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film: lost boys: the tribe (trailer included)

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Jan 6, 2002
i have to admit that when i first looked at the article title i was filled with ridiculous excitement.
now, not so much. really, it was just a bad 80's fantasy.

The Lost Boys Get a Sequel!
Written by Robert Sanchez
Sunday, 14 January 2007
I know that some of you are not going to believe this, but, the IESB can reveal that the long-awaited sequel for The Lost Boys is scheduled to start production in 2007.

Last night, I was visiting with industry friends when I was told, “Did you hear that The Lost Boys sequel begins shooting soon?”

To which my response was, “no fucking way!”

After a few phone calls today, I was able to confirm that a sequel to The Lost Boys will indeed start shooting sometime in the first quarter of 2007 in San Diego, CA. It is slated for a direct to DVD release with no theatrical plans at this time. This continues WB’s plans to make low budget DTV sequels from their extensive film library.

While very little is known about the plot or about who will be directing or even who has been cast in the film, we know the story will revolve around surfing vampires in Southern California. Yes, you read that right, surfing vampires.

The original The Lost Boys film was released in 1987 and is about a group of kids from Santa Clara (Santa Cruz-like town), CA. who must fight a gang of motorcycle riding teenage vampires. It starred Jason Patric, Corey Haim, Kiefer Sutherland, Jami Gertz, Corey Feldman, Dianne Wiest, Edward Herrmann, Alex Winter, Barnard Hughes, and was directed by Joel Schumacher.

The rumors regarding a sequel have been floating around since the late 80’s and even Joel Schumacher was pitching a sequel idea during the 90’s but to no avail. At one time there was talk of remaking the film and calling it The Lost Girls.

It had also been said that executive producer Richard Donner talked about doing a sequel that would show Edgar and Alan Frog A.K.A. The Frog brothers (Corey Feldman and Jamison Newlander in the original film) starting a vampire hunting business that would take them to Washington D.C.

Well, looks like those plans didn’t work out but instead we will have surfing vampires hanging 10. Gnarly!

and schumacher is not at all pleased


Director JOEL SCHUMACHER has criticised Warner Bros Pictures for deciding to make a direct-to-DVD sequel to his 1987 vampire flick THE LOST BOYS. The veteran film-maker has been trying to convince the studio to make an all-female spin-off for years, but he insists the straight sequel will be a disaster because all the characters from the original movie are either dead or too old to appear in a second movie. He says, "I told them to do THE LOST GIRLS and not do a The Lost Boys sequel. There is no The Lost Boys sequel. All the boys are dead. The Two COREYS (HAIM and FELDMAN) are too old. So what would be the movie? You'd have to make up a whole new set of characters. "I said, 'Do gorgeous teenage biker chicks who are vampires. It'll be great.' But they don't listen to me." THE LOST BOYS 2 will be filmed in San Diego, California later this year (07).

as much as i'd love to see one of my favorite films continues on.... surfing vampires. radical! ... not!
eeeeeeeeeeek. The Lost Girls? lol.....oh my. I hope they at least pick a decent cast for the sequel, whatever they choose to do.

the Lost Boys is one of my longtime faves.:)
this could be corey haims long awaited comeback, n' if reunited with corey feldman can be the biggest film of 2007!

two coryes, too old ? LIES, they havent aged a day.
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haha, Lost Girls, wtf was he thinking, Im glad they rejected that idea...

but yeah, Im excited to see a sequel, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't ruin it, this movie is soooooooooooooooooooooooo much part of my childhood, don't fuck it up, please and thank you:)
I dunno.... I think The Lost Girls would have been way better than whatever this straight-to-DVD crap will be. but you know... I have a thing for women with vampiric tendencies ;) hopefully they don't do a horrible job on this movie, because The Lost Boys holds a place in my heart that no other movie can.
It's gonna be shite!. Sequals, especially ones made long after the original (except for maybe Terminator 2) are always bad ideas imo. I was a huge fan of The Lost Boys when I was a kid. I had the movie, two t-shirts, the soundtrack, and the poster. This is gonna be a disappoint to say the least :\



the coreys before and after


corey haim circa 2001


crey feldman 2006


jason patric


and, of course, kiefer
tribal girl said:
It's gonna be shite!. Sequals, especially ones made long after the original (except for maybe Terminator 2) are always bad ideas imo. I was a huge fan of The Lost Boys when I was a kid. I had the movie, two t-shirts, the soundtrack, and the poster. This is gonna be a disappoint to say the least :\

I agree, also the lost boys has remained a timeless classic not only for those of us who remember when it was released but new generations find it appealing as well, despite some of the obvious campy humor.
I still have a crush on jami gertz. I read somewhere that they set up the movie for a sequel, when michael kills david, david doesn't dissenegrate or blow up like the others, supposedly he was still alive, and they were gonna bring him back in a sequel, but it never happened.
There is no way a successful sequel could be made for this movie--especially one that is coming straight to DVD. Also, that whole spiel about-"no one knows who is directing, or who will star", or any kind of useful information whatsoever, that kind of crap always gets posted only to never happen at all, or maybe happen 10 years later or something.
But anyways, it doesn't matter, even if if does get made, it will most likely be crap
hahaha, this thread reminds me that whenever I see Sutherland on 24 (which is not a lot, but still happens) I can't get him out of my mind as the lead vampire. it's like he is forever typecasted in my mind. wow, 24 would be a lot kewler if Jack Bauer was a vampire as well as whatever he is in that show!
^I know what you mean about Sutherland. Whenever I see him in anything the line; "How far are you willing to go, Michael?!" always pops into my head =D. God, I think I could quote the whole movie :|
Director JOEL SCHUMACHER ;) said:
"I said, 'Do gorgeous teenage biker chicks who are vampires. It'll be great.'"
+1 Joel. I would totally have gone to see that. %)
I don't know. If Kiefer had to show up in this one I'd be torn wanting to hear him say "They're only noodles, Michael"....or wanting to hear a faint "bink bink bink" reference to 24 in the background. For some reason, I think Kiefer has passed the hot badass vampire stage and graduated into forever being known as "Jack".

I would watch it without question, though, if the Corey's and the grampa were in it. Face it, as much as you hate the idea, you're gonna watch it anyway. It's just a matter of waiting to see which spend-happy friend in your group caves and buys it first so everyone else can borrow it.

Same debates about Goonies 2...
it would be much more difficult to notice the obvious gay overtones in an all-female schumaker film... but i'm down as long as they keep the oiled-down gyrating saxophone player.

i'm just happy if they never let joel touch the batsuit again.

cheers lefty. how did YOU manage to see it?