would highly suggest fucking on it. Your lady friend is going to be horny as fuck too. Unfortunately get ready to have a hard dick and cum no time soon. Hope she's a champ in the bed. GL and happy rolling.

The test kit came and it is indeed MDMA! Hopefully, that is all it is, with no other chemicals in it for the cut. I would rather pay more and get less if it was as close to pure as possible. We have decided that we are going to do it this coming Saturday night at home. We have a sitter, so that makes me feel better. I think I will try 100mg being it is my first time. Since She only weighs about 104 lbs, I'm thinking 80mg would be a good dose for her (this info I got from reading all the great people who posted to my thread, as well as other threads) I want to have that really 'HAPPY" feel good experience. I can do without the visual effects, some would be ok, but I don't want an LSD or Shroom type of experience with crazy visuals.

So, in everyone's opinion, does that dose sound good, or should we dose less? Also, should we decide to take more (lower than our starting dose) at what point into the roll should we take it? I know everyone is different, just asking for opinions.

Thanks everybody!
Sounds about right, if your product is of high quality, but for obvious reasons you should always assume it is. I have a feeling that if it is high quality you will not feel inclined to redose, as was the case for myself and for people that experienced their first roll with me. The experience was fulfilling enough that we weren't bothered that it ended, we were at peace so just naturally went from rolling to comedown to baseline and chill-mode. A redose will not amplify the high by a whole lot, it will mostly extend it. If you do decide to redose, know that the physical symptoms will increase as well (jaw clenching, eye wiggles, restless legs, perhaps some confusion...). You should give it at least a full hour for the effects to kick in, a bit more even if you have eaten a meal not long before your roll. In case I redose I do so around +1:30h with a dose around 1/2 my initial dose, but this is in my case, I would go a bit lower than 1/2 for you guys.

Also MDMA in moderate doses is not likely to give you much visuals, perhaps some enhanced color perception and some halos around light sources and things like that but not much more. However weed seems to synergize with MDMA and potentiate the slight psychedelic aspect of MDMA, again still very unlikely that it would produce real visuals at the doses you will be taking but it could give the roll a bit of a psychedelic feel, especially if you don't smoke much so have a low tolerance. I'm not saying don't smoke, just don't overdo it unless you are used to smoking big quantities
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If definitely recommend having a bit of weed around as well, just in case. When I used to roll it really helped me peak. Even if you don't smoke it at least you'll have it there so u won't have to go out and cop if your craving a smoke or two. Enjoy :))))