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***Final Discussion*** Post-load for speed use?

in the grand scheme of things, post-loading is more of a placebo than anything else. Your body is equipped to endure the most rigid circumstances. So take the fluoxetine, the tyrosine, and the 5-htp, but honestly, do not expect a supplement to intervene in the destruction of dopamine receptors and pathways from long-term methamphetamine use. Its almost like the whole pre/post-loading accompanying rolling. Sure you might feel a LITTLE better, but no amount of supplements will replenish you the same way as abstaining from the drug for a decent period of time.
However, I do agree that it would make for a fascinating study. I think there would be plenty of volunteers at the ready!
No, it wouldn't cross the BBB [blood brain barrier] sorry.
[Be All You Can Be W.O.D.]