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First Drug Ever Tried?

What was the first recreational drug you tried?

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Some of my grandmother's librium, before weed or alcohol even. I was maybe ten, even at that age wasn't all that impressed.

Haha! That reminds me of when my friend suggested I spike my mom's coffee with her Librium so she would let me go out! The damn things were gooey and sticky, if I remember correctly, while I was trying to squeeze them.
I got caught in the act. I was accused of trying to poison her, but I just wanted them to work faster cuz they weren't working at all on her, she was still a bitch!
Weird thing is, I never even tried one for myself! DUH! I guess I was content just getting high on mj? Looking back, that was so stupid of me!
I gave some to my friend, she liked them. I never hear anyone talk about them anymore.
Do you?

Uh oh.....flashback of that commercial with that girl and the frying pan....
"This is your brain- *close up on the frying egg*......
and this is your brain on drugs... "
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qualudes, definitely jealous, those were gems.

E is cool, but the thing is you gotta buy it in pressed pills that are homemade somewhere and usually contain more meth or piperazines than MDMA....and meth is not so cool. (depending what your looking for of course)

lol you remind me of my parents alot, they also have a strange aversion to the word heroin. "DONT YOU USE THAT WORD IN MY HOUSE!!".....Or it goes by, "your not doing "that stuff" anymore right"

Did you try coke back when there was still actually cocaine in it? Always interested in the difference there

I sure did..... a lot, and often. My ex started dealing it when we seperated.
Then he got me into it when we got back together.
Pretty soon we were selling for personal use, not profit.
Soon we were buying 8 balls and not paying our mortgage for
3 months.

I made a deal with God if he let me live through the night (actually
it was 5 in the morning), that I would never touch it again. I was on
day 3 of a binge. My whole body felt like it was "asleep", like what
happens to one's foot sometimes, if that makes sense, and I
was freezing although it was about 75 degrees.
I kept my word.

Back then, the ex's friend asked if we wanted to "smoke some coke" one day.
I didn't realize until over a year later after I quit using- what we were really doing while I was watching a special on tv about it.

The guilt of it caused me to have a panic attack.
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percocet 14

very very fast downward spiral

i tried every drug on my own and alone. weird kid. no peer pressure at all.
dxm, i wasnt trying to get high, i just thought i liked the taste. i was very young and naive, maybe 8 or 9. i realized later that i was also enjoying the way it made me feel and that i was using it to get high.
first drug i consciously used to get high with was tobacco, then came alcohol, than weed.
a really really really shit pill.

(it was low dose ketamine/amphetamine)

good thing it didn't deter me :p
When I was a bratty teen, I would pop whatever pill someone
handed me, trusting it was what they said it was... and it was.
Me and my friend hitchhiked everywhere...
What a different world it was then....
if that doesn't count then Marijuana...
if THAT doesn't count then Vicodin
Alcohol then nicotine then cocaine then weed speed then MDMA then mephedrone and finally naphyrone( or NRG1? rubbish anyway)
Alcohol followed closely by pot. Not sure what came after that - some sort of pill; Xanax/Adderall/etc.
Wow, there's not many caffeine users on here. ;)

Caffeine > Alcohol > Dexamphetamine > Nicotine > MDMA.

Weird order, I know. :\
LSD & Mushrooms
pills (opiates, benzos)
stronger pills (oxyC,dilaudid)
I was prescribed Adderall for about 6 or 7 years as a kid, if that counts.

The first non-prescribed drug I took was codeine. My folks had codeine pills and syrup in the medicine cabinet that they must have forgotten about and never thrown away. Lucky they had me to dispose of them :)