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Fear of death.

Enlight Spurrett

Jun 29, 2015
Everyone seems to fear death. Sometimes it's just the pain that you could suffer when dying but others are scared of the actual process and not being here anymore. This seems reasonable. So why don't I fear it? I have my theories on the death experience which involve N-N DMT as well as other neurotransmitters causing a strong time dilation for the person experiencing it. Meaning that you will go to whatever is at your core. Basically making every religion right and wrong at the same time. If however I am wrong, then there is possibly nothing at all. As if it would be like falling asleep without the dreams. So there is no need for me to fear that because there will be nothing /to/ fear. Does anybody else feel the same or similarly to me?
Everyone seems to fear death. Sometimes it's just the pain that you could suffer when dying but others are scared of the actual process and not being here anymore. This seems reasonable. So why don't I fear it? I have my theories on the death experience which involve N-N DMT as well as other neurotransmitters causing a strong time dilation for the person experiencing it. Meaning that you will go to whatever is at your core. Basically making every religion right and wrong at the same time. If however I am wrong, then there is possibly nothing at all. As if it would be like falling asleep without the dreams. So there is no need for me to fear that because there will be nothing /to/ fear. Does anybody else feel the same or similarly to me?

Don't die having your identity in Adam, Adam in rebellion?
I think the subject has been covered pretty extensively in the "what happens after death" thread, which is still running. Take a look there.

However, I can quickly give my three cents on this if you'd like. I believe the fear of death, like anything else, has evolutionary origins and survival "purposes" (brackets cause there's no real purpose, it's only illusory). In short, if an organism with an advanced nervous system didn't fear death, as in try to avoid it, it most likely wouldn't live to tell the tale - which is why we, and some other animals, have evolved to have fear of death. What happens after death? No fucking clue. I don't think there's an easy explanation for that, at least not in classical logic. But yeah, I guess the things people (myself included) fear the most about death is, first, that the process of dying might be painful, and secondly, ceasing to exist and losing the ability to enjoy this world.
What I find strange is how easily people belief stuff after taking substances yet when someone talks of religion or spirituality they're often laughed at. I have never taken hallucogens, so maybe it's something I can never understand but surely people know that it's the substance giving them the visions not an actual spiritual experience?

I went through a phase of fearing of death and it actually stopped me doing some silly things at times - the fear of not existing, the feeling, not being. However, I am a Christian and believe that things will be ok.

I don't think I ever had a fear of the process of dying, don't know why but never was. I don't suppose any of us will ever truly know. it's just a case of belief and faith.

I don't necessarily believe that is what is going to happen. I've never actually taken DMT and probably never will as I worry abou it possibly interfering with my actual death experience. I've only got this info from scientific study and nothing has been proven yet. Hopefully we'll suss more out soon. Oh and I'm not a spiritualist. I'm scientifically minded but not ignorant. As in, I never pooh pooh spiritualist theory.

I understand that every biological being on this planet at least has the innate drive to survive. I don't want to die yet. If it was up to me, I'd live for as long as I wanted and then choose when I die. I just don't fear death. I'm in pain anyway so I don't really fear pain. It just doesn't bother me. Other people dying is another matter but for myself, I'm resdy for whenever it comes. It doesn't make me make irrational decisions though.
What I find strange is how easily people belief stuff after taking substances yet when someone talks of religion or spirituality they're often laughed at.

Both are laughable in my opinion. If you believe in something despite there being no evidence supporting it, it doesn't cut it in my books. However, you have to give trippers some credit. They at least come up with their own ideas, in a lot of cases anyway. As opposed to believing in some fairy tales, because... why? Because other people also believe in the same fairy tales.

I don't mean to sound offensive, and I guess it is alright if the result of such belief is some kind of personal comfort. If your belief in Christianity allows you to be a better person and be at peace with yourself, who am I to force you to look at the evidence? But that is not the topic of the discussion.
humans have a good idea how psychedelics work but when it comes to the 'yogi cosmic consciousness' we must decide whether or not he is telling the truth.
belligerent drunk said:
I guess the things people (myself included) fear the most about death is, first, that the process of dying might be painful, and secondly, ceasing to exist and losing the ability to enjoy this world.
you get this from Lucretius? also are you calling the yogi a liar belligerent drunk?

im half-joking try not to get belligerent.
you get this from Lucretius? also are you calling the yogi a liar belligerent drunk?

im half-joking try not to get belligerent.

I was somewhat confused by your post until I decided to reply and then noticed the disclaimer at the end. Nice one! But no, it was just my guess. And no, I'm not calling anybody a liar... unless they are liars.
i am particularly curious if the ostensible 'cosmic consciousness' phenomenon is real. not so curious that i am going to spend the rest of my life living like the dalai lama. (seems there is evidence that the dalai lama is not 'enlightened' anyway)

i cannot find the Lucretius quote i was looking for at the moment but i did find this:
Epicurus said:
"So death, the most terrifying of ills, is nothing to us, since so long as we exist, death is not with us; but when death comes, then we do not exist. It does not then concern either the living or the dead, since for the former it is not, and the latter are no more."

Shelly Kagan said:
Then there's a puzzle raised by the Roman philosopher Lucretius, who thought it a mistake to find the prospect of my death upsetting. Yes, as the deprivation account points out, after death we can't enjoy life's pleasures. But wait a minute, says Lucretius. The time after I die isn't the only period during which I won't exist. What about the period before my birth?

If nonexistence is so bad, shouldn't I be upset by the eternity of nonexistence before I was born? But that's silly, right? Nobody is upset about that. So, he concludes, it doesn't make any sense to be upset about the eternity of nonexistence after you die, either.

It's somewhat of a paradoxical question, Sigmond. I don't disagree that once dead, it actually won't matter to the person that died, because how can it matter to them, they're dead. However, when you think about it this way: if you had a choice to either die tomorrow or not, which would you choose? And what are the reasons for that choice?

I guess it's not fear of death as such, but fear of cessation of existence. If death doesn't matter, then why do we live at all, you have to ask. But then again if we topped ourselves like that, then I guess we wouldn't exist. Ah, the beauty of evolution. Explains everything!
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I'm sorry I don't understand. Please explain?

I wrote this years ago, hope it's not to long, but it is the only why I can explain it. Salvation is not doing; it is believing! It is counting what God believes to be true for you and about you, as true for you and about you. 

Our performance is not the source of our righteousness before God; the only righteousness God can recognize is our identity in Jesus Christ when it comes to mankind and mankind’s indwelling sin nature in the flesh. 

To believe that what you are doing and what you are restraining yourselves from doing is the way you are earning your righteous standing with God, you have got to put a lot of confidence in your flesh to do that; religiondumb is doing that! 

Those who are IN Jesus Christ are those who are NOT walking after the faulty assumption that their righteousness is related to their performance, that was Israel’s problem. 

Those who are IN Jesus Christ are those who place no confidence in their flesh, but understand, as Paul understood, that in their flesh dwells no good thing. The sanctification that comes by way of being placed INTO Christ - joined to Christ - is identity truth. 

A sanctified identity IN Christ comes not as a result of behavior, it comes as a result of belief! God is not looking at how well we adhere to any standard. God is not looking at our production. God is not looking at our behavior in order to view us as being in favor with him. 

What a marvelous plan God had for us! God has kept the fingerprints of the guilt-worthy off of the righteousness he designed for the guilt-worthy. God’s reconciliation to man is from God’s side only. 

God alone decided to make peace with man, while man is still very much ungodly, a sinner, and while man is an active enemy to God. This one-sided reconciliation on God’s part is self-evident proof of God’s superabundant love to man. 

As far as God is concerned, he loved man so much that he was willing to let his own son die for sinful man, and have his son pay all the penalties of their sins, forget their rebelliousness and overlook their hostility, while they were still sinners, still rebellious, and still hostile. 

God made up his mind to become completely reconciled to mankind before man made any signs of making peace with God. God has told the world through Paul’s teaching’s, that he has reconciled himself to them because of his love for them, and it was God alone who did this harmonious act; they have had nothing to do with it, all they have had to do is to receive the reconciliation that God has made with mankind. 

God has one-sidedly reconciled himself to mankind through what the death of his son accomplished; all sins and hostility are paid for as far as God is concerned. Many people involved in religion’s domain are dealing with God on the basis of probation, rather than salvation. 

Then God must make a decision in their minds, whether or not to save that individual. Their suitability for heaven depends upon their turning away from all of their sins. If they will simply dedicate themselves to no longer to sin, that is the idea. 

God testing over and over again the validity of that dedication. Then God will know if they are truly devoted to him, then he will be able to finally make a decision as to whether or not they are heaven worthy. That is the idea in and in most people’s minds; it is the idea being promoted by ministers of righteousness. 

That is probation, not salvation. God is not testing or proving people today, in order to make a final decision as to whether or not to save them, or to keep them saved. All the saving work that God could possibly do, he has already done through Christ. 

God now holds forth the reconciliation that Christ has accomplished, in his mind, offering man the choice to either accept or reject that gift of salvation. Appreciation based on the reality of salvation, not apprehension based on religion’s message of probation. 

If Satan can keep that glorious message of Paul hidden by blinding people’s eyes to the reality of reconciliation through a message that keeps sin on the table of God’s justice where that sin has already been put away. Many people are living in their minds today with probation rather than salvation. 

With Israel's earthly program being set aside, during this age of grace, no nationality enjoys special favor in the eyes of God; all must come alike to God today. God did not lift up the Gentiles, who had been without God, and put them on an equal or higher plain, than belonged to Israel. 

He concluded Israel in unbelief, as he had previously concluded the Gentiles in unbelief, both of them down on the same level, so that he might have mercy on all, and that is where it is today, according to Paul. It is man who needs to be reconciled to God, not the other way around. 

God is already reconciled to us, where our sins are concerned. It is not a sin issue, it is a son issue. What a marvelous plan Gods for us! God has kept the fingerprints of the guilt-worthy off of the righteousness he designed for the guilt-worthy. 

Understanding the grace of God is an intricate part of the joy that should really be a part of every believer’s life. The grace of God has brought peace with God, is the foundation of every believer’s joy in this age. 

Justification is a legal act, wherein God deems the sinner righteous on the basis of Christ’s righteousness. Justification is not a process, but is a one-time act, complete and definitive. 

Justification is a legal term which changes the believing sinner’s standing before God, declaring us acquitted and accepted by God, with the guilt and penalty of our sins put away forever. Christ did not die to give us a reprieve, he did not die to give us temporary relief. 

The only reason God could say through Paul, “Grace and peace be unto you“ is because his son fully paid the price. So in the midst of Paul’s troubling circumstances, he is thanking God, he is thinking what God accomplished for him through Christ.
is your name Robert Stone? at first i thought your posts were somewhat entertaining but now just annoying.
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is your name Robert Stone? at first i thought your posts were somewhat entertaining but now just annoying.

But you are wrong, this person ask a question and tried to answer it the best way I can. I told this person that I wrote this years ago and that it is long. Yes this is on my blog, but I will reason out of my blog all day long. Am I spamming my blog, no. What I said to this person in my first post was not out of line?
Everyone seems to fear death. Sometimes it's just the pain that you could suffer when dying but others are scared of the actual process and not being here anymore. This seems reasonable. So why don't I fear it? I have my theories on the death experience which involve N-N DMT as well as other neurotransmitters causing a strong time dilation for the person experiencing it. Meaning that you will go to whatever is at your core. Basically making every religion right and wrong at the same time. If however I am wrong, then there is possibly nothing at all. As if it would be like falling asleep without the dreams. So there is no need for me to fear that because there will be nothing /to/ fear. Does anybody else feel the same or similarly to me?

You cannot be anywhere but here. Everyone is here, not elsewhere, not nowhere. It's interesting how humans are 100% certain about things that are not part of their reality, like death, nothing, nowhere and elsewhere. What are you talking about? There is no such thing. There is only life, because only life can "be". The rest just is.

When you die you settle to a lesser form of existence which is the bacteria in your body and that lesser form is there waiting for something more complex to happen. No mystery to it, it happened many times before, with every birth, it will happen again after you die and your other "you" will be able to say "I am", or an equivalent of that.
You cannot be anywhere but here. Everyone is here, not elsewhere, not nowhere. It's interesting how humans are 100% certain about things that are not part of their reality, like death, nothing, nowhere and elsewhere. What are you talking about? There is no such thing. There is only life, because only life can "be". The rest just is.

When you die you settle to a lesser form of existence which is the bacteria in your body and that lesser form is there waiting for something more complex to happen. No mystery to it, it happened many times before, with every birth, it will happen again after you die and your other "you" will be able to say "I am", or an equivalent of that.

Well said, I see the imagery. There are these indestructible cells within your blood cells. So you have spilled, so to speak, these indestructible calls all over the place during your life here on earth. My point is, what if someone was able to put those indestructible cells together, it's been done once?
But you are wrong, this person ask a question and tried to answer it the best way I can. I told this person that I wrote this years ago and that it is long. Yes this is on my blog, but I will reason out of my blog all day long. Am I spamming my blog, no. What I said to this person in my first post was not out of line?
you copied the whole post from various blogs/websites and the majority of your posts mention Paul. it gets old quick..
I came very close to death two months ago for the 4th time in the past 5 years. By "close" I mean, I had to be revived with adrenaline, rehydration, blood transfusion, and beta blockers to regulate my heart. I had my last will and testament done and everything.

I don't know what death is, other than absence. It's so obvious to me that "this" (referring to this body, this person, this mind, this time) is not what I am. I don't know what I really am, if anything, but it's not this.

And all stories and narratives are bullshit. There isn't one story that sticks because it all involves mental attachment.

Fear death or don't fear death, it doesn't matter. Like a lightbulb, a computer program, or perhaps a hologram, one day you will switch off and it will cease to matter. How you greet that will make the last moments of your holographic self more or less bearable, perhaps... but the ultimate result is what it is.

Dealing with the fear of death is about living a better life. I've delved deep into the death mysteries via religions like Buddhism, before I ever came close to death myself. My opinion now is that it's all bullshit to reassure the living. Maybe the obscure sects have some special secret knowledge or magical powers over death, I dunno. This holographic reality is capable of producing anything and I'm not able to say one way or the other what is or isn't possible.

Everything is taking place right here, in this moment. Nothing is beyond it. When death greets you, it will be just another transient moment that slips through your grasp, that you have no control over. If you debunk this then reflecting on death becomes less about resisting fear and more about witnessing the freedom of the total emptiness that is our transient existence. Realizing you have no real control over the temporal nature of reality, and that there's no real you in here making it happen, is total liberation.

What happens when you die? I dunno, what do you think is happening when you're alive? It's all a story and nothing really sticks except the fact that it's ultimately empty (storyless and substanceless). It's THIS which people fear looking at, not death. The story of control, realness, and specialness are so tenacious. Your biological body does what it does despite whatever bullshit story you're spinning. Then it begins to die and you're confronted with how it was all empty to begin with.
I don't fear death. I fear pain and lots of death involves pain unless you are lucky enough to fall asleep and never wake up.