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Finding Your Higher Power in Sobriety: What Has Your Experience Been Like?


Aug 24, 2021
Hello Everyone. This is my first post on Bluelight and I wanted to discuss this topic because my Higher Power has given me incredible strength these last 36 days. I am 19 years old, coming off of meth and heroin this last run. I have been trying to get sober for the last year and a half and every time I stopped using I took the suggestions that 12-step and rehab programs told me. Meetings, Sponsor, Exercise, Yoga, Meditation, you name it. However, I never understood how to form a God of my own understanding. Every night, I would pray and the doubt and confusion would creep in and I would stop after a short amount of time. I would run on self-will for a couple of months and would feel empty, alone, and distraught. Sure, I was keeping busy and productive, but I had no self-esteem or peace because I was running on all my character defects, I was abstinent instead of truly sober. As a result, I would isolate heavily just like my using days, and it was a very depressing life. This last 6 month run on heroin and meth was the darkest time of my life. The only people I interacted with were my father, my dopeman, and my coworkers. I put up a facade with every one of those people so the only time I was myself was when I was alone. I would use to oblivion so I did not have to feel the pain of being alone. I got into treatment 37 days ago and by the 3rd day, I read a prayer out of a book I had been reading and I had a spiritual experience. It was about 15 seconds of very calming peace and acceptance from my higher power. I was on my knees with my eyes closed, but I saw faint golden/white light come flowing into my eyes, I felt a warm feeling in my heart that told me something like, "I am here, now is the time to live through me, you are forgiven." I was given enough hope and validation that night to begin my spiritual journey and leave behind all of my past doubts. These past 37 days, my higher power has given me a reason to not leave my rehab due to the rampant drug use inside the facility and right outside of it and the lack of care they give to us. It has given me a reason to not use when I had the oppurtunity. It has shown me acceptance, humility (so crucial), compassion and dilligance. Above all, I know that god is not going to give me anything I CANT HANDLE! There has not been a day where I dont want to get high or drunk, my cravings are not going anywhere for the time being. I have financhial stress, relationship stress, internal and interpersonal stress. However, I know that this is all temporary, as long as I keep my faith and god and not give into my self-will, there will be a time in the future where these stressors will be more managaeble. Now, before I end this, I want to make things clear; I am not in 100% faithful 24/7. My spirituality is similar to my drug use. Each day it goes up and down, there are days I dont feel his prescence and all I can feel is the evil spirits tempting me to give in. However, it is on these days that I usually pray the most, I pray that God removes these obessions of gluttony, drinking and using, resentments, list goes on. When I sense that things are getting better, that restores my faith in Him. So, it is daily repreive and struggle to maintain that relationship in early sobriety but the strength and growth I get from Him is incredible.

Hope my experience, strength, and hope helped one person out there. I would love to hear what your peoples experience has been like..

We are all in this together, one love. <3
Short answer to decades of thought, experience and fuckin up:
There is no power higher than the potential(s) you possess - as an individual and as hive. There is scripture if ya want it and this part of sobriety if/is part of it just let me know.....
Do not under any circumstances underestimate yourself or let another make you feel you need any-fuckin-thing. You got it... use it.
There need be be a focal point in my experience or all the roads will lead to rome and ya just take another one way turn.
Why ya wanna quit whatever it is ya tryin to quit?

Welcome to bl. Hope i aint spooked ya or anything just trying to see wtf is goin on if i can.
Always welcome to respond in kind to me or anyone else. ;)
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I found a lot more meaning in taking responsibility for my own life; to be my own higher power.

Everyone has their own path and journey through sobriety. If giving it up to G-man works for you, awesome! In my life I find it much more helpful to take responsibility for my own life compared to say "letting go, letting God" or whatever the saying is.

God isn't going to save me from myself, only I can do that. That's my perspective.
For the purposes of addiction recovery, if you're in a group setting, it's not hard for me to see the group as the power greater than myself. In anything you do, if you're part of a group of people trying to do the same, your chances of success are greater. Groups have a strong influence on the individual. Just look at how much society and culture influence the individual.
My aforementioned sentence was an irony actually. But man what i can tell you, i am right now in an amalgam of cocaine, weed, alcohol and clonazepam. Everything at low doses. This stated, i imagine myself totally sober. I cannot imagine the same level of fun. Perhaps it is my fucked mind, perhaps it is the truth, of course, i know that deep down this is a lie. I do not care at this point because i am not stable enough to get myself through a sober journey. Also i do not know life without being high: who would i be sober right now? It would take a time to get used to it. I do not know man it seems nice to be constantly high. It is better than staying wanting to die and planning the situation. Sometimes it is a matter of a binary-type answer, that is, to die or to get high
Sounds good. wtf u at somewhere sa? damn
you at home or the usual?
Man, I went out with a girl and a friend to a bar, drinking, shooting the breeze, smoking, sniffing, just the ordinary stuff for a saturday night, after that, the girl, who was not "under the lightning", went to sleep and I went to the benzo-induced comedown from cocaine.
By the way, I had used Xanax to comedowns previously, currently I have been preferring clonazepam (drops), which, at the beginning I had not adapted to, but now it goes mildly.
Amazing thanks for sharing this!

I believe my Higher Power whom shall not be named does not want me to go to any further self-help meetings while on a psychedelic unless it is a crisis.