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Feeling The Full Buzz


Sep 18, 2010
Pretty new to BlueLight so I hope I'm putting this question in the correct place, but anyway a fairly simple question that I just couldn't find on google, Does being dehydrated and malnutritioned effect a heroin buzz? Does it help to get the full effect out of IV'ing dope to keep up on three square meals and drinking enough water?
My guess would be that if you were dehydrated and malnutritioned that your body would not

be able to metabolize the chemicals in your body as quickly. Compared to someone who is

great health and hydrated. But do you really want to be so sickly that your body can't

metabolize drugs as fast if you were healthy? I know i wouldn't
Well as a long time heroin user its extremely easy to put those things to the side, especially a heavily addicted user (like myself) but shit if I would get the full buzz by doing the above I'm gonna make it a point to start eating three meals a day and drinking water all day. Thanks