• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Fine foods -- what are you a sucker for?

definately foie gras

prawns (i'm super fussy with seafood cos - shock horror - i'm not such a big fan)
Crust Pizza (yummy place down the the road)
stuffed cabbages that my mum makes
fine fine pastries like at Jean Claudes in Subiaco, Perth
Lindt chocolates
a good steak - hard to find

and many more that i cant think of right now
syntech said:
definately foie gras

prawns (i'm super fussy with seafood cos - shock horror - i'm not such a big fan)
Crust Pizza (yummy place down the the road)
stuffed cabbages that my mum makes
fine fine pastries like at Jean Claudes in Subiaco, Perth
Lindt chocolates
a good steak - hard to find

and many more that i cant think of right now

I tried kangaroo for the first time last year and I gotta adimit it was yummy!
Oooh, I forgot about Kangaroo. Interesting stuff. Ostrich is really awesome as well.
let's see, for meat:
- pan roasted duck breast
- lamb (either rack of, or souvlaki)
- beef/bison steak (nice and rare), or bison burger
- sushi/sashimi in general, and Ahi tuna sashimi specifically

- double-cream brie (baked in a grape leaf, mmmmmmm!)
- blue stilton
- old white cheddar (local if possible)

and my most favourite foodstuff ever:

Creme Brulee

I for one never really got into foie gras, but I only had a mediocre pate. So I'm still undecided on that one.

Oh man, I'm a restaurant-a-holic

personal vices:

guacamole (although I make a pretty good one at home)

espresso and biscotti (preferably served at a cafe in florence)

duck (prepared almost any style)

risotto (the real kind, not out of the box)
you ever *been* to Florence? It sucks. Full of American college kids. Oh. Wait. Sorry.

Cheese: decent brie, blue vien, or boison (soft herbal french cheese, absolutely perfect).
ostrich is nice (good as a burger, oddly)
Belgian chocolates
oysters (I like 'em fried, which is totally wrong I know)
InfiniteJest -- have you ever had bbq oysters in the shell? Here on the west coast they're a specialty with garlic potato salad and a nice wild Marin Co. beach to bbq em' on. :)

Nothin' beats eatin' bbq oysters on the beach with friends and boyzenberry pie.
mmmm oysters *drools*

hehe interesting to see seafood rules alot of peoples palates :)
how could i forget duck?

and yummy cheeses?

brie, and double brie,
saganaki (the best invention ever!)
blue is growing on me too
havarti (in small doses)

and i LOVE bocconcini

somone knows szalon cukor!! yaay! i love the stuff. biggest Hungarian tradition if there ever was any. really hard to lay ur fingers on here in Aus.
Not to toot my own horn but I grill some damn good beef/shrimp/chicken shish-kabobs with onions, green/red bell peppers, etc... In fact, since the weather's supposed to be nice tomorrow (DC area, USA), I've already seasoned a batch of 40 to grill tomorrow!

Other than that, no food combination is more refreshing to me than a nice, ripe navel orange with a kiwi (or 2) on the side.

Yes, I am a man of simple tastes...
This afternoon for lunch I caramelized some onions, threw in some mushrooms and leftover steak (med. rare), spread an onion roll with some stone-ground mustard and melted a little provolone (OK, a lot of provolone...) on top, and it was a mindblowing sandwich.

Sometimes it's just the simple things, well-prepared that are the best.
How could I forget the simple unending pleasure of Eggs Benedict or Eggs Oscar (egg bene with asparagus)
I have a sweet deal with a local deli... I do techy stuff for them and they pay me in food.
Every week U get loads of different cheeses, chorizo, terrine, pate, parfait, rillette, serrano or parma ham, sun-blushed tomatoes, smoked oysters... yum.
Stuff I like to cook... poached salmon with hollandaise sauce, little veal meatballs stuffed with pate de foie gras, scrambled eggs (with extra yolk) with smoked salmon or parma ham.
I have a ridiculous amount of coffee in the fridge... about 6 different blends.
I'm a sucker for hot chocolate made with real choccy too :)
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Yesterday said:
How could I forget the simple unending pleasure of Eggs Benedict or Eggs Oscar (egg bene with asparagus)

don't forget the florentine :)