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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: The Island

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Moderator: S&T
Staff member
Jul 22, 2002
i was a little high when i watched this.

the island: it is a load of big-budget, hollywood nonsense (michael bay direct it) but i really enjoyed it.

it's so beautiful to look at - both the cast and the locations and sets. it's basically 60% 'spares' (michael marshall smith), 20% logan's run and 20% explosions. it cost $122M to make of which i think $100M went on special effects. money well spent.

Not my kind of film.

Bored me to tears. But then again, i'm biased. I have an unholy irrational murderous hate for michael bay and that bruckheimer tosser.

Nah, just kidding, it's totally rational.
this is michael bay's first movie not directed by bruckheimer.

alasdairm said:
i was a little high when i watched this.

i was a little (or a lot) drunk when i watched this :)

i need to watch it again but i remember not enjoying it as much as i hoped i might. don't get me wrong, i knew that it was a big-budget hollywood feature directed by michael bay so my expectations of it weren't set up too high to begin with, but the fact that scarlett johansson and ewan mcgregor starred in it (both really good actors, imo, who have acted in some real quality films in the past) gave me some hope that this might be worth giving a go. and the story also intrigued me. but yeah, i was still a little disappointed... i should give watching it a go sober so that i can better articulate my thoughts and opinions in regards to it.
alasdairm said:
this is michael bay's first movie not directed by bruckheimer.


You mean produced, not directed.

Bruckheimer produced some good years ago, but i bet i only liked them becuase i was much younger and a lot dumber.
I watched this thinking it would be very much like Spares (being the book by Michael Marshall Smith - as quoted by alasdair above) and wasn't overly impressed. It wasn't a crap movie, but it just didn't do enough... was good fluff entertainment.

CB :)
Pretty good, rollicking Michael Bay fare I thought - I certainly can't see why it bombed at the box office anyway.

Some fantastic & utterly preposterous (therefore making them even better) action set-pieces, some great music in places, very good (if not a little derivative) production design, & a story that although wasn't developed nearly as much as it could've been, was still a mark above most of the shite that Hollywood pumps out in blockbuster season.

I thought that Ewan McGregor & Scarlett Johansson(who looks MAGNIFICENT in it) were just having a bit of fun doing a big bangs action movie really. There's no characterisation to speak of, but anyone criticising it for this fact is rather missing the point I feel.

Perfect Saturday afternoon entertainment.

...(The product placement was an absolute fucking joke though!)
the first hour has a nice look to it, even in spite of the president character who looks like he came out of a demented norman rockwell painting. once the movie shifts into car chases and full on Michael Bay gear however, all hope is lost.
this movie actually surpased my first thoughts of "sucking ass" all the way to this movie isnt that bad it's mildly entertaining. plot was a little thin and unorginal. the best thing bout this movie is the used one of my top ten cars.....2002 cadillac cien concept car=D
I normally find movies like this to be hell boring but I enjoyed this in a turn your brain off sense. The special effects were pretty and show that CGI is finally becoming a decent medium for visual effects. I've fucking hated CGI for as many years as it hads been around. Up until recently it has looked so fake as to make me lose any involvement I've had in a film once it pops up. Think Jurassic Park (which was done largely with animatronics) compared to The Lost World which looked terrible.

Umm... Now that that spiel is done, I found the plot of this movie to be highly predictable. I kind of guessed every twist/revelation about 20 minutes before it occurred on screen. But it was pretty.

And how much would they have had to have paid all the workers at the cloning place to keep their mouth shut? Surely someone had pangs of conscience?

And as someone mentioned it seems like every big budget movie nowadays makes half its revenue from product placement. Lame!
a bit painful to watch, though scarlett looked great. Here's to hoping Bay doesn't screw up Transformers.
Scarlett looked hot as could be and the movie kept my attention. I thought it was pretty damn interesting. :D
Banquo said:
the first hour has a nice look to it, even in spite of the president character who looks like he came out of a demented norman rockwell painting. once the movie shifts into car chases and full on Michael Bay gear however, all hope is lost.

Saw this on HBO last night. Agreed.....I enjoyed this movie very much tho despite the absurdity of the last hours events. How the hell did those two survive those crashes and accidents is just preposterous. Entertaining eye candy tho~!
I was on a plane when I watched this.

I switched it off halfway through. I just ended up having no interest in any of the characters or their predicament... despite the fact that I'm a sci-fi lover.
^ Jeez man, what did the rest of the people on the plane think about that? 8)

I usually love this type of film, but it was all a bit... meh. Thankfully I would watch Scarlett 24/7 if possible, so in conclusion: 10/10. %)
felixdahousekat said:
^ Jeez man, what did the rest of the people on the plane think about that? 8)
Oh... you know, the usual protests when I switched it over. But they soon capitulated and enjoyed re-runs of "Are you being served?"

watching this on the telly just now. it's much more enjoyable than i remembered! i've got to get me one of those hoverbike things. :)