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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

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wanderlust said:
not seriously.

i pretty much thought it was hilarious article.
you know, with the yoda part and all.

that was funny as hell...

i liked the "i'll fix that in the DVD" comment, too.

tha movie was alright... i only watched it cuz im all into darth vader. I do think they coulda done a better job of how and why he turned to the dark side...... I laughed soo hard though when he tried to jump over Obi Wan and then he cut his legs and arm off and he was on the ground screaming lol. I downloaded this movie, and im kinda glad I did.
*sprays on teflon flame repellent*

i can honestly say now that i dont think i could watch the older star wars trilogy again.ive thought about it and well yeah.....i think they suck now.some people might say the new versions were crap compared to the old......but i feel 100% opposition to that idea.

i was born in 1980 and had star wars figures(which i assume would be worth alot now) lightsabers...i was luke for halloween twice...and now my opinion is that luke just fucking sucked.

with episode 1....yes it had jar jar binks.he was annoying...but for me not nearly as annoying as C3PO was throughout the first three.also it made me finally look at all six of the star wars movies as basically "the life and death of darth vadar".suddenly luke and leaigh were mearly co stars.im happy i got to see anakin as a little kid kicking ass in a pod race.im happy that at the end of episode one we were left with a little anakin giving padme the "yeah one day im gunna hit that" look.jar jar doesnt bother me after all that.darth maul makes up for jar jar.the lightsaber fight at the end of episode one was the kind of thing i wished for as a kid.i think everyone liked ESB because it had the best lightsabre battle but thats just a guess.obi wan qui gon vs darth maul owned that battle easily in my opinion.

speaking of obi and qui gon....finally we were seeing jedis doing things humans couldnt.the way they could run at maybe the speed of sound and other things....made luke look retarded running in that cave at the beginning of ROTJ.he looked like he was going as fast as the guy who lost the 50 yrd dash at the special olympics.meanwhile the new movies have jedis running like....well...jedis.

as far as the dialogue is concerned...

"my father has it,i have it,.......my SISTER has it."

yeah thats pretty fucking horrible really.here would be the ROTS version of that.

"dude im your fucking brother and vadars our dad...i gotta go like right now kthxbye"

for me star wars has never been about acting,or about drama,or about spaceship battles.its always been about jedis and lightsabres.the newer trilogy blows away the old in this respect in my opinion.i dont think i could go back to watching the old versions again.lucas gave me what the little boy in me had wanted to see all along.all the other stuff that comes with it i could care less about anyway.
OMG please write a trip report about how you fell asleep during star wars that would be awesome!!!
um there wouldn't be much to write , since I don't really recall ANYTHING besides waking up every 10 minutes to my friend poking me and telling me i'm an asshole for falling asleep during the greatest movie ever.

Apparently I would also wake up and drink more from the rum once in a while. THis went on for about an hour, and I also left about 45 minutes before the movie got out.

HOnestly I don't really like star wars even though I love Sci Fi. I shouldn't judge though, since I couldn't have been awake for more than 15 consecutive minuites of it. I bet it would be sweet if I was high though......

ho hum