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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

film: Star Wars - Episode 4.5 - "The Star Wars Holiday Special"


Mar 21, 2000
The Holiday Special is a feature length Star Wars movie with the original cast (Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, James Earl Jones, etc) that exists in between Episode IV and Episode V.


Here's the imdb link^

The film largely revolves around Chewbacca and his family, who are eagerly awaiting his return to celebrate the holidays.

It is astonishingly bad, but it's pretty funny if you're expecting trash. There is a particularly hilarious moment in which one of the stars of The Golden Girls sings a song to the drunken inhabitants of Mos Eisley Canteena.

Apparently Lucas tried to have all copies of this film destroyed, but there are still heaps available on the internet for downloading. Although he partially succeeded in erasing this embarassing bit of the Star Wars empire, because I had never heard of it until the other day.

If more people were aware of this, it wouldn't have come as such a surprise that Episode I, II & II were so bad.

The scenes between Chewbacca's family are unsubtitled. They just growl at each other. It's like watching a sitcom starring domestic animals instead of people.

I would highly recommend taking a lot of psychedelics and watching this movie. It's possibly the worst thing you will ever see. How they managed to convince Harrison Ford and James Earl Jones to take part in this is beyond me.

Maybe that's why Ford wanted the Han Solo character killed off near the beginning of Episode V.
i was going to make this thread for such a long time. this "film" is beyond horrible. It is not only ultrabad but painfully boring as well.
This is one of those things that no matter how horrible people tell you it is, you still wanna watch it. You think "It's official Star Wars! It has the full original cast! How bad could it be?"

Well, let me tell you.

It is actually worse than people say. But only because the English language is incapable of describing its horribleness.

It has a couple decent spots. The cartoon, of course, is alright. Not mindblowingly good but charming. And Carrie Fisher's song is unintentionally funny. I think she said in an interview that she was pretty drugged out during the filming of this. And it shows.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not telling people not to watch it. Cause if you grew up on Star Wars like I did, I know that the curiousity will be too powerful to resist.

Watch it on google video here

Just watch it and get it over with. So then you can say to people "Of course I've seen the Star Wars Holiday Special. What, you mean you haven't?"

Holy shit!!!!!!
I just re-watched the cartoon for the first time in about 5 years. There is a part where Boba Fett says "You are alone? Maybe I can help you."
Both lines were sampled on the album Psyence Fiction by UNKLE. I never made the connection before dispite having heard that album at least a billion times.
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they played this at the star wars convention i went to many years ago where i met the guy who played boba fett. a felow star wars geek buddy and i were excited to see it, front row, centre.... and we both fell asleep!
wow, rob, a convention... i see you in a whole new light now. ;)

(horribly, i feel asleep during episode III in the theater)

from what i have watched so far i dont think i could sit through much of this.
chewbacca ridiculousness abounds
mate, you don't know the half of it.

baqck in the days when i had piercings, i had a custom made gold tongue stud with the rebel symbol engraved on one side and empire symbol on the other. i have a bantha skull symbol tattooed on my left should like the one on boba fett's armour. i have photos of myself dressed as darth maul for the midnight screening of episode 1. during the boba fett dude taking Q&A, i asked some pathetic fanboy question about whether he slightly turned his head or not in one specific shot. worst. question. ever.

/total embarassment
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LOL at this whole thread. I can't believe this.