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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Fentanyl patches


Oct 25, 2014
Anyone ever break open the patches and smoke the inside?

Haha, I've never done this but I had a friend who did. I can't recall if it even worked..
I know someone that died from doing exactly this. Be careful with your dose.
Pulled my girl outta 2 o.d's from I.Ving this shit, be careful & just wear the fuckers.
Pulled my girl outta 2 o.d's from I.Ving this shit, be careful & just wear the fuckers.

Wow, that's crazy. I, personally, would never do any of thaT. While he was cutting his open, I just put mine on, and holy fuck I had to take that shit off like an hour later. High as I've ever been. And not a pleasant one. Just that pill sick feeling, with throwing up. Blek I feel like if they came back around, I would do it again tho. Haha.
Never IV fentanyl by your self, patch or liquid, extremely dangerous. Should only be injected by a medical professional or someone experienced if you needed it for pain or anesthesia
If you are not experienced with opiates, avoid fentanyl altogether. Even if you are, lots of people have died from smoking or IV'ing fentanyl. Check out the case studies thread in Other Drugs. If you are insistent on doing it anyway, try rubbing a small amount on your gums. It works well that way and you will be much less likely to fall out.