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Gaming Final Fantasy


Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
Any other people enjoy Final Fantasy? Which game was your favorite?

I've been playing them since I was a kid, and I credit those games with helping me be an avid reader from a young age, just from reading the dialogue. Personally I'm tied between VII + X. Both games had great and engaging stories. I liked the story for VII better, but as far as gameplay goes I preferred Xs style.

I've played every single one except for XI and XIV the online ones. Honorable mention goes to FFIV, and FFIX. Both are classics. Really you can't go wrong with any of them if you like turn based RPGs.
As long as we're considering the order in Japanese, I liked VII and III the best so far. III was also VI American, but most FF fans know this. The second I heard the intro song to the FFIII game I was taken. Final Fantasy VII's score had me taken as well. All of those songs are great. Not to mention the fact that the materia is fucking incredible in that game. Final Fantasy X was good as well, however, I regret to announce I gave up on that game. I'm not sure why. I think it was more of a personal thing than the game's quality, honestly.
As long as we're considering the order in Japanese, I liked VII and III the best so far. III was also VI American, but most FF fans know this. The second I heard the intro song to the FFIII game I was taken. Final Fantasy VII's score had me taken as well. All of those songs are great. Not to mention the fact that the materia is fucking incredible in that game. Final Fantasy X was good as well, however, I regret to announce I gave up on that game. I'm not sure why. I think it was more of a personal thing than the game's quality, honestly.
Yeah, I know there's some fuckery with the numbers in Japanese, but I generally just go by the American numbers, since I'm an American. Just always made more sense that way. IV (or III?) the one with Cecil is really great. I'm actually planning on revisiting the DS version as soon as I finish playing through Chrono trigger. VI was fun too, definitely a great transition point between the older and the newer games.

X I just liked for the playability, I thought the leveling scheme was simple but effective. It wasn't as good as VII, but still one of my favorites. IX is great too. Man they're really all great and special to me in different ways.
We always had nintendos growing up, but my friend let me borrow his PlayStation to play FF7. It took me forever to get through but it was awesome. That's a great memory I have. I couldn't wait to get home to play it. I felt like such a badass when I got really far into the game and learned all the summons and stuff.
X is the only one I played all the way through. Even completed the sphere grid with Yuna. Tough gal.

X-2 and XIII the ps3 one I owned, but never got into much.