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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

film: Terminator 3


Jun 16, 2006
Just watched this on HBO last night. And I have to say it was fucking terrible.

The effects were cool. But they replaced most of the robot action with CGI and it just didn't look right anymore.

Besides the fact that the explosions were cool, it was like they were ripping off the formula for Terminator 2, and getting rid of any of the relevant plot. That and the actor who plays John Connor is TERRIBLE (and he was terrible in the show Carnivale, which is a terrible show). Clair Danes is hot, but still, I just wasn't buying it. She's a veteranarian who ends up being Connors wife?

The chick playing the new terminator is hot, sure, and her effects are neat. But I'm sure we've seen her entire acting range: Slutty, angry, curious or slutty and curious or angry and slutty...you get the idea.

Avoid it. Pretend it doesn't exist, just like every Alien move after Aliens.
Hahahaha...well for a 3rd film that just follows the formula of the previous two, I have to say I was entertained by it. I was definitely not expecting anything spectacular, but the special effects were solid as were the action sequences which basically played off of the previous films. I'd describe this film as a buffer, effects-laden version of T2, though Judgment Day will always be my favorite of the series. The ending was a decent touch to an otherwise basic plot.

Nothing truly notable, but if you like chase films like the previous two Terminators, you might get a kick out of this cheeky take by Jonathan Mostow, who did an admirable job of maintaining the intensity of a Terminator film, imo.
There was nothing original in this movie. It was all just a piss-take of the first (and ONLY) two terminator movies.

I like all 4 Alien movie because each is another directors take on the universe. They are consistent in their diversity. My dream now (which I know won't happen) is that Katsuhiro Otomo does the 5th and final Alien movie about Ripley and the Aliens finally getting back to earth. Talk about Climb Ax!
The story was okish, the script sucks.

Arnie fights with his inner self. "Talk to the hand". Those stupid sunglasses. Gimme a break!

Yeah, the special effects were good, and the chase scene was pretty cool... I liked the armageddon at the end, but the the rest of the movie was shockingly bad. It didn't feel like a terminator movie and it seems it was impossible to come up with a baddie worse than the T1000... so they didn't even try.
I'm with you!!! I totally missed the boat on what was even watchable about this piece of shit. I can't fathom the praise it did get. What did people see in this ? Even James Cameron said he was impressed. WTF ? He really has lost it.

So much is total arse about this movie, it's hard to know where to begin, and it impossible to justify the time it would take (I'm busy - I have a nose to pick).
alrighty...it appears i'm in an indefensible and unpopular position, but i enjoyed the mind-numbing events of T3. i'll try to offer some reasons...

1. Claire Danes
2. The crane chase (outdoing the tractor trailer chase from T2)
3. A dark ending
4. Arnie holding a coffin and a large gun at the same time

None of the Terminator movies are particularly cerebral, so I basically expected explosions and car chases for T3 -- and that's exactly what it is. T3 never aspires to be a deep social lesson or a meditation on life, so the camp comes through largely unfiltered...and recognizing this makes the film much more enjoyable, imo.
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I couldn't work out what to reply to this thread, but banquo pretty much said it.

To the person that said that the chase scene and the ending were cool, but the rest of the movie was bad.... wasn't that chase scene most of the film?
Too tired to elaborate but it was a load of crap. A pointless sequel, ALMOST as bad as the 2nd and 3rd installments of the Matrix.
Uh...this is the third installment of the series. Were you guys expecting something oscar-worthy?

Like I said, there were some cheeky moments, but let's be honest here...this was just the typical summer blockbuster film, and with that purpose, it did its job pretty well.

Before dogging this movie as lower to the previous two, perhaps you should watch the first two flicks again because like Banquo said, they weren't exactly cerebral. I expected exactly what I got, and therefore enjoyed it. Now, the two people I went to see this with in the theater didn't like it at all, but then again they were expecting a lot more future war scenes.
I didn't think it was that terrible, but certainly not half as good as T2. The plot just seemed stupid to me in a lot of ways. Even though the running time was probably over 2 hours, it felt very short to me for some reason. And the John Connor performance was pretty bad. I think it would've been infinetly better had Edward Furlong returned to the role.

I thought that Terminator 2 was a fairly good movie, and while I certainly wouldn't say it was cerebral, I think it was a little more inteligent than this one.
I was expecting Cameron not to pawn off a bad script on someone else. But he did, that way his "perfect" record isn't tarnished.

Even though he's been sucking it up pretty hard since the Abyss, which I'll say is a mediocre movie (Some people hate it, but i'd say it's ok, just not watching very often since it's 60 years long and slow).

It just seemed like they weren't trying very hard, and the chemistry between characters wasn't there. Yes, Claire Danes is fucking fine though. =D

I still think she's a really mediocre actress.

This reminds me a lot of when he wrote Strange Days and then Kathyn Bigelow directed. That was a great and very underated movie though, IMO.

This is just Cameron producing somethign to make a sequal to Titanic or some crap.

Kinda like how Spike Lee sued Spike TV to get another 50k for another crappy preachy movie about crap.
I watched all three terminators within a few days --I had never seen any of them before.

I loved the first and second ones, but even the third one I found enjoyable. I didn't think the John Connor actor was bad at all -- I liked him. I love Claire Danes and I liked her role.

What bugged me about the movie: no more linda hamilton :)() and the horrible female terminator who could not act and who just annoyed me.

Bottom line: nothing amazing, but an enjoyable flick.