FDA on Antibacterial Soaps


Bluelight Crew
Sep 27, 2004

This may change a few minds on how you take care of pre and post injection sanitation, guys take a look. If you are like me you are OCD about the process, just keep in mind you should always have a solid easily sanitized surface to lay your materials out on ( syringes, bottles ect ect ) alcohol swabs for the injection area the tops of multi-dose bottles and the like. I also like to keep gloves on hand my case non latex nitrile gloves, and a bleach and water mixture (1 cap per 2-3 gal) for wiping down the area before I lay things out and after lets face it a bathroom is dirty, and a few mins of wipe down prior to things can be the difference between staying in good condition and a staph infection.

"A large number of liquid soaps labeled "antibacterial" contain triclosan, an ingredient of concern to many environmental and industry groups. Animal studies have shown that triclosan may alter the way hormones work in the body. While data showing effects in animals don't always predict effects in humans, these studies are of concern to FDA as well, and warrant further investigation to better understand how they might affect humans.

In addition, laboratory studies have raised the possibility that triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Such resistance can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of medical treatments.

Moreover, recent data suggest that exposure to these active ingredients is higher than previously thought, raising concerns about the potential risks associated with their use regularly and over time."

Now I am not a person to freak but If it changes how the hormones operate... and we are monkeying around with them we may want to look into this. Any thoughts?
I urge everyone to use isopropyl alcohol to sanitize injection sites and fingers for feeling for veins.

Beyond that I have nothing to say about triclosan
always a good thing mate. Hence the explanation of the alcohol swabs... basically iso on gauze.